Many of us make resolutions for the new year. When you make them this year, really make them count. Resolve to find a way to make a difference not only in your life, but in the lives of those around you. Also, resolve to make a difference in the lives of folks that you do not even know.
You can accept this challenge and accomplish it by starting with yourself. Resolve to create for yourself a life filled with happiness, positivity and promise for your own future. It may not be easy or painless. Resolutions are supposed to challenge us. But we come out on the other side an infinitely better and stronger person. Resolve to find a positive way to deal with and defeat the negatives that you will most assuredly encounter.
Go back to the basics that we have talked about. Take baby steps and be patient, not only with yourself, but with those around you. Not only should we dream out loud, but we should resolve out loud! Just like when we share our dreams with others, when we share our resolutions with folks, we become accountable to them. Be happy. Please be happy. And for goodness sake,
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Happy Holidays
All of us with Team Inspiration Texas want to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season. It has been an incredible year for us all and we look forward to reaching out and helping many in the coming year. May your New Year be filled with positivity and hope!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
How do you define your Identity?
So how would you answer that question? Do you identify yourself in a manner that guarantees failure? I hope not but many of us do without even thinking about it. Think about your responses to Life. Doesn't the use of "I can't" pretty much seal the deal on failure? Take a moment to think about what you call yourself then refine that with by asking God what he calls you. We all need to work on correcting our own identity so that we can be what we are designed to be.
With a new year right around the corner, commit yourself to a new you...a positive new you by removing the obstacles that prevent you from being the real you. Take time to know your true identity....think about it, pray about it and refine it.
Now I must admit that after thinking about this over the weekend I was asked "How are you?" Sadly I replied "tired". Now I rationalized it because I had completed a very long run just a couple hours earlier but do I want my identity to be "I'm tired"? Absolutely not!! I am blessed would have been a better attempt at conveying my identity to others.
Know your identity and make sure it guarantees success.
Merry Christmas!!
With a new year right around the corner, commit yourself to a new you...a positive new you by removing the obstacles that prevent you from being the real you. Take time to know your true identity....think about it, pray about it and refine it.
Now I must admit that after thinking about this over the weekend I was asked "How are you?" Sadly I replied "tired". Now I rationalized it because I had completed a very long run just a couple hours earlier but do I want my identity to be "I'm tired"? Absolutely not!! I am blessed would have been a better attempt at conveying my identity to others.
Know your identity and make sure it guarantees success.
Merry Christmas!!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
My Mom celebrated the 41st anniversary of her 39th birthday Friday. Or, as she likes to say it, 80 is the new 39. Today we threw her the first surprise birthday party that she has ever had. She epitomizes class, dignity and grace, traits that have been passed on to my incredible, beautiful sister, Kimi who, in all of her free time (he said sarcastically) organized this incredible soiree. I tried to pick one important lesson that Mom has taught me for my toast. If I shared them all, we would have been there until her 81st birthday so here is the one that I came up with.
I mean, here is a lady that since my Dad passed away over a decade ago has had her knees replaced, her shoulder done and has lost a staggering amount of weight. A year and a half ago her doctors told her that she had a cancerous spot on her arm that needed to be removed. No big deal. Then they said, oh, by the way, you have a heart condition. And, oh, by the way, you need bypass surgery. Oh, by the way, you are going to have complications which make you stay in the hospital for several months longer than planned. When she finally got home, she fell and had to get several stitches in her head. Why did she fall you ask? Because she was trying to do too much. As Nathan and Jim both observed: “How Sherer-like.”
The lesson in all of this is simple. But profound. We can exist. Or we can LIVE. When we exist, we are simply settling. When we live, WE THRIVE and life for us and for those around us is so much better. It is a choice. Choose to live.
Happy Birthday Mom!
Keep dreaming out loud!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
I want to give thanks on this special day to Nathan, Jim, Trisha, Lynn, Scott and every member of Team Inspiration Texas for the amazing life that you have given me. And to each of you that read these posts and encourage me to keep writing and keep fighting. I am very thankful for the love and support of our super jocks who made a point to come see me as soon as they got home from their respective schools. These kids continue to amaze me. I hope that you all have a wonderful holiday season and that it is filled with positivity, hope and joy. I give thanks everyday for these things, but want to shout it loud and clear today.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Okay. First, get your minds out of the gutter. (You know who you are.) Don't make me pull this blog over. Now. May we continue?
We talk a lot about warm fuzzy things here. Positivity. Validation. Things that make us feel good. The real challenge is getting there. As Trisha tells her clients when they start to complain during a workout, "It is supposed to be hard." Nothing about creating a life that is positive is easy. It is just like training for an athletic event or obtaining a degree or raising a child. To live that kind of life is a decision that we must make and it frequently creates painful situations. For example, it is not easy distancing ourselves from people that may not be healthy for us physically or emotionally. But as we must do in everything, we must look at how our decision will ultimately benefit us and those around us. We must make the hard choices to create this kind of life. We must do things that are hard. Painful.
Why does it all have to be so hard you ask? It's simple. If it were easy, we would not appreciate the good we ultimately get. If it were easy, we would take too much for granted. If it were easy, we would develop a sense of entitlement. If it were easy, we might miss the good altogether. Then, we would not know how good we really have it.
So suffer through the hard things. Enjoy the pain because you know that after you endure it, you will come out on the other side a stronger person who will enjoy and appreciate the positives that you have earned. It's no different than training for a triathlon, huh? Life is really just a race. You can win it. It's your choice. And yes, it is supposed to be hard. It just makes the victory so much sweeter.
We talk a lot about warm fuzzy things here. Positivity. Validation. Things that make us feel good. The real challenge is getting there. As Trisha tells her clients when they start to complain during a workout, "It is supposed to be hard." Nothing about creating a life that is positive is easy. It is just like training for an athletic event or obtaining a degree or raising a child. To live that kind of life is a decision that we must make and it frequently creates painful situations. For example, it is not easy distancing ourselves from people that may not be healthy for us physically or emotionally. But as we must do in everything, we must look at how our decision will ultimately benefit us and those around us. We must make the hard choices to create this kind of life. We must do things that are hard. Painful.
Why does it all have to be so hard you ask? It's simple. If it were easy, we would not appreciate the good we ultimately get. If it were easy, we would take too much for granted. If it were easy, we would develop a sense of entitlement. If it were easy, we might miss the good altogether. Then, we would not know how good we really have it.
So suffer through the hard things. Enjoy the pain because you know that after you endure it, you will come out on the other side a stronger person who will enjoy and appreciate the positives that you have earned. It's no different than training for a triathlon, huh? Life is really just a race. You can win it. It's your choice. And yes, it is supposed to be hard. It just makes the victory so much sweeter.
Friday, November 18, 2011
I am realizing more and more how important validation is to our success, whether it be personal or professional. After putting up my last post, my amazing son Preston "liked" it on Facebook. I never even knew he read my ramblings. Likewise, after most posts, I frequently get an "attaboy" email from Jim, Kimi, Mush and others. What does that do for us? The simple act of telling someone job well done. Follow me. This could be huge.
What happens is it makes our self confidence and self worth soar. Especially when it comes from someone, like my son, whose acceptance we crave, even require. It encourages us to keep working whether it be for training for a triathlon or giving it our all at work or making a relationship work. With validation, we want to work harder. To try harder.
And it is a two way street. We are more likely to encourage those who encourage us. We support those that support us. This goes back to what I keep saying about Team Inspiration Texas and all those who supported me in the triathlon. Two way validation creates a giant cloud of positive energy. It supports us when we start to get down. In turn, our energy that they have created supports others when they start to get down. Amazing isn't it?
This all requires the simple act of deciding that you WILL live that way. It applies to friends. It applies to employment situations. It applies to relationships. Perhaps the hardest thing that we will ever have to do is remove those people in our lives that don't validate us. But we must do that, as hard as that may be. If we allow a failure of validation to constantly bombard us, it only makes that cloud of positivity around us weak. Sometimes so weak that we can fall out of it. We must know that the positivity of those that support us will sustain us and keep lifting us up. We must trust that. We must know that the positivity we have created for others will support us when we need it to.
I know. I know. Easier said than done. As my dear Trisha says, life is supposed to be hard, isn't it?! Count on those around you to support you, lift you up, and VALIDATE you! And validate them. That is how life should be lived.
What happens is it makes our self confidence and self worth soar. Especially when it comes from someone, like my son, whose acceptance we crave, even require. It encourages us to keep working whether it be for training for a triathlon or giving it our all at work or making a relationship work. With validation, we want to work harder. To try harder.
And it is a two way street. We are more likely to encourage those who encourage us. We support those that support us. This goes back to what I keep saying about Team Inspiration Texas and all those who supported me in the triathlon. Two way validation creates a giant cloud of positive energy. It supports us when we start to get down. In turn, our energy that they have created supports others when they start to get down. Amazing isn't it?
This all requires the simple act of deciding that you WILL live that way. It applies to friends. It applies to employment situations. It applies to relationships. Perhaps the hardest thing that we will ever have to do is remove those people in our lives that don't validate us. But we must do that, as hard as that may be. If we allow a failure of validation to constantly bombard us, it only makes that cloud of positivity around us weak. Sometimes so weak that we can fall out of it. We must know that the positivity of those that support us will sustain us and keep lifting us up. We must trust that. We must know that the positivity we have created for others will support us when we need it to.
I know. I know. Easier said than done. As my dear Trisha says, life is supposed to be hard, isn't it?! Count on those around you to support you, lift you up, and VALIDATE you! And validate them. That is how life should be lived.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
I heard something yesterday that got me thinking. It does actually happen occasionally. It was about snowflakes. I am not sure that I remember what snowflakes are. I am in Houston, it’s November 16th and it is in the 80’s today. But I digress. Snowflakes. They are all, each and every one of them, unique. Different. Dare I say rare. There is no way that any two will be the same.
Each of us is too. There is not one tiny detail about any of us that is the same as another person. Whether talking about character flourishes or flaws, challenges or strengths, we are all very different. One falling snowflake is insignificant. You could miss seeing it as it falls slowly to the ground. Yet, if you have ever stood on the top of a mountain in Colorado and been in the middle of a beautiful, slow, steady falling snow, you would be very hard pressed to experience anything more incredible or amazing.
I thought about the similarities of Team Inspiration Texas and snow. Individually, we are insignificant. Small. If you examined any one of us, you could find our imperfections and weaknesses. And individually, we are indeed weak. But together, we are awesome. Beautiful. Like snow falling, when we are together, our individual imperfections disappear and the beauty of the entire group is striking and powerful. I am made more significant by being a mere flake in this falling snow. I may not be the strongest or most durable flake but I am privileged to be a part of the incredible beauty.
Okay. That was one of my more abstract moments. I hope that you get my point. I guess I am dreaming it was snowing!
Keep dreaming out loud!
Each of us is too. There is not one tiny detail about any of us that is the same as another person. Whether talking about character flourishes or flaws, challenges or strengths, we are all very different. One falling snowflake is insignificant. You could miss seeing it as it falls slowly to the ground. Yet, if you have ever stood on the top of a mountain in Colorado and been in the middle of a beautiful, slow, steady falling snow, you would be very hard pressed to experience anything more incredible or amazing.
