Saturday, December 31, 2011


Many of us make resolutions for the new year. When you make them this year, really make them count. Resolve to find a way to make a difference not only in your life, but in the lives of those around you. Also, resolve to make a difference in the lives of folks that you do not even know.  

You can accept this challenge and accomplish it by starting with yourself. Resolve to create for yourself a life filled with happiness, positivity and promise for your own future. It may not be easy or painless. Resolutions are supposed to challenge us.  But we come out on the other side an infinitely better and stronger person. Resolve to find a positive way to deal with and defeat the negatives that you will most assuredly encounter. 

Go back to the basics that we have talked about. Take baby steps and be patient, not only with yourself, but with those around you. Not only should we dream out loud, but we should resolve out loud! Just like when we share our dreams with others, when we share our resolutions with folks, we become accountable to them. Be happy. Please be happy. And for goodness sake,



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