I hope that each of you has a joyous and Blessed Christmas. Remember – having an amazing life starts with your decision to take that journey. Make that decision today. You will NOT regret it. Have an AWESOME trip! Thanks to all who are traveling with me.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I am reminded daily of the amazing people that surround me. My dear friend, Michael Watson, and I exchanged Christmas presents today. He gave me a children’s book called Zen Shorts by Jon J Muth. He said that as he was reading it to his kids (3 and 6) the other night, he thought about me.
In the book, there is a story about a farmer. “Bad” things happen to him. His neighbors exclaim “Such bad luck!”. The farmer replies “Maybe”. In close time, something related and “good” happens to the farmer. The neighbors exclaim “Such good luck!” The farmer replies … “Maybe”.
I have MS. Most would say “Such bad luck.” Until April of this year I would have shouted what the farmer’s neighbors said to anyone that would listen, proclaiming to the world “Such bad luck!” Most everyone around me, pitying me, said “Such bad luck.” Since April of this year, my response has evolved. It went from “Such bad luck” to “Maybe” to what it is now. “I DON’T THINK SO.”
If I did not have MS, I would not have the friends I now have, the purpose in life I now have, or the attitude about life that I now have. Life is indeed what you make it. Make yours AMAZING.
Thank you Michael.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
In the book, there is a story about a farmer. “Bad” things happen to him. His neighbors exclaim “Such bad luck!”. The farmer replies “Maybe”. In close time, something related and “good” happens to the farmer. The neighbors exclaim “Such good luck!” The farmer replies … “Maybe”.
I have MS. Most would say “Such bad luck.” Until April of this year I would have shouted what the farmer’s neighbors said to anyone that would listen, proclaiming to the world “Such bad luck!” Most everyone around me, pitying me, said “Such bad luck.” Since April of this year, my response has evolved. It went from “Such bad luck” to “Maybe” to what it is now. “I DON’T THINK SO.”
If I did not have MS, I would not have the friends I now have, the purpose in life I now have, or the attitude about life that I now have. Life is indeed what you make it. Make yours AMAZING.
Thank you Michael.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Monday, December 20, 2010
SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011- IT’S ON!!!
The date for the CB&I triathlon has been set! WOW! This is really going to happen! It will be Saturday, May 7, 2011, beginning at 7 am. The staging area will be at Northshore Park in the Woodlands. Registration will open January 1, 2011. What a great New Year’s resolution! I am so pleased to have so many folks supporting me in this challenge. Have an AWESOME Christmas! With the way my year is going it certainly will be for me!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Since we started talking, we have talked about the benefits of so many things. We have discovered how my cooling vest does amazing things to keep my core cool in the heat. We have talked about the wonderful job that Jason at Nutrition Central does getting me on the right kind of supplements for what my body needs. We have learned about the constant chastising … I mean lecturing … I mean sage advice I get from Nathan, Jim, Trisha and Michelle regarding the importance of rest and proper nutrition, which, by the way, has FINALLY sunk in. (Apparently, I AM as stupid as I look.)
Two pieces to the puzzle have THANKFULLY been added recently.
In addition to the WONDERFUL box of chocolates that Jim gave me for Christmas (which were devoured far too quickly), he also gave me a Power Balance wristband. These are the bands that you see worn frequently by athletes. They improve your balance (a MAJOR issue for me), strength and flexibility. HOLY COW. IMMEDIATELY, all of these things markedly improved. Perhaps the most shocking to me is that I was able to stand on one leg, JARVIS, and balance and have someone try to push my outstretched arm down and throw me off balance. Previously, you could blow on my arm and knock me off balance. Not anymore! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Jim! I have done Stupid Trace tricks since Jim gave me the band to everyone’s shock and amazement. If balance, strength or flexibility are a challenge, look into this. I don’t have a clue how it works but it does! In fact, my balance helped me ROCK my bike ride yesterday (17.9 miles) after swimming a third of a mile then ROCK my walk this morning with Nathan, breaking my previous record.
