Saturday, December 31, 2011


Many of us make resolutions for the new year. When you make them this year, really make them count. Resolve to find a way to make a difference not only in your life, but in the lives of those around you. Also, resolve to make a difference in the lives of folks that you do not even know.  

You can accept this challenge and accomplish it by starting with yourself. Resolve to create for yourself a life filled with happiness, positivity and promise for your own future. It may not be easy or painless. Resolutions are supposed to challenge us.  But we come out on the other side an infinitely better and stronger person. Resolve to find a positive way to deal with and defeat the negatives that you will most assuredly encounter. 

Go back to the basics that we have talked about. Take baby steps and be patient, not only with yourself, but with those around you. Not only should we dream out loud, but we should resolve out loud! Just like when we share our dreams with others, when we share our resolutions with folks, we become accountable to them. Be happy. Please be happy. And for goodness sake,



Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays

All of us with Team Inspiration Texas want to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and Holiday Season. It has been an incredible year for us all and we look forward to reaching out and helping many in the coming year. May your New Year be filled with positivity and hope!



Tuesday, December 20, 2011

How do you define your Identity?

So how would you answer that question? Do you identify yourself in a manner that guarantees failure? I hope not but many of us do without even thinking about it. Think about your responses to Life. Doesn't the use of "I can't" pretty much seal the deal on failure? Take a moment to think about what you call yourself then refine that with by asking God what he calls you. We all need to work on correcting our own identity so that we can be what we are designed to be.

With a new year right around the corner, commit yourself to a new you...a positive new you by removing the obstacles that prevent you from being the real you. Take time to know your true identity....think about it, pray about it and refine it.

Now I must admit that after thinking about this over the weekend I was asked "How are you?" Sadly I replied "tired". Now I rationalized it because I had completed a very long run just a couple hours earlier but do I want my identity to be "I'm tired"? Absolutely not!! I am blessed would have been a better attempt at conveying my identity to others.

Know your identity and make sure it guarantees success.

Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


My Mom celebrated the 41st anniversary of her 39th birthday Friday. Or, as she likes to say it, 80 is the new 39. Today we threw her the first surprise birthday party that she has ever had. She epitomizes class, dignity and grace, traits that have been passed on to my incredible, beautiful sister, Kimi who, in all of her free time (he said sarcastically) organized this incredible soiree. I tried to pick one important lesson that Mom has taught me for my toast. If I shared them all, we would have been there until her 81st birthday so here is the one that I came up with.

I mean, here is a lady that since my Dad passed away over a decade ago has had her knees replaced, her shoulder done and has lost a staggering amount of weight. A year and a half ago her doctors told her that she had a cancerous spot on her arm that needed to be removed. No big deal. Then they said, oh, by the way, you have a heart condition. And, oh, by the way, you need bypass surgery. Oh, by the way, you are going to have complications which make you stay in the hospital for several months longer than planned. When she finally got home, she fell and had to get several stitches in her head. Why did she fall you ask? Because she was trying to do too much. As Nathan and Jim both observed: “How Sherer-like.”

The lesson in all of this is simple. But profound. We can exist. Or we can LIVE. When we exist, we are simply settling. When we live, WE THRIVE and life for us and for those around us is so much better. It is a choice. Choose to live.

Happy Birthday Mom!

Keep dreaming out loud!
