Friday, January 28, 2011


I was reminded last night of how truly mind boggling the last 9 months have been. HOLY COW! It has ONLY been 9 months! To be completely honest with you, last April, I was just sitting around waiting to die. I was tired of having MS. Tired of the pain. Scared to death of going to the mall to shop for Christmas presents because I dreaded not finding a handicapped parking place. I hated that the word handicapped was associated with me. (I never park in handicapped spaces anymore!) My goal was to be able to function long enough to see my sons get through college. WHAT A PATHETIC GOAL AND HOW LIMITING!

Then, my heroes were put in my life and my goals changed. At first, my goal changed only for me. I would get healthier. Then Team Inspiration was formed as one by one people began supporting and encouraging me. They told me that if I could do a triathlon, then so could they and that they would do it WITH me. High school students, doctors, lawyers, engineers and a myriad of others. Folks of all ages and backgrounds, now numbering over 50, registered to do the CB&I with me. With each person, my strength and I think theirs grew. It is amazing when a high school super jock calls and wants to train with you. It is amazing when they wear their team t-shirts to school and pass out hundreds of Team Inspiration wristbands. It is amazing to see how excited they are to be a part of this. The power of this amazing group of people has exploded and now reaches out and touches so many. I am so thrilled that a goal simply for me has become one to help many. We get a steady stream of emails and thanks from those who this blog has touched.

This started with a baby step, and not a very strong one at that. It grew through the power of positive thinking and Faith. It grew with an attitude of I CAN.

It does not matter if your first baby step is a weak one. Mine certainly was. JUST TAKE IT. PLEASE! Know that Team Inspiration is here for YOU. Let us know how we can encourage you to take that step. Let us celebrate with you when you take it and encourage you to take another one. Our strength grows exponentially every time we hear that our message helps someone. Oh. And make your goals POSITIVE!!! When I did, my life changed!

Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,


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