Also, I have been doing the full CB&I 5K for several weeks now during my Sundays with Jarvis. As Nathan pointed out a few weeks ago, the first time that I was able to complete the whole course was right after I began seeing Dr. Scott Oliphant at Village Chiropractic. I was extremely impressed with Dr. Oliphant because he took great pains in learning about my challenges before he ever touched me through a battery of tests, x-rays and the like. He also talked to Trisha (or as he calls her “The Mothership”) before giving me any exercises. As Nathan has pointed out, whatever he has done has made my brain be able to communicate better with my body such that Jarvis is really not an issue. Okay. That will be the last time I refer to him by name. From henceforth, he shall be known as Dr. Doogie and his partner, Dr. Andy Thomas, as Dr. Howser because they are disgustingly young. They, along with Misty in their office, are also now on Team Inspiration and will be doing the triathlon with us!!!!! If you try a chiropractor, make sure they are as thorough and cautious as Drs. Doogie and Howser!
I hope that if you try these things they work for you as well as they have worked for me!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Two pieces to the puzzle have THANKFULLY been added recently.
In addition to the WONDERFUL box of chocolates that Jim gave me for Christmas (which were devoured far too quickly), he also gave me a Power Balance wristband. These are the bands that you see worn frequently by athletes. They improve your balance (a MAJOR issue for me), strength and flexibility. HOLY COW. IMMEDIATELY, all of these things markedly improved. Perhaps the most shocking to me is that I was able to stand on one leg, JARVIS, and balance and have someone try to push my outstretched arm down and throw me off balance. Previously, you could blow on my arm and knock me off balance. Not anymore! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Jim! I have done Stupid Trace tricks since Jim gave me the band to everyone’s shock and amazement. If balance, strength or flexibility are a challenge, look into this. I don’t have a clue how it works but it does! In fact, my balance helped me ROCK my bike ride yesterday (17.9 miles) after swimming a third of a mile then ROCK my walk this morning with Nathan, breaking my previous record.
Also, I have been doing the full CB&I 5K for several weeks now during my Sundays with Jarvis. As Nathan pointed out a few weeks ago, the first time that I was able to complete the whole course was right after I began seeing Dr. Scott Oliphant at Village Chiropractic. I was extremely impressed with Dr. Oliphant because he took great pains in learning about my challenges before he ever touched me through a battery of tests, x-rays and the like. He also talked to Trisha (or as he calls her “The Mothership”) before giving me any exercises. As Nathan has pointed out, whatever he has done has made my brain be able to communicate better with my body such that Jarvis is really not an issue. Okay. That will be the last time I refer to him by name. From henceforth, he shall be known as Dr. Doogie and his partner, Dr. Andy Thomas, as Dr. Howser because they are disgustingly young. They, along with Misty in their office, are also now on Team Inspiration and will be doing the triathlon with us!!!!! If you try a chiropractor, make sure they are as thorough and cautious as Drs. Doogie and Howser!
I hope that if you try these things they work for you as well as they have worked for me!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Friday, December 3, 2010
My beautiful sister, Kimi, and I often tease each other about how “It’s all about me.” Yesterday a friend told me that a dear friend of hers has MS and that she tries to get him to look at how my life has changed in a short period of time by reading our blog. The response is that his MS does different things to him than mine does to me. I thought about that last night. I hope that this blog has not turned into “It’s all about me.” It isn’t. I am just a weak man made strong by amazing people and by a desire to not be defined or limited by MS. To steal a thought from Jim’s recent blog, I plan to stick my finger in every chocolate in the box until I find the one that I want. I plan to create the kind of life that I want. Yes. I am slow. It has only taken me 47 years to figure that out.
It is my strong hope that readers to our blog learn several things. First, patience is required in order to beat any challenge. If I woke up and decided that I was going to do this triathlon the following week, I would certainly be setting myself up for failure and major disappointment. That is why we have talked about baby steps so much. Gradual improvements every day will eventually allow you to better yourself.
Also, of paramount importance to all of this is to create an environment of positivity in your life. Surround yourself with positive people. Get rid of everything negative in your life or find a way to deal with the negative in a positive manner. Create a positive outlook on your life and that attitude in and of itself will make you healthier. It will remove impediments to your health that stand in your way and allow you to create an amazing life. You will find that GRADUALLY your health will improve. Be patient and watch. You WILL shock yourself. There is a side benefit to all of this. By doing it, you will improve not only your life but the lives of those around you. It is a circle. That will come back to benefit you! Try it!
