Friday, November 18, 2011


I am realizing more and more how important validation is to our success, whether it be personal or professional.  After putting up my last post, my amazing son Preston "liked" it on Facebook. I never even knew he read my ramblings. Likewise, after most posts, I frequently get an "attaboy" email from Jim, Kimi, Mush and others. What does that do for us? The simple act of telling someone job well done. Follow me. This could be huge.  

What happens is it makes our self confidence and self worth soar. Especially when it comes from someone, like my son, whose acceptance we crave, even require. It encourages us to keep working whether it be for training for a triathlon or giving it our all at work or making a relationship work. With validation, we want to work harder. To try harder.

And it is a two way street. We are more likely to encourage those who encourage us. We support those that support us.  This goes back to what I keep saying about Team Inspiration Texas and all those who supported me in the triathlon. Two way validation creates a giant cloud of positive energy. It supports us when we start to get down.  In turn, our energy that they have created supports others when they start to get down. Amazing isn't it?

This all requires the simple act of deciding that you WILL live that way. It applies to friends. It applies to employment situations. It applies to relationships. Perhaps the hardest thing that we will ever have to do is remove those people in our lives that don't validate us. But we must do that, as hard as that may be. If we allow a failure of validation to constantly bombard us, it only makes that cloud of positivity around us weak. Sometimes so weak that we can fall out of it.  We must know that the positivity of those that support us will sustain us and keep lifting us up. We must trust that. We must know that the positivity we have created for others will support us when we need it to.

I know. I know. Easier said than done. As my dear Trisha says, life is supposed to be hard, isn't it?! Count on those around you to support you, lift you up, and VALIDATE you! And validate them. That is how life should be lived.



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