I thought about the similarities of Team Inspiration Texas and snow. Individually, we are insignificant. Small. If you examined any one of us, you could find our imperfections and weaknesses. And individually, we are indeed weak. But together, we are awesome. Beautiful. Like snow falling, when we are together, our individual imperfections disappear and the beauty of the entire group is striking and powerful. I am made more significant by being a mere flake in this falling snow. I may not be the strongest or most durable flake but I am privileged to be a part of the incredible beauty.
Okay. That was one of my more abstract moments. I hope that you get my point. I guess I am dreaming it was snowing!
Keep dreaming out loud!
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Mushahid (Mush) Khan, President and COO of O'Rourke Petroleum, liked our idea of dreaming out loud so much that he asked his employees to dream out loud at their team meeting this morning. The results were astounding. One person had a dream for him and his family to get food to needy families for Thanksgiving. On the spot, the decision was made to make it happen. The company will buy the food and several employees volunteered to help with the deliveries. Another person said that his out loud dream was to "always be a positive influence in someone's life, to stay healthy and to retire and really start living on his own terms." And it goes on and on.
If there is any doubt about the positive influence that Team Inspiration Texas is having on others, there can be none now. I have never met Mush, we did not know him at the time of the triathlon, and he just started following our message.
Life is good!
If there is any doubt about the positive influence that Team Inspiration Texas is having on others, there can be none now. I have never met Mush, we did not know him at the time of the triathlon, and he just started following our message.
Life is good!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Have you ever noticed how when someone smiles at you, you can't help but to feel better? I am talking about a genuine, comes-from-the-soul warm smile. The kind that just wraps you up like a warm blanket on a cold day. It is magical the effect that kind of smile has on you. If you add laughter to the equation, the result is astounding. Conversely, when we are around people that are terminally grumpy or in a bad mood, the pall that is cast has an even greater affect on folks. It brings everyone way, way down. The other day I was having "an issue". Trying to practice what I preach, I was trying to find a way to positively deal with the situation. A friend sent me a text message that made me laugh. My mood immediately brightened. My response to my friend? LOL!!! Then it hit me. I just got a smile and laugh through a text message. A real, heart-warming smile. We have talked about this before. Our attitude has the ability to profoundly affect everyone around us, whether in person or through as basic a form of communication as a text or an email. That, in turn, affects everyone around them and so on and so on.
So, since smiling and laughter are good and because they are contagious, your simple smile today can have the effect of brightening someone’s day half way across the world in a month or more. Wild, isn’t it?
Let's start an epidemic. Don't worry. The flushed face, feeling of giddiness and uncontrollable feelings of joy are a good thing. And it is contagious.
So, since smiling and laughter are good and because they are contagious, your simple smile today can have the effect of brightening someone’s day half way across the world in a month or more. Wild, isn’t it?
Let's start an epidemic. Don't worry. The flushed face, feeling of giddiness and uncontrollable feelings of joy are a good thing. And it is contagious.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
A friend and I were chatting the other day and he made a comment, the importance of which I did not realize at the time. He said "I was just dreaming out loud." The true meaning escaped me because, at the time, we were just being silly. "I was just dreaming out loud." What a marvelous concept. Dreaming out loud Is a good thing in so many ways. You see, it allows others to know and share in and encourage your dreams. For example, when I accepted the challenge to do the triathlon, I shared the dream with many. Look at the result! About 50 people did the triathlon with me, many walking with me through the finish line after completing their own races. By dreaming out loud, Team Inspiration Texas was formed. By dreaming out loud, I have been given the opportunity to speak to folks, either through this blog or in person, whose dreams might otherwise have been lost. By dreaming out loud, many have been encouraged to start their own out loud dreaming, creating an environment founded in supporting and encouraging what? DREAMS!
Out loud dreaming also keeps you accountable. To yourself and to others. When others know your dreams, you are encouraged to keep fighting for them. If I missed a day in the gym, I almost felt guilty that I was letting not only myself down, but those sharing in my dream. I became accountable to my dream. How cool is that?
So start just dreaming out loud. Ignore those who aren't able to see your dreams as you do. They'll eventually come around and hopefully start dreaming out loud themselves. See the amazing places it takes you!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best.
Out loud dreaming also keeps you accountable. To yourself and to others. When others know your dreams, you are encouraged to keep fighting for them. If I missed a day in the gym, I almost felt guilty that I was letting not only myself down, but those sharing in my dream. I became accountable to my dream. How cool is that?
So start just dreaming out loud. Ignore those who aren't able to see your dreams as you do. They'll eventually come around and hopefully start dreaming out loud themselves. See the amazing places it takes you!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Sorry that I haven't written for a while. I really haven't had anything "blog worthy" to say. That changed yesterday. My sweet sister, Kimberly, and her business partner, Spencer, invited me to The UP Experience, a seminar with "unique perspectives from unique people." It was amazing. The diverse group of people that spoke each had amazing stories to share. There was a neuroscientist, a chef, and a technology expert, to name a few. Each had an amazing uplifting message that really made you think. One speaker, Alison Levine, a business consultant , talked about she has climbed a peak on every continent and has skied across both the North and South Poles. From her talk, several things became clear and are especially poignant to our work. Fear is okay. It is complacency that will kill you. We talk a lot about how things scare us. Sitting around not fighting our challenges does us no good. In fact, it only hurts us more. Combine that with the lessons learned from Brene Brown, and a powerful observation is realized. Brene reminded us that we CAN do hard things. She told us about Emily Dickenson's view of hope which is that "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul." Hope is a function of struggle. Goals are achieved by fighting your fears through struggles. Just keep telling yourself that you have a goal, it IS reachable, and that you will get there, even if you have to Plan B it.
I am happy to report that since keeping track of my bike mileage on 7/23, I have now logged about 1400 miles on my bike. You see, I am not being complacent with my fears. I have a goal. I WILL reach it, even if I have to Plan B it! And I have great HOPE that my goals will be realized.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING, and my best,
I am happy to report that since keeping track of my bike mileage on 7/23, I have now logged about 1400 miles on my bike. You see, I am not being complacent with my fears. I have a goal. I WILL reach it, even if I have to Plan B it! And I have great HOPE that my goals will be realized.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING, and my best,
Friday, September 23, 2011
There are times when I question whether my time at the gym or on the bike is selfish. Let’s face it. I am spending a LOT of time training these days. Am I neglecting others in doing those things? Am I making them too much of a priority?
There is a HUGE difference between selfishness and SELF-PRESERVATION. Without taking care of myself, I am absolutely worthless to others. If I take care of myself, mentally, physically, spiritually, the things that I can do for others increases exponentially. For example, before I started on this great adventure, I would frequently go to bed extremely early. I really did not have the energy to engage myself in the task of reaching out to others. Now, the opposite is true. I now have a strong desire to reach out and I have the energy to do so. By getting rid of the negatives in my life and finding a way to turn necessary negatives into positives, I can focus on what is important. Helping others. That is not selfishness. That is self-preservation. Big difference.
I would write more but I have to get on the bike!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
There is a HUGE difference between selfishness and SELF-PRESERVATION. Without taking care of myself, I am absolutely worthless to others. If I take care of myself, mentally, physically, spiritually, the things that I can do for others increases exponentially. For example, before I started on this great adventure, I would frequently go to bed extremely early. I really did not have the energy to engage myself in the task of reaching out to others. Now, the opposite is true. I now have a strong desire to reach out and I have the energy to do so. By getting rid of the negatives in my life and finding a way to turn necessary negatives into positives, I can focus on what is important. Helping others. That is not selfishness. That is self-preservation. Big difference.
I would write more but I have to get on the bike!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Never when I started this great adventure did I have a clue that Team Inspiration would reach out to so many, especially our youth. Last year, I was invited to speak to a group of young leaders at a local high school. This morning, the Blessing continued as I was invited to speak to a group of high school students training for triathlons with Mindy Reich’s SelecTRI the Woodlands. Team Inspiration Texas has been fortunate enough to be in the position to loan three of its bikes to up and coming triathletes.
The message has been the same. First, be and remain active. We never know when we will be afflicted with any illness or disease and being active certainly helps one fight off those challenges. Second, encourage those who, like me, need the support and love of those around us to know that we CAN do anything, even in the face of adversity. Once again, seeing these great young people gives me tremendous hope for our future!
What an amazing group of young people and, like our Super Jocks, I know they will continue to not only better themselves, but better those around them. Good luck to the young triathletes of SelecTRI the Woodlands. You CAN do anything!
Please remember that Team Inspiration Texas now has its own Facebook page. We invite you to “like” us and we especially encourage you to post on our wall and tell us how you have been helped by us! You do not have to have a Facebook page to do this.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Monday, September 5, 2011
Happy LABOR Day!
Ever since we started this blog last May, we have repeatedly talked about the importance of taking baby steps. Who cares how long it takes you to become more active to a point where you can definitely notice the difference? I am not likely to ever compete with the uber athletes that support me. Nor am I trying to. I am competing with one person…ME! Every day is a little better and for someone who is terminally impatient, I have learned to take one day at a time and enjoy every little success. I have also learned the importance of realizing my limits. Remember when we started this how I told you that I could barely ride a bike for a mile? Remember when I rode for about 10 miles that first time, my neighbors had to come to my driveway and pull the bike out from under me? Remember how after each ride I usually went right to the floor when I finally got into my house and had to drag myself around my house on my butt because I had a hard time standing? Yet, there was a silver lining to that. My floors were polished and clean!
The point of this you ask? Well, I am pleased to report that I have been keeping a log of my bike riding on the stationary bike and now the bike trainer in preparation for riding the MS 150 in April of 2012 with Team Inspiration Texas. Since 7/23/11, I have been able to log an amazing number of miles - 850!!!!!!! Now I am not bright enough to appreciate the significance of that, so I looked it up. By riding 850 miles, I rode my bike to St. Louis, Missouri! I can understand THAT. I constantly remind myself that I would not be here without adding a small distance to each successive attempt and finally I have learned that there are times that I just should not push myself any further. I am not at all bragging. It is my intense desire that people see that you can better yourself with a little bit of LABOR. Please take the first step and try!
Please remember that Team Inspiration Texas now has its own Facebook page. We invite you to “like” us and we especially encourage you to post on our wall and tell us how you have been helped by us! You do not have to have a Facebook page to do this.
Happy LABOR Day!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
The point of this you ask? Well, I am pleased to report that I have been keeping a log of my bike riding on the stationary bike and now the bike trainer in preparation for riding the MS 150 in April of 2012 with Team Inspiration Texas. Since 7/23/11, I have been able to log an amazing number of miles - 850!!!!!!! Now I am not bright enough to appreciate the significance of that, so I looked it up. By riding 850 miles, I rode my bike to St. Louis, Missouri! I can understand THAT. I constantly remind myself that I would not be here without adding a small distance to each successive attempt and finally I have learned that there are times that I just should not push myself any further. I am not at all bragging. It is my intense desire that people see that you can better yourself with a little bit of LABOR. Please take the first step and try!
