Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy LABOR Day!

Ever since we started this blog last May, we have repeatedly talked about the importance of taking baby steps. Who cares how long it takes you to become more active to a point where you can definitely notice the difference? I am not likely to ever compete with the uber athletes that support me. Nor am I trying to. I am competing with one person…ME! Every day is a little better and for someone who is terminally impatient, I have learned to take one day at a time and enjoy every little success. I have also learned the importance of realizing my limits. Remember when we started this how I told you that I could barely ride a bike for a mile? Remember when I rode for about 10 miles that first time, my neighbors had to come to my driveway and pull the bike out from under me? Remember how after each ride I usually went right to the floor when I finally got into my house and had to drag myself around my house on my butt because I had a hard time standing? Yet, there was a silver lining to that. My floors were polished and clean!

The point of this you ask? Well, I am pleased to report that I have been keeping a log of my bike riding on the stationary bike and now the bike trainer in preparation for riding the MS 150 in April of 2012 with Team Inspiration Texas. Since 7/23/11, I have been able to log an amazing number of miles - 850!!!!!!! Now I am not bright enough to appreciate the significance of that, so I looked it up. By riding 850 miles, I rode my bike to St. Louis, Missouri! I can understand THAT. I constantly remind myself that I would not be here without adding a small distance to each successive attempt and finally I have learned that there are times that I just should not push myself any further. I am not at all bragging. It is my intense desire that people see that you can better yourself with a little bit of LABOR. Please take the first step and try!

Please remember that Team Inspiration Texas now has its own Facebook page. We invite you to “like” us and we especially encourage you to post on our wall and tell us how you have been helped by us! You do not have to have a Facebook page to do this.

Happy LABOR Day!

Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,


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