Friday, May 25, 2012


For several months, I have been under an extreme amount of pressure in nearly every aspect of my life. It would have been very easy to say “Why me?” or “Poor me”. It would have been so very easy to just give up. During my monthly MS infusions, my blood pressure has been through the roof which has caused Lynn great concern. With the help of the amazing people around me, I have gotten through it, and have remained positive, knowing that things would get better some day. Then, suddenly, things have shifted, almost miraculously. Life has suddenly gotten better, shockingly so. A friend and I discussed how this all has come about. The consensus is simple. Patience. Remember that that has been one of my worst character flaws? I have now learned that it is an incredible asset. Remember that we have also said how much better we come out on the other side of a struggle when we learn from it and deal with it with grace and dignity. I am a much better man now and have learned from past mistakes and struggles. Of course, this is not to say that challenges will not come back, perhaps even greater than in the past. But I have seen what patience does. I hope I have learned from it. Yesterday was my monthly infusion. My blood pressure was suddenly indicative of the great deal of working out that I do. It was beyond superb. It did not reflect the stress that was a part of my life as it had previously. I hope that my lessons will benefit others as well. I know that I have been truly Blessed and am very thankful for that. It is time to pay it forward in a much bigger way. Keep Dreaming Out Loud! -Trace

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