Please remember that Team Inspiration Texas now has its own Facebook page. We invite you to “like” us and we especially encourage you to post on our wall and tell us how you have been helped by us! You do not have to have a Facebook page to do this.
Happy LABOR Day!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Friday, August 26, 2011
I have heard from a number of folks who read my last blog. I would like to follow up on it. We cannot even imagine how many words each of us speak in a day. I am often accused of talking FAR too much so multiply whatever a normal person uses by, say, 453. All too often, all of us speak without thinking of the power of the words we use. We use words that express love or joy. We also use words that cause hurt. When we hear words that hurt, distract or disappoint, the effect they have on those we speak them to can be devastating. The point is to choose your words wisely. I'd like to use one of the words that in the motto that Team Inspiration Texas has adopted for an example. Can’t (as in "Can't never did anything"). When someone tells me that I “can’t” do something because of my MS, it sets me back. I cringe when someone uses the word “loser” or when someone, out of their own sense of insecurity or paranoia uses words that undermine another person’s happiness. It is just wrong. We should strive everyday to choose words that uplift those around us. The power of our actions is exponentially greater. Our actions should be selected just as carefully.
Like so many other things that we have talked about here, you cannot imagine how using positive words and actions with those around you will come back to benefit you.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Like so many other things that we have talked about here, you cannot imagine how using positive words and actions with those around you will come back to benefit you.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Okay. It has been a crazy summer. First of all, I got my youngest ready to move to Austin for college and the nest is now officially empty. Despite my exterior presentation of toughness and bravado, I was a bit concerned with how I might handle things after I took him to Austin and came back to an empty house. Then I realized that it was not just an empty house. It was an empty, quiet and clean house! Being the “glass half full” kind of guy that I am, rather than miss both of my sons and get upset about not seeing them every day (cleaning up after them, doing their dishes, their laundry, etc.), I look forward to their trips home. Instead of sitting around the house moping, I take the opportunity to read and to ride my stationary bike. In fact, since July 23rd of this year, I have logged over 500 miles on that bike. This, in preparation for Team Inspiration Texas’ MS 150 experience next year. The point of this rambling is to take the opportunities that are presented to you, whatever they may be, and turn them into something positive and truly good and healthy for you.
That leads me to another topic. I do not know whether it is the obscene heat so many of us are suffering through or misalignment of the planets and stars or what, but so many of the people I deeply care about around me are being dragged down by the people around them. How truly sad that is. One of the most difficult things we face is balancing the negatives in our lives, and attempting to turn them into positives or, at the very least, turning them into a negative that can be used as a learning experience but which will not bring us down. Sometimes, when dealing with a job or relationship or health issue, we can easily be overwhelmed and allow the negativity of the people around us to drag us under. We must find a way to rise above those challenges and learn from them. We must find a way to discover the positives in our challenges. Think of the row of dominoes. Push one over and the whole line goes down. The way we deal with the personal issues in our life not only affects us but, like the dominoes, can have a ripple affect that brings down everyone around us. I am not for a moment suggesting bottling up the negatives. That is equally unhealthy. What we must do is find a way to constructively deal with the negatives in a way which does not destroy ourselves or others. I know. Easier said than done. But like we have said so many times on here, the key too this is to try and to take baby steps. When someone around me is being dragged down, I remind them to smile. There is at the very least one thing in each day that we can smile about. A song. A billboard. A child's laugh. It doesn't matter what it is. Find something.
I want to remind everyone that Team Inspiration Texas now has its own Facebook page. We invite you to “like” us and we especially invite you to post on our wall and tell us how you have been helped by us!
Now that the nest is empty, you will hear from me more!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
That leads me to another topic. I do not know whether it is the obscene heat so many of us are suffering through or misalignment of the planets and stars or what, but so many of the people I deeply care about around me are being dragged down by the people around them. How truly sad that is. One of the most difficult things we face is balancing the negatives in our lives, and attempting to turn them into positives or, at the very least, turning them into a negative that can be used as a learning experience but which will not bring us down. Sometimes, when dealing with a job or relationship or health issue, we can easily be overwhelmed and allow the negativity of the people around us to drag us under. We must find a way to rise above those challenges and learn from them. We must find a way to discover the positives in our challenges. Think of the row of dominoes. Push one over and the whole line goes down. The way we deal with the personal issues in our life not only affects us but, like the dominoes, can have a ripple affect that brings down everyone around us. I am not for a moment suggesting bottling up the negatives. That is equally unhealthy. What we must do is find a way to constructively deal with the negatives in a way which does not destroy ourselves or others. I know. Easier said than done. But like we have said so many times on here, the key too this is to try and to take baby steps. When someone around me is being dragged down, I remind them to smile. There is at the very least one thing in each day that we can smile about. A song. A billboard. A child's laugh. It doesn't matter what it is. Find something.
I want to remind everyone that Team Inspiration Texas now has its own Facebook page. We invite you to “like” us and we especially invite you to post on our wall and tell us how you have been helped by us!
Now that the nest is empty, you will hear from me more!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Sunday, July 10, 2011
I am so proud of the fine, selfless young men our super jocks are becoming. They all have amazing plans now that high school is over and I have to hope that their experience with Team Inspiration Texas has benefited them. One of our young men, Brandon Loughridge, is leaving Friday for Saipan, an island off the coast of China. He will spend a year as a mentor for kids, doing missionary work and teaching golf. What an amazing adventure he will be going on! I have truly been Blessed to have these young men in my life. Good luck and have fun on your incredible adventure Brandon and we look forward to your homecoming!!!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
For the past year, you have listened to our ramblings without having a mechanism to tell us about you. Well, that has now changed. Team Inspiration Texas now has a Facebook URL which will allow folks with and without Facebook pages to write something on the Wall. We would love to hear YOUR story! Team Inspiration Texas is about encouraging folks with AND without MS, so please feel free to write away regardless of your condition!!! You never know how something that YOU say may reach someone else. To write your story, simple log onto I hope that you will share with us and that it will, in turn, reach someone else!!!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Friday, July 8, 2011
Your Legacy
We have all heard a message or at least pondered the thought of what is our legacy? At no time does this become more present than at a funeral which is where I found myself this week. This "Celebration of Life" was a bit different for me because I did not know the man personally but his wife is an avid marathoner and an active member of The Woodlands and Conroe tri groups so I have known her for years.
I think what caught my attention most was when the pastor said "What would you say at your funeral?" Think about that for a minute..... He went on to answer for the Doug (the deceased) with no doubt by saying that he would stand before us and proclaim he was a blessed man. Can each of us say the same?
As the service went on proclaiming the multi facets off his life, I thought about what I believe everyone does at some point in a funeral and that is who would be there for you? Then I brought it into the present and asked myself a better question and that is who have you been there for?
It should not take a funeral to get each of us to spend time thinking about how we can have a positive impact on others. Let's not waste the opportunity that we are each given. Life has unforeseeable and unpredictable events in it. Let's make sure we use what we have been given.
Have a great day and thank you Doug for the reminder!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
It is with tremendous pride that I announce that Team Inspiration Texas now has its own Facebook page! Thanks to Brooklyn Bowman, we will now reach even more folks with the great hope that they will be inspired as I have. We have big plans for the MS 150 next year and our page will help attract sponsors who will work with us to inspire so many with MS and other challenges. I am overwhelmed and extremely humbled by the encouragement and support the Team has gotten since the CB&I. And I am honored that we can do things like share the super jock’s bikes with our area’s youth training to become triathletes. It amazes me that every time I turn around it seems that someone else has heard of the great work of Team Inspiration Texas and wants to become involved. Thank you all for allowing me to be a part of this amazing group!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Just better to give

Mindy Reich of SelecTri here in The Woodlands is training kids of all ages to be more physically fit and to compete in triathlons. Recently she sent out a request to see if there were some bikes in the community that some kids could use to experience biking before investing in a bunch of equipment. I was fortunate to be on that list of people she reached out to because Mindy's daughter introduced my daughter to swimming many years ago and I have also suffered through many of Mindy's spin classes at the YMCA which by the way I would recommend to anyone. The timing was perfect and TI-TX has some bikes that are available.
Well last night I was able to deliver one of the bikes to Nicholas Minnery here in The Woodlands. I know from his words along with the gratitude expressed by his mom Cheri and his dad Greg that it was just a blessing waiting to happen. No doubt that this bike is positively impacting Nicholas and his family but think about how many others will hear about this experience and Team Inspiration Texas from these wonderful people. You never know...the spark in his eyes means something big! Time will tell the whole story but for now it is such a thrill to be able to give this young man something that enables him to grow more into what he was designed to be.
I think Nicholas' dad expressed it best when he said "maybe we should ride in the MS150 next year to give back". Now isn't that the true spirit of giving and receiving? The gratitude and understanding that the best part is giving or in this case receiving is finding a way to give back to others. Thanks to everyone who has helped make experiences like this possible.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Next Year
Have you ever said to yourself maybe next year? Sure you have but how often do you follow through and make it happen next year? A year is a long time and a lot can happen...both good and bad. Well if we want to be successful, we need to focus on the positive side of things and put the effort into making it happen.
Some time has passed since the MS 150 bike ride from Houston to Austin back in April but there are a few things that came out of it that we need to share with our followers. This is such a tremendous two day event for a great cause and anyone that has participated in it seems to catch the significant emotional high regardless of the temporary physical pain and suffering. The feeling of "being a part of it" is what has caught out attention and Team Inspiration Texas would like to be able to share that with those that have MS.
Our plan for "Next Year" is to include people with MS in the MS 150 by chartering a bus and taking them to LaGrange which is the midway overnight location and on to the finish line in Austin so that they can personally experience the event in ways that cannot be described. Just imagine actually being a part of one of the largest bike rides in the country that is centered around finding a cure!
Sure there are lots of things that need to be done in order to make this happen and there are tons of questions. But don't you want to be a part of it?
Here is what we know for sure: next year there is going to be an MS 150 and Team Inspiration Texas is going to be a part of it!! Join us on the ride or on the bus but don't miss this opportunity of a lifetime to be a part of this significant event.
Friday, June 10, 2011
A friend of mine found 5 years ago that she had a very bad brain tumor, known as a glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Kelly named the little booger Timmy. We take great comfort in naming the parts of our bodies that cause us trouble. Try it! It is easier to disassociate yourself from the problem children that way.
Kelly, like me, focuses on the positives and not the negatives. She had a very dangerous brain surgery and, as I would have expected of her, she beat it. She is a physician and for the last 5 years Timmy has been silent. Apparently Timmy was upset that he was not invited to the 5 year celebration of Kelly being Timmy-free, so he showed up again last week. Kelly will have surgery this Monday.
What I love about Kelly is that she sees the positives in everything. I am attaching her CaringBridge post from today so you can see:
Okay, for those of you that know me, the first time around I learned to find positives about everything…….and yes, I mean EVERYTHING. In fact, I like this so much that I always have my patients going through something difficult to find the positives.
