Friday, October 22, 2010


I have talked with so many folks lately who have told me that a friend, relative or acquaintance has MS. Today’s blog applies to those folks or anyone afflicted with any condition or situation in life that prevents them from living a happy and healthy life.

Taking charge of, or OWNING, your existence is your privilege. You can own your health. You can own your situation. You can own your happiness. The cost? Making your mind realize that you can conquer your challenges and being patient and mastering patience. I am still working on the patience part. If you believe that you can make yourself healthy or happy, then you can. But do not expect it to happen over night. Be patient. See what Blessings come your way and how they multiply exponentially!

Sundays with Jarvis has been delayed a couple of weeks. That does not mean I will be sitting idle though! Tomorrow we have a 15 mile Team Inspiration Bike Ride. There is another group doing a run. Then on Sunday, Team Inspiration will be participating in the Light the Night Walk in the Woodlands. We have many exciting things going on right now. Thanks to Jason and Nutrition Central, we have a new professionally created logo! The team is growing by leaps and bounds! We will keep you posted! For now -

Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,


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