Wednesday, June 12, 2013


I was once again honored and humbled to be asked by Brooke McKinney, Tom Gonzalez’s teammate at Biogen Idec, to speak at a PEP event in San Antonio, Texas, last night. PEP stands for Patient EMPOWERMENT Program. What an awesome name! AND what a huge responsibility for the speaker! I am happy to report that when asked, EVERY person in the room became empowered when they shared their dream out loud with someone else and started their own amazing journey. And after the program, so many folks inspired me as they shared their dreams with me on the way out. What an incredible night. Mission: Empowerment. Mission SO accomplished! On the trip back home, I reflected on the incredible events of the last three years. Why have I been so crazily Blessed? The answer slapped me across the face ... hard. Because I just moved and got out of the way and let things happen. I am not saying that you should not plan for your future or plan your life. Just be prepared to go off-road, throw away the map, and re-plot your course when a phenomenal opportunity presents itself. As we have said on here: Do not regret yesterday. Learn from it. Do not over plan tomorrow. If you do either, you miss the beauty that is today. Oh. And KEEP DREAMING OUT LOUD! -Trace

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