So I woke up 2 nights ago and my mind wouldn't sleep and randomly felt like making a humorous “Top 10 List” of the positives. So here we go!
10. Bye-bye weight watchers!
9. No more resident schedule review!! (my colleagues get this one)
8. Good thing I had already asked to be off work on June 13th
7. UT Houston MD Anderson does not use that horrible burnt orange....that color always makes me a little nauseous
6. Casual clothes, here I come!
5. I can use the f-bomb anytime I feel like it, including in cognitive testing when asked to list all the words I could think of that started with an "F"
4. I actually made a doctor have to document the f-bomb in my chart!
3. I can finally get that painful screw in my head moved!
2. I get a free haircut on Monday
1. I can get anyone, to do anything, any time I want! :-)
I share this with you so that you see that the power of positive thought is real. If we keep our eyes on things that are positive, we can beat anything!
Timmy, sorry to tell you but, like Jarvis, you cannot play with us. See ya.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Kelly, like me, focuses on the positives and not the negatives. She had a very dangerous brain surgery and, as I would have expected of her, she beat it. She is a physician and for the last 5 years Timmy has been silent. Apparently Timmy was upset that he was not invited to the 5 year celebration of Kelly being Timmy-free, so he showed up again last week. Kelly will have surgery this Monday.
What I love about Kelly is that she sees the positives in everything. I am attaching her CaringBridge post from today so you can see:
Okay, for those of you that know me, the first time around I learned to find positives about everything…….and yes, I mean EVERYTHING. In fact, I like this so much that I always have my patients going through something difficult to find the positives.
So I woke up 2 nights ago and my mind wouldn't sleep and randomly felt like making a humorous “Top 10 List” of the positives. So here we go!
10. Bye-bye weight watchers!
9. No more resident schedule review!! (my colleagues get this one)
8. Good thing I had already asked to be off work on June 13th
7. UT Houston MD Anderson does not use that horrible burnt orange....that color always makes me a little nauseous
6. Casual clothes, here I come!
5. I can use the f-bomb anytime I feel like it, including in cognitive testing when asked to list all the words I could think of that started with an "F"
4. I actually made a doctor have to document the f-bomb in my chart!
3. I can finally get that painful screw in my head moved!
2. I get a free haircut on Monday
1. I can get anyone, to do anything, any time I want! :-)
I share this with you so that you see that the power of positive thought is real. If we keep our eyes on things that are positive, we can beat anything!
Timmy, sorry to tell you but, like Jarvis, you cannot play with us. See ya.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
My youngest graduated high school yesterday. (Congratulations Preston. You did it!) Many have asked, with both of my sons gone soon, how I will handle the empty nest. I have thought about that a great deal. I can sit around the nest. Or I can FLY! Flying sounds like so much more fun. The point is to make the most of your time alone. Do not dwell in sadness or loneliness. If you fly you will be floored by the birds you will meet!
Congrats also to our superjocks and supporters who graduate this week. We are so proud of you and the hope that you give our future.
Speaking off flying, we will soon announce where Team Inspiration is "flying" next. Stay tuned.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Congrats also to our superjocks and supporters who graduate this week. We are so proud of you and the hope that you give our future.
Speaking off flying, we will soon announce where Team Inspiration is "flying" next. Stay tuned.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Friday, May 13, 2011
One of my mantras in the past has been “Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying ‘I will try again tomorrow.’” While I was still on the run/walk/crawl/carry me course at the CB&I Triathlon last Saturday, it was announced that I received the Dr. Phelan Courage Award. What a tremendous honor. I have always said that I am just a weak man made strong and courageous by the amazing people around me. I believe that more than ever now given the Herculean efforts of Team Inspiration and every volunteer and person involved with the CB&I who helped me to achieve my goals. They all gave me the courage to finish when it would have been very easy to say enough.
Courage can be encouraged, even created, by anyone who helps another. Isn’t that how we should all live? Give the people around you courage. You might be surprised at the courage that is in turn imparted to you.
Thank you again to everyone involved in one of the best days of my life.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
From a mom's perspective...
While many were excited about last Saturday being ‘Kentucky Derby’ day, I witnessed a bunch of “thoroughbreds” participate in the CB&I triathlon. Team Inspiration were all winners in my book. Young and old trained for this event for months, even years, and all were champions when they crossed the finish line.
But the most memorable moment for me was to find myself in the midst of a group of people that were so filled with genuine and unwavering support for my son, Trace Sherer.
The authentic, positive, encouraging, and awesome attitudes from his teammates, no doubt, helped him to achieve his goal to cross that finish line on Saturday. I’m so very proud of him for having risen to the challenge, but I am equally proud of each of you for helping him on his journey.
My love and appreciation to you all for making this such a special day…
Barbara Sherer (Trace’s proud mom)
But the most memorable moment for me was to find myself in the midst of a group of people that were so filled with genuine and unwavering support for my son, Trace Sherer.
The authentic, positive, encouraging, and awesome attitudes from his teammates, no doubt, helped him to achieve his goal to cross that finish line on Saturday. I’m so very proud of him for having risen to the challenge, but I am equally proud of each of you for helping him on his journey.
My love and appreciation to you all for making this such a special day…
Barbara Sherer (Trace’s proud mom)
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Well, the CB&I is past us. I do want to thank EVERYONE and I do mean everyone that made this happen. This would never have been possible without each and every member of Team Inspiration. I want to especially thank my heros. Trisha, you made me strong. Lynn, well, you are my Sunshine. Jim, you are an Iron Man for a reason and are an amazing man and friend. And, enter Nathan Beedle. Dude. You have gotten up and walked, rode and swam with me for 50 of the last 52 weeks. You have done it at 5:30 am. You have done it in the rain. You have done it in freezing cold temperatures. You have done it in freezing cold rain! You gave me this challenge and like it or not that sea of yellow at Northshore Park yesterday was because of you. I did this because of you! I love you all so very much.
I will never be able to adequately thank every member of Team Inspiration and all of those involved in the event. Kimi, mark this down. I actually stopped traffic yesterday!!!! Thank you Angel and your incredible team of volunteers. The Demerets. Holy cow! If you ever need a family to back you, look them up! Eric. What can I say. I have not seen you for 30 years and you were with me all of the way yesterday. You are truly amazing. And I am not sure if I answered your question yesterday. NO. 30 years ago sitting in chemistry I did NOT think this would happen! And I am so proud of the men my super jocks have become. YOU ROCK!
Eric pointed out the saying on the sport bag given to each participant of the CB&I. “Success isn’t how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.” – author unknown. How true. How very true.
So where shall we go now? Stay tuned and find out!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
I will never be able to adequately thank every member of Team Inspiration and all of those involved in the event. Kimi, mark this down. I actually stopped traffic yesterday!!!! Thank you Angel and your incredible team of volunteers. The Demerets. Holy cow! If you ever need a family to back you, look them up! Eric. What can I say. I have not seen you for 30 years and you were with me all of the way yesterday. You are truly amazing. And I am not sure if I answered your question yesterday. NO. 30 years ago sitting in chemistry I did NOT think this would happen! And I am so proud of the men my super jocks have become. YOU ROCK!
Eric pointed out the saying on the sport bag given to each participant of the CB&I. “Success isn’t how far you got, but the distance you traveled from where you started.” – author unknown. How true. How very true.
So where shall we go now? Stay tuned and find out!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Enter Trace Sherer, triathlete!
For those of you following the blog and have not heard the news, Trace completed his first triathlon yesterday! The man was amazing yesterday and I am almost afraid to say it but he is moving into the legend category with his exploits.
I am sure that the many people that walked with Trace for the last 3.1 miles yesterday would share the opinion that a greater show of heart and determination to finish something has rarely been seen with our own eyes.
I know that Trace will thank everyone soon but I want to express my thanks to everyone for all the support provided from yesterday to the very early beginnings of Trace's athletic career.
Particularly yesterday, Ana Demaret found Trace and I on the bike leg at around mile 12. I don't think we would have been able to continue as strongly without her help, encourage, and care. And the full Demaret family on the walk was greatly helpful!
Of course Lynn and Jim were the steel support around Trace from the beginning and throughout the 3.1 mile walk, both amazing people and great friends.
Ms. Lee, sorry I am not best with first names, you were amazing yesterday with all your support for everything thing that Trace needed yesterday. It was a pleasure meeting you and you helped soooooo much, we thank you.
The volunteers!!!!! We would not have made it without them! Race officials, keeping portions of the course open was so amazing.
There are so many more folks your efforts are so appreciated and will be remembered by me forever.
To those who finished your first triathlon yesterday, congratulations! When is the next one?
Again thank you all.
I am sure that the many people that walked with Trace for the last 3.1 miles yesterday would share the opinion that a greater show of heart and determination to finish something has rarely been seen with our own eyes.
I know that Trace will thank everyone soon but I want to express my thanks to everyone for all the support provided from yesterday to the very early beginnings of Trace's athletic career.
Particularly yesterday, Ana Demaret found Trace and I on the bike leg at around mile 12. I don't think we would have been able to continue as strongly without her help, encourage, and care. And the full Demaret family on the walk was greatly helpful!
Of course Lynn and Jim were the steel support around Trace from the beginning and throughout the 3.1 mile walk, both amazing people and great friends.
Ms. Lee, sorry I am not best with first names, you were amazing yesterday with all your support for everything thing that Trace needed yesterday. It was a pleasure meeting you and you helped soooooo much, we thank you.
The volunteers!!!!! We would not have made it without them! Race officials, keeping portions of the course open was so amazing.
There are so many more folks your efforts are so appreciated and will be remembered by me forever.
To those who finished your first triathlon yesterday, congratulations! When is the next one?
Again thank you all.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
What inspires YOU?
Yesterday, I met 56 year old Chris Arthey who lost his leg in a motor cycle accident less than two years ago. Chris and I have a great deal in common. The CB&I will be the first triathlon for both of us. Nathan and I have seen Chris either riding his bike or running every Sunday for a while when we are out on our ride or walk. Since the first time that I saw Chris, I have said that if he could work that hard then so could I. When I met Chris yesterday, I told him that. He smiled and said "That is funny. When I see you struggling with the walk and your walking sticks every week, I say the same thing to myself!"
The lesson boys and girls is that we never know when our actions, thoughts or deeds might inspire someone to keep trying to do something that is spectacular. So make everything you do inspiring!
If you would like to see my amazing new friend check out
Good luck, KEEP TRYING, and my best,
The lesson boys and girls is that we never know when our actions, thoughts or deeds might inspire someone to keep trying to do something that is spectacular. So make everything you do inspiring!
