Tuesday, May 8, 2012


We have talked before about the importance of laughing. Have you laughed today? I mean the kind of laugh that fills you with joy. The kind where you are crying and thankful there is no liquid in your mouth to spew. I make a point to laugh every day. Laugh hard. Actually many times each day. Frequently, I laugh so much that people wonder whether there is something really wrong with me! For example, last weekend was Cinco de Mayo. Jim and another friend picked me up and took me for Mexican food. I had a Dos Equis. Being the slightly twisted people that we are (okay, REALLY twisted), somehow a commercial came up. “‘I do not usually drink beer, but when I do, I prefer Dos Equis.’ He is the most interesting man on earth.” Thus the Adventures of Pancho and Pedro were born. That should be good for a decade or so of laughs at least.
Coincidentally, last night my friend from high school, Lindsay, found me on Facebook. (I promise I had not been trying to hide from you Lindsay.) Just seeing her name made me laugh and talking to her on the phone was, in a word, hysterical. These are the kind of folks that we need to be around. In our last blog, we talked about the importance of surrounding yourself with amazing, positive people. Laughing goes hand in hand with that. I have been reminded so frequently recently by the many amazing people around me that laughing helps so much. Laughing makes us feel good. Laughing makes us a joy to be around. Laughing is contagious. Perhaps most importantly, laughter makes life's hurdles hurt less. It truly provides us with the armor we need to repel life’s often hurtful barbs. Not only do my friends keep me in stitches but I try to do the same. So laugh. Have fun. Make people wonder if there is something wrong with you. And, I know you will listen to the most interesting man in the world when I tell you to KEEP DREAMING OUT LOUD! -Trace


  1. My Dearest Highschool Buddy-

    First of all thank you for the shout out especially the fact that you released my age you Dos Equis drinking &^%$(*&! A true friend would sky write that information but not you. You place it on the WORLD WIDE WEB. So much for my secret and the plastic surgery I will now have to have. In all sincerity I want to say I am so proud of you! Proud of your accomplishments, proud of your determination, proud of your never ending fight, and mostly proud of the fact you can still remember I am the funniest person on earth despite the beauty I so clearly possess. I knew I ran with a good crowd in school and this just proves to me once again I was right. That gets tiring you know. It is my hopes that I get to see that smiling face soon and we can discuss my baby you fathered in highschool but have seemed to have forgotten ( Of course I am kidding ). Just know a big hug and smile waits for you when I see you along with the tab for supper. I am still a giver. Hope to hear from you soon. Love you!... BUTTERS

  2. "I'd rather laugh with the sinners than cry with the saints", but in your case I get the best of both worlds, Trace! ;-D
