Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sundays with Jarvis Update

I think I should just let Trace's results speak:

2.0 mile portion of the CB&I Triathlon run course

Date Time
7/18/2010 1:20 minutes
7/25/2010 1:07 minutes
8/1/2010 57 minutes
8/8/2010 53 minutes 48 seconds

Folks, this improvement over 4 weeks is nothing short of awesome.
The great thing about this morning, other than that Trace set a new personal record, is that we took only one break. There are two interrelated components that still need to be tweaked for Trace to attack this triathlon: mitigate the impact of the heat and the timing and duration of his rests periods to minimize Jarvis's impact. I think we got the rest period nearly right today, one long 7.5 minute break at the 1.0 mile mark. Even with this long break, Trace still demolished his previous best time. His performance was awesome to say the least but particularly in light of how he looked when he rolled out of his car at 5:45, TIRED. Fitness wise, Trace is a machine, we just have to get these logistical issues worked out.

Sundays with Jarvis is going to be a bi-weekly report from now on for a couple of reasons. First, for those of you that know him well, Trace can tend to put too much emphasis on a single performance and I think context is important. Second, with the logistical issues working the way they are, I think Trace will be getting into a groove of more consistent times and less dramatic improvement.

Great Job Trace, AKA White Chocolate Smoothie and Hemp Seed Speedo Man (for those of you who do not know or belong to Villa, Trace is dawning Speedos these days)

Talk to you in a couple of weeks.


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