If you would like to see my amazing new friend check out
Good luck, KEEP TRYING, and my best,
Saturday, April 30, 2011
It is absolutely mind boggling that the CB&I triathlon is one week away. It is further unbelievable that it has been a year since I accepted Nathan’s challenge to do this. It is also unfathomable to contemplate the amazing things that have been done by Team Inspiration Texas or the number of folks that we have touched. I want to sincerely thank every person that has been with me or followed me on this journey. It is because of each of you that the improvement in my quality of life has been enormous. It is unlikely that I will set any land speed records next week. I honestly don’t care what my time is. I know one thing. The only thing that is important. I WILL finish. Considering that a year ago, I was facing using a walker full time just to walk, finishing is all that I want. In fact, it is overwhelming to me. And now I am bib number 382!!! WOW!
It is my hope that we can continue to reach out and touch many and improve YOUR quality of life. This is just the beginning. See where we go next!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
It is my hope that we can continue to reach out and touch many and improve YOUR quality of life. This is just the beginning. See where we go next!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Saturday, April 9, 2011
We have talked about how much I hate the word can’t. Last week, I found another word that shall from this moment forward cease to exist. That word (cover the kids’ ears) is the word doubt. Thanks to Jim, I attended my first open water swim with Coach Dana Lyons and the uber athletes of Finish Strong Racing. These amazing men and women have completed more Iron Man races and other major athletic events than years I have been alive. I could not figure out why I was nervous on the way to the Lake. I mean, I have been swimming in rivers and lakes my entire life. Maybe it was stuffing myself into a wetsuit for the first time in my life. Maybe it was not wanting to completely embarrass myself in front of men and women who would laugh at the pathetic third of a mile I would swim. (They didn’t.) I don’t know what it was, but the second I started swimming, that ugly thing called doubt crept into my brain. It is the same word that appeared after the Light the Night Walk and after my first couple of bike outings where team members had to bring cars to pick me up on the side of the road. Let’s just say my swim that day was UGLY. That is being kind. Jim was in a kayak next to me and kept calmly telling me to relax. Difficult when you cannot see or breathe! Okay. My first open water swim is now out of the way. Maybe simply for comic relief, but Dana has been gracious enough to allow me to attend the weekly open water swims through the CB&I. Now that I have erased the word doubt from my vocabulary, my future swims promise to be most enjoyable. Thank you Jim, Dana and Finish Strong Racing for the encouragement and support!
Get rid of the words can’t and doubt from your vocabulary. They only slow you down!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
As I suspected, last night's open water swim was AWESOME! It is so important to try the unknown before it matters! Bring on the swim!
Get rid of the words can’t and doubt from your vocabulary. They only slow you down!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
As I suspected, last night's open water swim was AWESOME! It is so important to try the unknown before it matters! Bring on the swim!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
The people around ME
I want to follow up on Jim’s last blog and tell you how important YOU are to those of us with MS or other challenges. I wish that everyone had folks like Nathan, Jim, Trisha, Lynn and every member of Team Inspiration supporting them. They have truly been the key to my progress. Nathan has walked with me as early as 5 am for a year. He has studied how the MS affects me and takes great care in preventing me from doing things that are stupid and which will ultimately affect my success, even when I am not smart enough to catch myself. Jim has encouraged me more than I can ever explain, never touting his own major athletic accomplishments, but rather focusing on mine. He has shared his great wisdom with me on so many levels. Trisha has made me stronger than I ever thought possible. Lynn shares our story with others, creating positive energy that is truly monumental. In less than a year, these people have become my best friends and it feels like I have known them all of my life. All of this and every member of Team Inspiration provides me with the positive reinforcement absolutely required for success. Selflessness is the first word that comes to mind when I think of any person on this team.
The CB&I is now only a month away. I am constantly reminded of some extremely critical factors. First, Nathan gave me a year to get ready for this. If I had decided to do this triathlon a month or two from when he gave me this challenge, I would certainly have set myself up for failure. When we fail, we are likely to not keep trying or try again. I have learned patience. Great patience. They have reminded me how important each baby step has been in getting me where I am. My entire team has kept me positive. They force me not to dwell on a weak performance, but rather to focus on the improvement. I made a comment to one of my teammates recently about how I did not want the event to be closed down when I cross the finish line like what happened during the Light the Night Walk. He told me that the only important thing in what I had just said was “when I cross the finish line.” How true. I thank each and every person on Team Inspiration for taking this journey with me. It is an amazing ride. And it will just be the first of many, many adventures to come. We will wait until after the CB&I to unveil the next one but rest assured there will be more. We are just starting.
The point of this is to orchestrate your own success by surrounding yourself with folks that are positive, supportive and encouraging. You CAN do this. Remember – CAN’T NEVER DID ANYTHING!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
The CB&I is now only a month away. I am constantly reminded of some extremely critical factors. First, Nathan gave me a year to get ready for this. If I had decided to do this triathlon a month or two from when he gave me this challenge, I would certainly have set myself up for failure. When we fail, we are likely to not keep trying or try again. I have learned patience. Great patience. They have reminded me how important each baby step has been in getting me where I am. My entire team has kept me positive. They force me not to dwell on a weak performance, but rather to focus on the improvement. I made a comment to one of my teammates recently about how I did not want the event to be closed down when I cross the finish line like what happened during the Light the Night Walk. He told me that the only important thing in what I had just said was “when I cross the finish line.” How true. I thank each and every person on Team Inspiration for taking this journey with me. It is an amazing ride. And it will just be the first of many, many adventures to come. We will wait until after the CB&I to unveil the next one but rest assured there will be more. We are just starting.
The point of this is to orchestrate your own success by surrounding yourself with folks that are positive, supportive and encouraging. You CAN do this. Remember – CAN’T NEVER DID ANYTHING!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
The People Around Them

Now Trace is a veteran at this so he is somewhat unfazed by the process at least on the outside. It amazed me that everyone that came in for a treatment seemed to be more concerned about others. Trace kept making sure I was "OK" and a mother of two very young kids was very concerned about her father's ability to entertain the boys while she was detained. She made a simple but profound statement: "I just want to be there for my boys". What a reasonable request! Wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to assure her that opportunity?
For me the real eye opener was the waiting period after the infusion. For these people it is a time of worry and filled with fear of how there body is going to react. We all have enough fears in life. Can you imagine adding another one?
As I walked out I realized that these people that I crossed paths with are all doing everything they can to manage and improve their situation in life. I'm not so sure that people without these kind of heath issues (my self included) can openly state that they are doing everything they can to help themselves and others. My message is for those that do not have MS to get up and do more. Take better care of yourself and the ones around you. Most of all if you can find a way to assist someone with MS, I encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and do all that you can for them.
Team Inspiration Texas strives to encourage, empower and ignite individuals with diagnosed neurological challenges and the people around them to lead more active, fulfilling, and healthy lives.
Friday, March 25, 2011
My triathlon coach, Michelle, has a gentleman on her team who about a month ago had a tragic cycling accident that currently has him paralyzed from his mid-section down. As you can imagine, this has been and will continue to be very challenging for him as well as for his wife and two young children. This event gave me great pause. I know what my diagnosis did to my sons. I also know that my boys gave me the biggest reason not to quit fighting and to do whatever it took to create as normal a life as I could for them given my “limitations.”
What I have been fighting for for about the last year has not been about beating everyone else in the triathlon or even getting a great time. It has been about my quality of life. I had my infusion yesterday and Lynn told me about a patient that may never be able to complete a triathlon or 5K or any athletic “event” but, because she read our blog, decided that she wanted to improve her quality of life. Lynn got her a bike pedal set that simply sits in front of her chair so that she can move her legs. None of us knows what that might enable her to do in a year, two or ten. It doesn’t matter. I would bet that the simple fact that she is pedaling has already improved her quality of life and lessened the natural human response to dwell on “our problems”.
I spoke to a group of young leaders at some of our team members’ high school the other day. One of the young ladies in class said that a family member died of MS because she quit when she got the diagnosis. I guess my rambling point is that being active may not make our medical problems disappear but it most assuredly will improve our quality of life and will certainly keep us from dwelling on things that are negative. That is what is important. Not winning a race. Maybe it is not something physical or athletic. Maybe it is painting. Maybe it is singing. Find SOMETHING that prevents you from dwelling on the negative, gives you a positive attitude and improves your quality of life. Do not expect your life to continue as YOU planned. Take the life you are given and make it GREAT.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
What I have been fighting for for about the last year has not been about beating everyone else in the triathlon or even getting a great time. It has been about my quality of life. I had my infusion yesterday and Lynn told me about a patient that may never be able to complete a triathlon or 5K or any athletic “event” but, because she read our blog, decided that she wanted to improve her quality of life. Lynn got her a bike pedal set that simply sits in front of her chair so that she can move her legs. None of us knows what that might enable her to do in a year, two or ten. It doesn’t matter. I would bet that the simple fact that she is pedaling has already improved her quality of life and lessened the natural human response to dwell on “our problems”.
I spoke to a group of young leaders at some of our team members’ high school the other day. One of the young ladies in class said that a family member died of MS because she quit when she got the diagnosis. I guess my rambling point is that being active may not make our medical problems disappear but it most assuredly will improve our quality of life and will certainly keep us from dwelling on things that are negative. That is what is important. Not winning a race. Maybe it is not something physical or athletic. Maybe it is painting. Maybe it is singing. Find SOMETHING that prevents you from dwelling on the negative, gives you a positive attitude and improves your quality of life. Do not expect your life to continue as YOU planned. Take the life you are given and make it GREAT.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Trace (aka Trace the future triathlete)
Friday, March 18, 2011
It always interests me to see how folks deal with their challenges, whatever they may be. We frequently see people that handle things negatively and quickly let their challenges define who they are and ultimately defeat them. I am learning through the amazing folks around me to face them head on, look them straight in the eye and shout “You’re not the boss of me!” I know. A bit juvenile but, hey, it works.
Yesterday I had a chance to have an awesome chat with Ron Brannigan with the group Because We Can. I loved how he described his group to me. He told me that his group rides the MS 150 from Houston to Austin every year and how much he enjoys that ride. Oh. And the riders all have MS. But Ron said when starting to describe his group that they are all in denial of the fact they have MS. (Ssssshhhhh – don’t tell them.) I thought that was such an amazing way to describe how to deal with a challenge and it is certainly not a form of denial that requires enrollment in a 12 step program! (
Being a part of Team Inspiration Texas has allowed me so very many opportunities, the most rewarding of which is that every time I turn around, I discover and am surrounded by folks who positively destroy their challenges. It empowers me even more. How cool is that?! The point to all this ranting is do not let your challenges define you. YOU define them. Take them and deal with them in such a way that others will be led to defeat their challenges the same way. Why, you may ask? Because We Can!!!!!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Yesterday I had a chance to have an awesome chat with Ron Brannigan with the group Because We Can. I loved how he described his group to me. He told me that his group rides the MS 150 from Houston to Austin every year and how much he enjoys that ride. Oh. And the riders all have MS. But Ron said when starting to describe his group that they are all in denial of the fact they have MS. (Ssssshhhhh – don’t tell them.) I thought that was such an amazing way to describe how to deal with a challenge and it is certainly not a form of denial that requires enrollment in a 12 step program! (
Being a part of Team Inspiration Texas has allowed me so very many opportunities, the most rewarding of which is that every time I turn around, I discover and am surrounded by folks who positively destroy their challenges. It empowers me even more. How cool is that?! The point to all this ranting is do not let your challenges define you. YOU define them. Take them and deal with them in such a way that others will be led to defeat their challenges the same way. Why, you may ask? Because We Can!!!!!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I want to talk about recovery today. This applies to everyone, not just folks challenged with MS, although it has always been a huge issue with me. I think we are scared to extend ourselves based on our previous experiences. In the past, if I would exert myself, it would frequently take me a long time to recover so that I could function somewhat normally. It could take me several days to a week or more. Sometimes, I would have to go on IV steroids to combat the weakness and fatigue. What does that do to us? It discourages us from exerting ourselves to that level again. But what does that do? Gradually, we just get weaker and weaker because we have not engaged our muscles or our minds. We have not made ourselves “uncomfortable” or challenged our bodies. By the lack of exerting ourselves, we just get weaker and weaker so that when we do something which causes us to challenge ourselves, our needed recovery time actually increases. It is a vicious circle.