Perhaps most importantly is to not allow “failure” to be a negative in your life. If I have a bad bike ride or swim or walk, I used to really let that bother me. That only impedes the results of your next effort. The fact that you try is all that it takes!!! Remember that courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying “I will try again tomorrow.” With courage, YOU WIN.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
It is my strong hope that readers to our blog learn several things. First, patience is required in order to beat any challenge. If I woke up and decided that I was going to do this triathlon the following week, I would certainly be setting myself up for failure and major disappointment. That is why we have talked about baby steps so much. Gradual improvements every day will eventually allow you to better yourself.
Also, of paramount importance to all of this is to create an environment of positivity in your life. Surround yourself with positive people. Get rid of everything negative in your life or find a way to deal with the negative in a positive manner. Create a positive outlook on your life and that attitude in and of itself will make you healthier. It will remove impediments to your health that stand in your way and allow you to create an amazing life. You will find that GRADUALLY your health will improve. Be patient and watch. You WILL shock yourself. There is a side benefit to all of this. By doing it, you will improve not only your life but the lives of those around you. It is a circle. That will come back to benefit you! Try it!
Perhaps most importantly is to not allow “failure” to be a negative in your life. If I have a bad bike ride or swim or walk, I used to really let that bother me. That only impedes the results of your next effort. The fact that you try is all that it takes!!! Remember that courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying “I will try again tomorrow.” With courage, YOU WIN.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
It is that time of year when we typically over indulge and then set all kinds of resolutions to accomplish more and be a better person next year. Nothing wrong with any of that but I think in the midst of all the Christmas parties and decorating and shopping and everything else that packs our days from now until the end of the year we need to make sure we give thanks especially to those that have made a difference in our lives.
Trace and I have waited patiently for the holiday season to begin so that we could exchange gifts. We figured waiting until after Thanksgiving at least got us into the holiday season. No way either of us were going to be able to wait until Christmas. Trace as usual found an incredible way to express his heart and appreciation to me which most of the time I do not feel I deserve. Amazing what a few words from the heart can accomplish along with a picture and a certificate! Thank you again Trace!!
I on the other hand gave Trace a box of chocolates and a reminder to create Power and Balance in his life. The chocolates are a borrowed idea from Forrest Gump. For all who have seen the movie know that "Life is a box of chocolates...we just never know which one we are going to get". Trace did not get the kind of chocolate for his life that he wanted but he has turned it into such an amazing example of how to truely live the life we are given.
Find the AWESOME in your life and may your life be blessed as you bless those around you!
Trace and I have waited patiently for the holiday season to begin so that we could exchange gifts. We figured waiting until after Thanksgiving at least got us into the holiday season. No way either of us were going to be able to wait until Christmas. Trace as usual found an incredible way to express his heart and appreciation to me which most of the time I do not feel I deserve. Amazing what a few words from the heart can accomplish along with a picture and a certificate! Thank you again Trace!!
I on the other hand gave Trace a box of chocolates and a reminder to create Power and Balance in his life. The chocolates are a borrowed idea from Forrest Gump. For all who have seen the movie know that "Life is a box of chocolates...we just never know which one we are going to get". Trace did not get the kind of chocolate for his life that he wanted but he has turned it into such an amazing example of how to truely live the life we are given.
Find the AWESOME in your life and may your life be blessed as you bless those around you!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Don't Quit Poem
When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill,
When the funds are low and the debts are high,
And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,
When care is pressing you down a bit,
Rest, if you must, but don't you quit.
Life is queer with its twists and turns,
As every one of us sometimes learns,
And many a failure turns about,
When he might have won had he stuck it out;
Don't give up though the pace seems slow--
You may succeed with another blow.
Often the goal is nearer than,
It seems to a faint and faltering man,
Often the struggler has given up,
When he might have captured the victor's cup,
And he learned too late when the night slipped down,
How close he was to the golden crown.
Success is failure turned inside out--
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It may be near when it seems so far,
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit--
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.
