Monday, November 21, 2011


Okay. First, get your minds out of the gutter. (You know who you are.) Don't  make me pull this blog over. Now. May we continue?

We talk a lot about warm fuzzy things here. Positivity. Validation. Things that make us feel good. The real challenge is getting there. As Trisha tells her clients when they start to complain during a workout, "It is supposed to be hard." Nothing about creating a life that is positive is easy. It is just like training for an athletic event or obtaining a degree or raising a child.  To live that kind of life is a decision that we must make and it frequently creates painful situations. For example, it is not easy distancing ourselves from people that may not be healthy for us physically or emotionally.  But as we must do in everything, we must look at how our decision will ultimately benefit us and those around us.  We must make the hard choices to create this kind of life. We must do things that are hard. Painful.

Why does it all have to be so hard you ask? It's simple.  If it were easy, we would not appreciate the good we ultimately get.  If it were easy, we would take too much for granted.  If it were easy, we would develop a sense of entitlement. If it were easy, we might miss the good altogether.  Then, we would not know how good we really have it.

So suffer through the hard things. Enjoy the pain because you know that after you endure it, you will come out on the other side a stronger person who will enjoy and appreciate the positives that you have earned. It's no different than training for a triathlon, huh?  Life is really just a race. You can win it. It's your choice. And yes, it is supposed to be hard.  It just makes the victory so much sweeter.



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