I was vividly reminded of the power and compassion of Team Inspiration this weekend. What an amazing group of people are supporting me. Several of our team members joined me for a bike ride Saturday and then several for the Leukemia Light the Night Walk last night. To be kind to myself, both performances were less than stellar. I told the group Saturday to go on and finish the ride at their own pace. They refused. I apologized profusely to my friends both Saturday and Sunday that I was slowing them down and they all told me to stop. They reminded me that we are a Team and that they support me no matter what. I was reminded of the song “You’ll Never Walk Alone.” Specifically of the parts that say “When you walk through a storm hold your head up high. And don’t be afraid…” “Walk on with hope in your heart. You’ll never walk alone.” I am not walking alone. In fact, besides my friends on Team Inspiration last night a group of high school ROTC folks waited behind to walk through the finish line with me. The world needs so many more people like those who have touched me. The strength this awesome group of people gives me will get me there! I thank you all so very much. I could not do it without each and every one of you.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
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