I'm sure alot of you have read this before, but just thought I'd post it for those of you (including me) who haven't come across it until today. Good stuff....
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I love this time of year. I am especially enjoying it this year. I give thanks every day for the amazing things that have happened to me this year which make it an extra special season this go around. I am thankful for my new heroes - Nathan Beedle, Trisha Bicknell and Jim Harrington and for countless new friends, for Team Inspiration and for my improving health. I am thankful that what started as a simple challenge to me has become something much bigger than anyone could have imagined and something that is helping many others.
Whatever your situation, give thanks. If your life is going amazingly well and challenge free, GIVE ABUNDANT THANKS. If you are challenged, give thanks because those challenges make you stronger and a better person if handled with dignity and hope. If things seem very dark right now, find SOMETHING to be thankful for. Like we have talked about in so many aspects of life, see how that grows. You will be amazed.
I also give thanks that I can prattle on and on here and apparently folks read this. I give thanks for you!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Enjoy the holiday season and make these days the best for yourself, your family and for everyone around you. Remember – positivity is contagious. Let’s start an epidemic.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Whatever your situation, give thanks. If your life is going amazingly well and challenge free, GIVE ABUNDANT THANKS. If you are challenged, give thanks because those challenges make you stronger and a better person if handled with dignity and hope. If things seem very dark right now, find SOMETHING to be thankful for. Like we have talked about in so many aspects of life, see how that grows. You will be amazed.
I also give thanks that I can prattle on and on here and apparently folks read this. I give thanks for you!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING. Enjoy the holiday season and make these days the best for yourself, your family and for everyone around you. Remember – positivity is contagious. Let’s start an epidemic.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Update, Sundays with Jarvis
For the second time, Trace completed the CB&I 5K run course. As I recall, last week Trace completed the course in 1:49 minutes. This week, Trace finished the course in 1:36 minutes! Trace continues to amaze me but he is looking super strong these days. This result is great for several reasons. Trace took fewer breaks in much warmer conditions. In the past, this temperature change would have had a much more siginificant impact. I will say that Trace probably would have completed the course in under 1:30 but for me making him laugh the whole way.
I think Trace's new Chiropractor has done a lot to increase the neurological activity to Trace's entire body including Jarvis. This past Sunday, it was like Jarvis almost did not exist. Great job Trace.
I think Trace's new Chiropractor has done a lot to increase the neurological activity to Trace's entire body including Jarvis. This past Sunday, it was like Jarvis almost did not exist. Great job Trace.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
adv – occurring more and more rapidly due to the amazing support and encouragement from the awesome people on Team Inspiration.
Used in a sentence: Trace’s speed at accomplishing the events of the CB&I triathlon is increasing exponentially as his recovery time decreases after doing each such activity!
Thanks guys! Wait until you read Nathan's upcoming report!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Used in a sentence: Trace’s speed at accomplishing the events of the CB&I triathlon is increasing exponentially as his recovery time decreases after doing each such activity!
Thanks guys! Wait until you read Nathan's upcoming report!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Mission 1 - SO ACCOMPLISHED/Progress Report!!!
When I started this amazing adventure, my first goal was to be physically able to complete each of the lengths of each of the events of the triathlon. When I started, I could not dream of completing a fraction of the distance of any of them. It has taken me just over 6 months but I CAN DO THEM ALL AT DISTANCE NOW! I have 5 and a half months left now to improve the time for each event and combine them to be able to do them all together. I have absolutely no doubt that this will happen and happen very soon. The pictures are of this morning’s bike run which for the first time included hills. Bring it! They were no problem! Thank you again to every amazing person joining me, supporting me and encouraging me. We are having fun aren’t we?!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Monday, November 15, 2010
Yesterday with Trace
Yesterday Trace and I set out from Northshore Park, the site of the CB&I Triathlon transition area, at 5:45 a.m. My intention was to have a great performance like last week, 2.68 miles in about 1:29. Instead, we did 3.2 miles in 1:49 minutes, awesome performance!
For the first time, we completed the full run course of the CB&I Triathlon and knocked it out of the park. Trace kicked more than a little booty. Please congratulate the super star when you see him.