One amazing thing that has happened to me in the last 10 months has been through physically challenging myself, my recovery time has become practically non-existent. In the last week I have done a couple of things that some might say were not smart as far as exerting myself. I have on more than one occasion when leaving the gym been asked if I needed help or if I was okay. Perhaps it was the obvious limp or perhaps it was the fact that I looked like I was 3+ sheets to the wind drunk. Now in the past, it would have taken me at least a day or two to recover from this state if I was lucky. Now, I return back to normal usually in less than an hour. (Yes, there is a serious question among many as to whether I am capable of being “normal”.) So, I have added to my growing list of stupid Trace tricks fetes to amaze those around me by showing them that I am fine. Like everything that we have talked about here, this has not happened over night. Be smart about pushing or exerting yourself and know your limits. Push yourself a little every day without over doing it to the point that you actually increase your recovery time. Patience and baby steps, a recurring theme! Particularly patience. It has taken me almost a year and I still have a lot of improving to do. Ask me in 10 years or so where I am!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
One amazing thing that has happened to me in the last 10 months has been through physically challenging myself, my recovery time has become practically non-existent. In the last week I have done a couple of things that some might say were not smart as far as exerting myself. I have on more than one occasion when leaving the gym been asked if I needed help or if I was okay. Perhaps it was the obvious limp or perhaps it was the fact that I looked like I was 3+ sheets to the wind drunk. Now in the past, it would have taken me at least a day or two to recover from this state if I was lucky. Now, I return back to normal usually in less than an hour. (Yes, there is a serious question among many as to whether I am capable of being “normal”.) So, I have added to my growing list of stupid Trace tricks fetes to amaze those around me by showing them that I am fine. Like everything that we have talked about here, this has not happened over night. Be smart about pushing or exerting yourself and know your limits. Push yourself a little every day without over doing it to the point that you actually increase your recovery time. Patience and baby steps, a recurring theme! Particularly patience. It has taken me almost a year and I still have a lot of improving to do. Ask me in 10 years or so where I am!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Thursday, March 10, 2011
If you would like to join Team Inspiration Texas for the CB&I triathlon, registration is almost full. We would LOVE for you to join us! You can register at:
Peer pressure: Come on. Do it! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Peer pressure: Come on. Do it! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Today with Trace
Trace is entering into the final stages of preparation for the CB&I Triathlon. This morning Trace and I met for a bike ride and a walk.
I know it sounds like a broken record when I say this but Trace was AGAIN amazing. I had planned a 5 mile bike with a 1-1.5 mile walk.
Well we biked 10 miles with ease then proceeded on the walk straight away. Not only did we proceed on the walk, Trace went without his walking sticks, a first out on the open road in a long time. Trace was super strong today. I think we could have made the entire CB&I course today comfortably. Oh yeah, we road 10 miles and walked 1.2 miles in 1:20 minutes. Pretty awesome.
Then we went for breakfast! This man excels at everything that is put in front of him. Was a great morning.
Friday, March 4, 2011
I was approached by someone yesterday asking about the triathlon. They asked, rather incredulously, “You aren’t racing to win or even place are you?” I simply looked at them and said, “Of course I am.” They looked at me like I was crazy as many usually do.
The Light the Night walk for leukemia was just last fall. Trisha, Joe, Heidi, Anne, Terry and I met at Market Street in the Woodlands to start the short 2 mile walk. I would say several hundred people were there and the square was buzzing with excitement and noise. When I finished the walk, basically being carried by Heidi and Joe, the event had already closed down. Very few people were even in the square, the tents were already taken down and gone and the bands had packed up and left. I mean, you could hear crickets chirping! But there was a young man named Ross who excitedly congratulated me and another who decided to begin his weight loss journey, saying that he was inspired. I won.
Since this started, I have won. New, amazing friends. The formation of Team Inspiration Texas, a team that can only be described as huge and growing of people doing this triathlon with me. An opportunity to reach out and talk to others with challenges and give them hope and encouragement. The creation of a nonprofit organization that will continue this work for years to come. The excitement of knowing that the CB&I tri is the first of MANY events that I will complete. By doing, I win. PERIOD.
I may be acting a bit arrogant when I say this here and now but YES I DO PLAN TO WIN THE CB&I. It is my sincere hope that each of you win as well. The winner’s podium is as big as we need it to be. See you there!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
The Light the Night walk for leukemia was just last fall. Trisha, Joe, Heidi, Anne, Terry and I met at Market Street in the Woodlands to start the short 2 mile walk. I would say several hundred people were there and the square was buzzing with excitement and noise. When I finished the walk, basically being carried by Heidi and Joe, the event had already closed down. Very few people were even in the square, the tents were already taken down and gone and the bands had packed up and left. I mean, you could hear crickets chirping! But there was a young man named Ross who excitedly congratulated me and another who decided to begin his weight loss journey, saying that he was inspired. I won.
Since this started, I have won. New, amazing friends. The formation of Team Inspiration Texas, a team that can only be described as huge and growing of people doing this triathlon with me. An opportunity to reach out and talk to others with challenges and give them hope and encouragement. The creation of a nonprofit organization that will continue this work for years to come. The excitement of knowing that the CB&I tri is the first of MANY events that I will complete. By doing, I win. PERIOD.
I may be acting a bit arrogant when I say this here and now but YES I DO PLAN TO WIN THE CB&I. It is my sincere hope that each of you win as well. The winner’s podium is as big as we need it to be. See you there!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Monday, February 28, 2011
It is official! Team Inspiration Texas, a nonprofit organization, now has a website. Thanks to all that made this happen! The website is The picture on the top of our website is of our new logo. Team Inspiration Texas has already done some powerful things and will do so for many years to come. This blog will remain with the hope that it is inspirational and the website will be more informational.
It is my hope that this amazing group of people can continue to motivate folks like it has motivated me. Thanks to you all for your encouragement and support. I would not be where I am without each of you!
A short progress report – MY SWIMMING, BIKING AND WALKING JUST GET STRONGER AND STRONGER!!!!!!!! I will be ready for May 7th!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
It is my hope that this amazing group of people can continue to motivate folks like it has motivated me. Thanks to you all for your encouragement and support. I would not be where I am without each of you!
A short progress report – MY SWIMMING, BIKING AND WALKING JUST GET STRONGER AND STRONGER!!!!!!!! I will be ready for May 7th!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Managing Crisis
I had the privilege to attend a Men’s Retreat over the weekend and there were a couple of things that stood out in my mind and I wanted to share them with Trace and then I realized that there isn’t anything that Trace and I share that we would not also offer to others in hope that it would be beneficial to them a well.
The theme at the retreat was about “Crisis”. Sound Familiar? Fact is we are all either in crisis, just getting out of crisis or about to head into the next crisis. Not the most encouraging news but there is opportunity in each situation. Most of us have a calendar filled with planned events and its probably safe to say that none of those events are scheduled to be a crisis. Life is full of unforeseen events which put us in crisis. The hardest part of a crisis is learning how it provides us with the ability to grow. We still get to choose how and to what degree we grow from that experience but it always has the potential to make us better. I could give a number of examples from the retreat or from my own life but I am sure that anyone that reads this can fill in a crisis from their life which was not planned, extremely difficult, and left absolutely no desire to ever go there again. Yet at the same time, it is those events that make us who we are. Hopefully stronger, wiser, more caring and with a better sense of direction to name a few.
There was an interesting comment made to me that I do not want to get misinterpreted but feel there is actually great comfort in it as well. The comment was that “You can’t die until your work is done”. God clearly has a plan for each of our lives and we need to focus on fulfilling our greater purpose. While it is comforting at the same time that it is unnerving, God does not waste a crisis in our lives and he will always take care of us. Now we can all think of examples of where we think a life was called before its time and someday we can get all the answers but the greatest comfort is that we all have a purpose….each and every day!
I recall thinking last year that riding 180 miles on my bike over the weekend in the MS 150 was going to be a waste of time but it provided me with one of the greatest opportunities of my life and that is the involvement with people who have MS and those that support people with MS. I would have never got there on my own and although riding is not a crisis it shows me that I don’t always have to have all the answers but I do need to be available and willing to work within a far greater plan.
Trace and I feel the same way. The formation of Team Inspiration Texas and the impact it has had on us and others is far far greater than anything else we have accomplished. We also know that is cannot happen alone or in isolation. By coming together on this journey called life which is bound to be filled with more unscheduled moments or times of crisis, we can make a difference in the lives of others but it more importantly enables us to handle the greater transformation within ourselves.
Journey along with us and those around you. Always remember you have a significant purpose so make sure your are working it every day.
The theme at the retreat was about “Crisis”. Sound Familiar? Fact is we are all either in crisis, just getting out of crisis or about to head into the next crisis. Not the most encouraging news but there is opportunity in each situation. Most of us have a calendar filled with planned events and its probably safe to say that none of those events are scheduled to be a crisis. Life is full of unforeseen events which put us in crisis. The hardest part of a crisis is learning how it provides us with the ability to grow. We still get to choose how and to what degree we grow from that experience but it always has the potential to make us better. I could give a number of examples from the retreat or from my own life but I am sure that anyone that reads this can fill in a crisis from their life which was not planned, extremely difficult, and left absolutely no desire to ever go there again. Yet at the same time, it is those events that make us who we are. Hopefully stronger, wiser, more caring and with a better sense of direction to name a few.
There was an interesting comment made to me that I do not want to get misinterpreted but feel there is actually great comfort in it as well. The comment was that “You can’t die until your work is done”. God clearly has a plan for each of our lives and we need to focus on fulfilling our greater purpose. While it is comforting at the same time that it is unnerving, God does not waste a crisis in our lives and he will always take care of us. Now we can all think of examples of where we think a life was called before its time and someday we can get all the answers but the greatest comfort is that we all have a purpose….each and every day!
I recall thinking last year that riding 180 miles on my bike over the weekend in the MS 150 was going to be a waste of time but it provided me with one of the greatest opportunities of my life and that is the involvement with people who have MS and those that support people with MS. I would have never got there on my own and although riding is not a crisis it shows me that I don’t always have to have all the answers but I do need to be available and willing to work within a far greater plan.
