Friday, June 4, 2010

My First Blog

Dear Friends and Family,

As I begin training for the CB & I Triathlon in 2011, I thought that you might be interested in following my progress. For those of you that last saw me a few months ago, you will be FLOORED at my progress in just two months. It is my hope that this blog can be an inspiration to anyone with MS, any debilitating disease, or otherwise (the healthy but unwilling).

The brain is a powerful thing. We can overcome anything if we have a desire and surround ourselves with positive people. I hope you will embark on this journey with me. I also ask that you send this link out to the world so that someone somewhere may find inspiration.



  1. Trace,

    We are with you all the way. If you are ever interested in hooking up for a run or a ride, please let me know. I'm passing your link along to a good friend of mine.

    Post pictures!

