Tuesday, September 7, 2010


First and foremost – CONGRATUATIONS TO IRON MAN JIM. He competed in The Austin Olympic Triathlon in Austin yesterday. The race included a 1500 meter swim, a 40K bike ride and a 10K run. Jim came in 7th overall and 5th on his swim in his age group! We are VERY proud of you Jim. Can I pick my heroes or what?

While my performance is not as stellar as Jim’s, I continue to improve. My swim just keeps getting stronger and my walk is getting back to where it was some weeks ago. This Saturday morning, I rode my bike outside 12.5 miles. What was important about the ride (besides the fact that I did not crash) was that in the past after I ride, I have had trouble getting off of my bike and I usually have to sit for at least 5 minutes before I can do anything. THIS WEEK NOT ONLY WAS GETTING OFF OF THE BIKE NOT A PROBLEM, BUT I DID NOT HAVE TO SIT AT ALL! In fact, I immediately did an hour of weight work and swam a half of a mile. This is a result of staying with my training. It improves a little every day and my recovery time is decreasing exponentially. YOU CAN IMPROVE. JUST KEEP TRYING.

Team Inspiration is also growing quickly. I am VERY pleased to announce that team member Shanon Watson’s mother, Jennifer Watson, who owns a personal shopping and event planning service in the Woodlands (www.twperfectgift.com), is going to be taking over various aspects to maximize the benefits our team has for MS. The idea is that we will try to raise money for team equipment including sweatshirts for winter training, gym bags, triathlon suits and uniforms, etc. Any money that is raised that is not used for team equipment will then be donated to the MS Society. Nathan and Trisha are setting Team Inspiration up as a charitable organization. What started with a few people helping me is going to help a great many. I am very pleased with and proud of everyone who has joined me on this exciting and rewarding journey.

Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,


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