Trace and I feel the same way. The formation of Team Inspiration Texas and the impact it has had on us and others is far far greater than anything else we have accomplished. We also know that is cannot happen alone or in isolation. By coming together on this journey called life which is bound to be filled with more unscheduled moments or times of crisis, we can make a difference in the lives of others but it more importantly enables us to handle the greater transformation within ourselves.
Journey along with us and those around you. Always remember you have a significant purpose so make sure your are working it every day.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Nathan and I did not walk this morning and I really missed that time. Instead, I was invited by my triathlon coach, Michelle, to go on a bike ride with the big dogs of her team, OutRival Racing. The routes ranged from 24 miles to 80 miles. Although very tempted to ride 80 miles, I wisely chose the 24 mile trip. I told Michelle that the only way that I would ride was if the rest of the team did not wait for me or give me any special attention and just let me go at my own pace. They did and I rode 24 miles with an elevation gain of about 300 feet. An elevation gain of a foot gave me a great deal of trouble a short time ago. Not today! It was a glorious day for a ride.
When we got back, I told Ana that when I started riding just a few months ago I would go 2 or 3 miles and that was all that I could tolerate. The first time I rode, I could not get off of my bike. In fact, my neighbors were walking by and noticed my obvious predicament and helped pull my bike out from under me. After that, I would stagger in the house and immediately go to the floor. Often, I would have to drag myself around the house on my butt for 2 or 3 hours until my legs came back.
I tell you this to show you that if you try just a little everyday (remember baby steps) and be patient with your progress, eventually it will pay off. I hit a payday today by being able to enjoy an amazing day on a road that I may never have seen or traveled. I can’t wait to see where I can go next but will patiently wait for that joy.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
When we got back, I told Ana that when I started riding just a few months ago I would go 2 or 3 miles and that was all that I could tolerate. The first time I rode, I could not get off of my bike. In fact, my neighbors were walking by and noticed my obvious predicament and helped pull my bike out from under me. After that, I would stagger in the house and immediately go to the floor. Often, I would have to drag myself around the house on my butt for 2 or 3 hours until my legs came back.
I tell you this to show you that if you try just a little everyday (remember baby steps) and be patient with your progress, eventually it will pay off. I hit a payday today by being able to enjoy an amazing day on a road that I may never have seen or traveled. I can’t wait to see where I can go next but will patiently wait for that joy.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Friday, February 11, 2011

Some of the now over 50 members of Team Inspiration registered to do the CB&I triathlon with me met for our first social last night. The picture above is of the folks participating in the triathlon as part of Team Inspiration who were able to attend. It was a truly awesome night. I was reminded of the incredible power that this group generates. I was also reminded that sadness, illness and despair are less conditions than they are decisions to see yourself less than you really are. These amazing people remind me everyday to see myself as I really am, to celebrate my life and health and to, as Jim recently shared, “be who I was born to be.”
I will be 48 next week. Last year my birthday present to myself was going to be to make my house more “handicap friendly.” Fortunately, I did not waste my money. This year, my birthday present to myself is triathlon equipment! I like this year’s present SO MUCH MORE!
Give yourself the gifts you deserve – positivity, health, and happiness. It’s party time!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Sunday, February 6, 2011
I need to brag on the young men and women of Team Inspiration. They have always amazed me but this weekend it became very clear to me what exceptional youth surround me and gave me great hope for our future. I know many adults that do not show the kind of maturity and compassion that these fine young people do. Heidi (who is tiny) practically carried me through the finish line at the Light the Night walk and always rides very close to me on our Saturday morning bike rides so that she can keep an eagle’s eye on me. Paco (the young man in the football photo proudly displaying his Team Inspiration wristband) called me from Colorado Friday to say that he was so sorry that he would not make spin class yesterday. I forgave him as he was in Colorado signing to play football for Air Force! (Congratulations Paco.) Reid just joined our group and has an incredible work ethic even noticed by our spin instructor yesterday. Tyler had a major knee injury September 2, 2010, which ended his Senior Year football season as quarterback, requiring him to undergo a total knee reconstruction. He texted me excitedly one day from his doctor’s office not to tell me that he would be playing football any time soon, but to let me know that his doctor had cleared him to do the triathlon with me. Thomas and James used to sit with me at home to make sure that I was okay, do chores around my house, grocery shop or do anything else that needed to be done so that I would not overdo things. They have been like sons to me. They are now sharing in the happiness of my health. And then there is Brandon. Brandon in the last couple of weeks, through shear excitement, has raised a great deal of money for our nonprofit. He has gotten friends like Patrick to join our team and to train with us. Yesterday in the middle of spin class, he turned around and told someone “Yeah. He has MS.” I do not know who he was talking to as I was busy at that point keeping my bike at 100 rpm and trying not to fall off! These young men and women have done so much for me and have encouraged and supported me and shown me compassion that is uncommon in adults, much less folks of their age. Their parents must be extremely proud of them. I sure am.
My progress has been astounding. My swimming, biking and walking are improving at an exponential rate. Sometimes, I cannot believe it myself. Fortunately, I do get occasional reminders not to get over confident or let my ego control. For example, yesterday 5 of my super jocks and two other team members went to spin class with me. I really don’t know why, but my mission was to do back to back spin classes. Maybe just to say "Because I can". Two and a half hours on a spin bike. Two of my super jocks did both classes with me. In retrospect, it was probably not smart on my part because I paid for it this morning on my walk. I thought that since I was getting so strong and improving so much, crushing my previous records this morning would be a piece of cake. Wrong! Nathan reminded me that, as my Handler, on race day if he tells me to sit down, I had better not argue with him. He has become VERY proficient at reading my face and body language and knowing what I need, even when I do not.
The lesson I was reminded of is one that I have said so many times on here. Be smart and do not overdo things. I was not discouraged this morning but disappointed in myself for not being intelligent. DO make the effort but DO NOT be stupid about it. Pace yourself, listen to your body and DO NOT OVERDO!!!!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
My progress has been astounding. My swimming, biking and walking are improving at an exponential rate. Sometimes, I cannot believe it myself. Fortunately, I do get occasional reminders not to get over confident or let my ego control. For example, yesterday 5 of my super jocks and two other team members went to spin class with me. I really don’t know why, but my mission was to do back to back spin classes. Maybe just to say "Because I can". Two and a half hours on a spin bike. Two of my super jocks did both classes with me. In retrospect, it was probably not smart on my part because I paid for it this morning on my walk. I thought that since I was getting so strong and improving so much, crushing my previous records this morning would be a piece of cake. Wrong! Nathan reminded me that, as my Handler, on race day if he tells me to sit down, I had better not argue with him. He has become VERY proficient at reading my face and body language and knowing what I need, even when I do not.
The lesson I was reminded of is one that I have said so many times on here. Be smart and do not overdo things. I was not discouraged this morning but disappointed in myself for not being intelligent. DO make the effort but DO NOT be stupid about it. Pace yourself, listen to your body and DO NOT OVERDO!!!!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Friday, January 28, 2011
I was reminded last night of how truly mind boggling the last 9 months have been. HOLY COW! It has ONLY been 9 months! To be completely honest with you, last April, I was just sitting around waiting to die. I was tired of having MS. Tired of the pain. Scared to death of going to the mall to shop for Christmas presents because I dreaded not finding a handicapped parking place. I hated that the word handicapped was associated with me. (I never park in handicapped spaces anymore!) My goal was to be able to function long enough to see my sons get through college. WHAT A PATHETIC GOAL AND HOW LIMITING!
Then, my heroes were put in my life and my goals changed. At first, my goal changed only for me. I would get healthier. Then Team Inspiration was formed as one by one people began supporting and encouraging me. They told me that if I could do a triathlon, then so could they and that they would do it WITH me. High school students, doctors, lawyers, engineers and a myriad of others. Folks of all ages and backgrounds, now numbering over 50, registered to do the CB&I with me. With each person, my strength and I think theirs grew. It is amazing when a high school super jock calls and wants to train with you. It is amazing when they wear their team t-shirts to school and pass out hundreds of Team Inspiration wristbands. It is amazing to see how excited they are to be a part of this. The power of this amazing group of people has exploded and now reaches out and touches so many. I am so thrilled that a goal simply for me has become one to help many. We get a steady stream of emails and thanks from those who this blog has touched.
This started with a baby step, and not a very strong one at that. It grew through the power of positive thinking and Faith. It grew with an attitude of I CAN.
It does not matter if your first baby step is a weak one. Mine certainly was. JUST TAKE IT. PLEASE! Know that Team Inspiration is here for YOU. Let us know how we can encourage you to take that step. Let us celebrate with you when you take it and encourage you to take another one. Our strength grows exponentially every time we hear that our message helps someone. Oh. And make your goals POSITIVE!!! When I did, my life changed!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Then, my heroes were put in my life and my goals changed. At first, my goal changed only for me. I would get healthier. Then Team Inspiration was formed as one by one people began supporting and encouraging me. They told me that if I could do a triathlon, then so could they and that they would do it WITH me. High school students, doctors, lawyers, engineers and a myriad of others. Folks of all ages and backgrounds, now numbering over 50, registered to do the CB&I with me. With each person, my strength and I think theirs grew. It is amazing when a high school super jock calls and wants to train with you. It is amazing when they wear their team t-shirts to school and pass out hundreds of Team Inspiration wristbands. It is amazing to see how excited they are to be a part of this. The power of this amazing group of people has exploded and now reaches out and touches so many. I am so thrilled that a goal simply for me has become one to help many. We get a steady stream of emails and thanks from those who this blog has touched.
This started with a baby step, and not a very strong one at that. It grew through the power of positive thinking and Faith. It grew with an attitude of I CAN.
It does not matter if your first baby step is a weak one. Mine certainly was. JUST TAKE IT. PLEASE! Know that Team Inspiration is here for YOU. Let us know how we can encourage you to take that step. Let us celebrate with you when you take it and encourage you to take another one. Our strength grows exponentially every time we hear that our message helps someone. Oh. And make your goals POSITIVE!!! When I did, my life changed!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Monday, January 24, 2011
I came across an interesting quote by basketball hall of fame player Michael Jordan..."I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times I was trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." I highly doubt anyone would ever call Michael Jordan a failure and the point is not that he thinks he is a failure but that he recognizes that there will be many failures or set backs in life. How we handle them is what shapes who we are and what we accomplish in the life we are given.
I also attended a funeral over the weekend for a 9 year old girl that lived her life with Cerebral Palsy. So much grief tied to a parent having to let go of a child. She was not ever able to run and jump or even try to shoot a basketball. She knew what it was to live life with constant failures yet she had every bit as much of an impact on people that she encountered as a MVP. Simply an amazing story yet far too brief. In this time of grief there were incredibly wise words shared by a number of people and a line from the program that resonated within me. And as I allowed it to sink in I realized that this is a message that Team Inspiration carries and a good reminder for us all....."I am who I was born to be".
