Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sundays with Jarvis (and Nathan and Stuart!!!!) 7/18/10

We had a special guest appearance this morning for Sundays with Jarvis. Nathan's friend Stuart joined us and we had an awesome time. Nathan will write later about the specifics since I am his Frankenstein and he is experimenting with different things. In the end though we walked FARTHER than last week (1.9 miles)! I actually listened to Nathan and slowed down to start and took two full 5 minute breaks. My vision did not fail (which it always has in the past) and Jarvis behaved BEAUTIFULLY! He did not drag but maybe twice and it was at the very end of the course. I think it is Nathan and Stuart's fault as they had me laughing pretty much the whole time. Stuart has come up with some BRILLIANT ideas to help with the walk/run/jog on race day and to keep me cool. Previously Jarvis has dragged about the last half mile of the course. I think it is the combination of the vest and the cooling pak put in my hat that has made such a monumental difference. Thanks Nathan and Stuart for another GREAT Sunday morning.

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