Sunday, May 8, 2011


Well, the CB&I is past us. I do want to thank EVERYONE and I do mean everyone that made this happen. This would never have been possible without each and every member of Team Inspiration. I want to especially thank my heros. Trisha, you made me strong. Lynn, well, you are my Sunshine. Jim, you are an Iron Man for a reason and are an amazing man and friend. And, enter Nathan Beedle. Dude. You have gotten up and walked, rode and swam with me for 50 of the last 52 weeks. You have done it at 5:30 am. You have done it in the rain. You have done it in freezing cold temperatures. You have done it in freezing cold rain! You gave me this challenge and like it or not that sea of yellow at Northshore Park yesterday was because of you. I did this because of you! I love you all so very much.

I will never be able to adequately thank every member of Team Inspiration and all of those involved in the event. Kimi, mark this down. I actually stopped traffic yesterday!!!! Thank you Angel and your incredible team of volunteers. The Demerets. Holy cow! If you ever need a family to back you, look them up! Eric. What can I say. I have not seen you for 30 years and you were with me all of the way yesterday. You are truly amazing. And I am not sure if I answered your question yesterday. NO. 30 years ago sitting in chemistry I did NOT think this would happen! And I am so proud of the men my super jocks have become. YOU ROCK!

Eric pointed out the saying on the sport bag given to each participant of the CB&I. “Success isn’t how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.” – author unknown. How true. How very true.

So where shall we go now? Stay tuned and find out!

Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,


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