Chances are you may not be able to do everything that you want to do or accomplish all that you envision. If you learn to live your life knowing and using your gifts and talents then even though you encounter failures which we all will, you will know that you are who you were born to be. That my friend is as close to perfection as we can get.
I also attended a funeral over the weekend for a 9 year old girl that lived her life with Cerebral Palsy. So much grief tied to a parent having to let go of a child. She was not ever able to run and jump or even try to shoot a basketball. She knew what it was to live life with constant failures yet she had every bit as much of an impact on people that she encountered as a MVP. Simply an amazing story yet far too brief. In this time of grief there were incredibly wise words shared by a number of people and a line from the program that resonated within me. And as I allowed it to sink in I realized that this is a message that Team Inspiration carries and a good reminder for us all....."I am who I was born to be".
Chances are you may not be able to do everything that you want to do or accomplish all that you envision. If you learn to live your life knowing and using your gifts and talents then even though you encounter failures which we all will, you will know that you are who you were born to be. That my friend is as close to perfection as we can get.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
What if I get an illness or disease that dictates what I can and can’t (there’s that word I hate again) do? What if I am not qualified enough to get that promotion? What if I am not strong enough to finish a triathlon?
I have wasted so much time questioning myself with “what ifs”. Really, they only limit us and do so on a daily basis. They prevent us from achieving our dreams and goals. We do not know how much time we are Blessed to be on this earth so shouldn’t we cherish every moment? I am not suggesting that we should not grieve or feel badly when we think that “bad” things happen to us. (Remember the farmer in Zen Shorts?) Shouldn’t we make our lives something that can inspire others to be the best they can be, even in the face of adversity? It has taken me almost 48 years to learn something. Do not regret yesterday. Do not over plan tomorrow. If you do, you might miss the joy that is TODAY. Experience TODAY. Enjoy TODAY. Make TODAY your best day ever. Make TODAY something that you are proud to share with others. LIVE TODAY and experience the euphoria that it is. The attitude may surprise you with how you confront and ultimately conquer your challenges.
To the person who inspired this: Stay strong and have Faith. I love you very much, as do many.
To everyone:
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
I have wasted so much time questioning myself with “what ifs”. Really, they only limit us and do so on a daily basis. They prevent us from achieving our dreams and goals. We do not know how much time we are Blessed to be on this earth so shouldn’t we cherish every moment? I am not suggesting that we should not grieve or feel badly when we think that “bad” things happen to us. (Remember the farmer in Zen Shorts?) Shouldn’t we make our lives something that can inspire others to be the best they can be, even in the face of adversity? It has taken me almost 48 years to learn something. Do not regret yesterday. Do not over plan tomorrow. If you do, you might miss the joy that is TODAY. Experience TODAY. Enjoy TODAY. Make TODAY your best day ever. Make TODAY something that you are proud to share with others. LIVE TODAY and experience the euphoria that it is. The attitude may surprise you with how you confront and ultimately conquer your challenges.
To the person who inspired this: Stay strong and have Faith. I love you very much, as do many.
To everyone:
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Monday, January 10, 2011
I wanted to give you a progress report but first I want to remind you about the importance of taking baby steps.
I do not want those of you who are following this blog to think for a nanosecond that I was able to do a even a FRACTION of what I am doing today when I started this last May. If you read this from the beginning, you will see the progression. As Nathan pointed out last week, I had to work up to taking a break at 1.55 miles. When he and I started walking, I could barely make a half-mile (or less) before I had to stop. And riding my bike KILLED me, even for a short distance. Importantly, even minimal physical exertion frequently caused me to have to rest for the remainder of the day or longer. I am just a weak man made strong by the support of AMAZING people. They have helped me to get where I am. And we have done it by taking baby steps and learning to be patient. I encourage you to go back and read this from the beginning so that you may see what I have learned.
Now for a progress report!
Saturday, Pete and Heather and I went for our weekly bike ride. I rode 15.25 miles WITHOUT TAKING A BREAK EXCEPT FOR SHORT WATER BREAKS AND WITHOUT GETTING OFF OF MY BIKE! When we got back to Villa, Heather insisted that she stand next to me as I got off of my bike. (I have gained MANY mothers and fathers in this process!) Perhaps that was because in the past, getting off of my bike usually consisted of me falling to the ground where I had to remain until I could stand. Even then, my walking was pathetic. Not Saturday! Heather says that I swung my leg up and over the bike like a pro. Better yet, I was able to stand straight and strong and even walked for some time! Could I have done any of that last May? NO WAY! And I tirelessly ran errands the rest of the day!
As you saw in yesterday’s blog, my walk with Nathan was a stormy one! But despite the temperature and driving rain, I was still able to beat my previous time for the 5K!
Make a start! Take baby steps, surround yourself with amazing and positive people who tell you that you CAN, and (to steal the Nike slogan) JUST DO IT!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
I do not want those of you who are following this blog to think for a nanosecond that I was able to do a even a FRACTION of what I am doing today when I started this last May. If you read this from the beginning, you will see the progression. As Nathan pointed out last week, I had to work up to taking a break at 1.55 miles. When he and I started walking, I could barely make a half-mile (or less) before I had to stop. And riding my bike KILLED me, even for a short distance. Importantly, even minimal physical exertion frequently caused me to have to rest for the remainder of the day or longer. I am just a weak man made strong by the support of AMAZING people. They have helped me to get where I am. And we have done it by taking baby steps and learning to be patient. I encourage you to go back and read this from the beginning so that you may see what I have learned.
Now for a progress report!
Saturday, Pete and Heather and I went for our weekly bike ride. I rode 15.25 miles WITHOUT TAKING A BREAK EXCEPT FOR SHORT WATER BREAKS AND WITHOUT GETTING OFF OF MY BIKE! When we got back to Villa, Heather insisted that she stand next to me as I got off of my bike. (I have gained MANY mothers and fathers in this process!) Perhaps that was because in the past, getting off of my bike usually consisted of me falling to the ground where I had to remain until I could stand. Even then, my walking was pathetic. Not Saturday! Heather says that I swung my leg up and over the bike like a pro. Better yet, I was able to stand straight and strong and even walked for some time! Could I have done any of that last May? NO WAY! And I tirelessly ran errands the rest of the day!
As you saw in yesterday’s blog, my walk with Nathan was a stormy one! But despite the temperature and driving rain, I was still able to beat my previous time for the 5K!
Make a start! Take baby steps, surround yourself with amazing and positive people who tell you that you CAN, and (to steal the Nike slogan) JUST DO IT!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Sunday's Super Star
For those of you not in the Houston area, it is 39 degrees and raining pretty hard.
Did that stop Trace and I from doing our walk this morning...NO!
I must say the conditions were pretty miserable but the experience will always be a great , why?
Well other than that Trace and I were soaked, shoes, pants, jackets, gloves, etc. Trace just went out and set another personal best for the 3.1 mile course. Last week was the first week we walked the course without breaks and completed it in 1:17 and change. This week in the cold blowing rain, 1:13 and change.
I am telling you, this guy is a super star. But we all pretty much know that.
For those of you not in the Houston area, it is 39 degrees and raining pretty hard.
Did that stop Trace and I from doing our walk this morning...NO!
I must say the conditions were pretty miserable but the experience will always be a great , why?
Well other than that Trace and I were soaked, shoes, pants, jackets, gloves, etc. Trace just went out and set another personal best for the 3.1 mile course. Last week was the first week we walked the course without breaks and completed it in 1:17 and change. This week in the cold blowing rain, 1:13 and change.
I am telling you, this guy is a super star. But we all pretty much know that.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Life is so strange and wonderful sometimes. Yesterday, after Nathan and I walked, the song sung by Kris Allen came on my radio in the car as I was driving home. For those of you that want to know how long it has been since I was able to walk over three miles without a break, it has been over 15 years. The lyrics follow:
Seconds, hours, so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait?
Every moment lasts forever
When you feel you lost your way
And what if my chances were already gone?
Started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
To fight and never walk away
So here I am still holding on!
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain, weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries!
There are no boundaries!
I fought to the limit to stand on the edge
What if today is as good it gets?
Don't know where the future's headed
But nothing's gonna bring me down
I've jumped every bridge and I've run every line
I've risked being safe but I always knew why
I always knew why!
So here I am still holding on!
You can go higher, you can go deeper
There are no boundaries above and beneath you
Break every rule 'cause there's nothing between you and your dreams
Those of you who attend the Team Inspiration victory celebration after the triathlon May 7th will hear this song. That is all that I am saying!
It’s a new year. Make it one with NO BOUNDARIES!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Seconds, hours, so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait?
Every moment lasts forever
When you feel you lost your way
And what if my chances were already gone?
Started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
To fight and never walk away
So here I am still holding on!
With every step you climb another mountain
Every breath it's harder to believe
You make it through the pain, weather the hurricanes
To get to that one thing
Just when you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you almost gave up on your dreams
They take you by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries!
There are no boundaries!
I fought to the limit to stand on the edge
What if today is as good it gets?
Don't know where the future's headed
But nothing's gonna bring me down
I've jumped every bridge and I've run every line
I've risked being safe but I always knew why
I always knew why!
So here I am still holding on!
You can go higher, you can go deeper
There are no boundaries above and beneath you
Break every rule 'cause there's nothing between you and your dreams
Those of you who attend the Team Inspiration victory celebration after the triathlon May 7th will hear this song. That is all that I am saying!
It’s a new year. Make it one with NO BOUNDARIES!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Trace Sherer's Major Accomplishment
Trace Sherer walked 3.1 miles today without a break. I will let Trace tell everyone how long it has been since he has accomplished such a fete. As a measure, Trace had never walked more than about 1.55 miles without a break before today. Trace's prior best time for the CB&I 3.1 mile course was 1:28 minutes. Today, Trace finished in 1:17 and change.
It was an extraordinary morning. Not only did Trace surpass every previous mile stone, I think he did something today that he never thought he would do again. I am constantly amazed by this man.
More than a great job Trace.
Trace Sherer walked 3.1 miles today without a break. I will let Trace tell everyone how long it has been since he has accomplished such a fete. As a measure, Trace had never walked more than about 1.55 miles without a break before today. Trace's prior best time for the CB&I 3.1 mile course was 1:28 minutes. Today, Trace finished in 1:17 and change.
It was an extraordinary morning. Not only did Trace surpass every previous mile stone, I think he did something today that he never thought he would do again. I am constantly amazed by this man.
More than a great job Trace.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Well folks -
IT'S OFFICIAL! At 12:00 am I registered for the 2011 CB&I triathlon! This is going to happen! I am so excited! And I have already gotten emails from members of Team Inspiration telling me that they have already registered! HOW COOL IS THIS!!!!
Thanks to you all for making my life AMAZING!
Have an AWESOME New Year!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
IT'S OFFICIAL! At 12:00 am I registered for the 2011 CB&I triathlon! This is going to happen! I am so excited! And I have already gotten emails from members of Team Inspiration telling me that they have already registered! HOW COOL IS THIS!!!!
Thanks to you all for making my life AMAZING!
Have an AWESOME New Year!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
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