For those of you following Trace's Sunday walks, we have gone from about 2 miles to over 3.2 miles in less than a month. Trace is a star but we all know that. Good job buddy.
Yesterday Trace and I set out from Northshore Park, the site of the CB&I Triathlon transition area, at 5:45 a.m. My intention was to have a great performance like last week, 2.68 miles in about 1:29. Instead, we did 3.2 miles in 1:49 minutes, awesome performance!
For the first time, we completed the full run course of the CB&I Triathlon and knocked it out of the park. Trace kicked more than a little booty. Please congratulate the super star when you see him.
For those of you following Trace's Sunday walks, we have gone from about 2 miles to over 3.2 miles in less than a month. Trace is a star but we all know that. Good job buddy.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I told Nathan, Jim, Trisha and Lynn that I wanted to send a card out to the world celebrating the upcoming season. I told them that I wanted it to express the incredible joy that the events of this year have given me. I also wanted to share the talents these amazing people have with each of you. Things I see every day. So this is what I came up with! (Turn the volume on your computer on and maximize the size of the movie!)
HAPPY (UPCOMING) HOLIDAYS, good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
P.S. I know this is early but I could not resist. Life is good!
HAPPY (UPCOMING) HOLIDAYS, good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
P.S. I know this is early but I could not resist. Life is good!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Sundays with Jarvis Update
Trace and I extended our walk this morning to 2.68 miles of the CB&I Triathlon's 3.1 mile course. Trace was awesome. He sustained a better pace over a longer distance than he ever has. Here is the walk data:
Distance: 2.68 miles
Time 1:27:01
Avg Pace: 30 min mile
Avg moving pace: 20:06 min/mile
I am constantly tweaking the amount of rest Trace gets during these walks. We continue to learn that there are many variables to account for. Today we did pretty darn good. Everyone congratulate the warrior who finally appears to be listening to his many supporters constantly instructing him to not over do it.
Awesome job Trace, was a great morning.
Trace and I extended our walk this morning to 2.68 miles of the CB&I Triathlon's 3.1 mile course. Trace was awesome. He sustained a better pace over a longer distance than he ever has. Here is the walk data:
Distance: 2.68 miles
Time 1:27:01
Avg Pace: 30 min mile
Avg moving pace: 20:06 min/mile
I am constantly tweaking the amount of rest Trace gets during these walks. We continue to learn that there are many variables to account for. Today we did pretty darn good. Everyone congratulate the warrior who finally appears to be listening to his many supporters constantly instructing him to not over do it.
Awesome job Trace, was a great morning.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Just wanted to give you a quick progress report. Things have been crazy busy. What a difference a week makes! My bike run Saturday was 10 miles and was awesome. Thanks Pete for setting my seat height. It is amazing how much more power you get when you can use your entire leg! I then kayaked 3 to 4 hours. Sundays with Jarvis was great as well. While I did not break my prior record, I thought it was my most consistent and strongest walk yet. This weekend some of Team Inspiration will be doing the Novemberfest Bike Race in San Felipe, Texas. There are courses of various lengths. I will be doing 23 miles! Should be an AWESOME weekend! Good luck Jim on your half Iron Man!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Jim, Nathan and Trisha have taught me so much. They have taught me about the dangers of ego. They have taught me about the importance of nutrition, supplements and eating right. They have beaten into my head that I MUST rest. And this morning Jim taught me about the importance of setting a good example. We teach our children how important that is and it is so easily lost when we get older and our egos kick in.
Last weekend’s ride and the Light the Night Walk were not great for me. Trisha told me during the walk that she has never seen me sweat so much. I thought that maybe I just had a couple of bad days. I was completely oblivious to the fact that the weekend was hot AND humid, two combinations that I do not do well in. Jim asked me this morning whether I wore my cooling vest. I did not. As my sons say: DUH!
Jim reminded me that I have to THINK about my training. I have to THINK about my nutrition. THINK about my rest. THINK about everything about what an athlete does to train for an event.
But he also reminded me of something that is so much more important than my training for this event for me. He reminded me that folks are watching. Folks are using our journey as an example. Whether you have a struggle or not, if you saw me finish Sunday’s walk, he asked whether THAT would inspire someone to get off a couch or try to beat an illness. If I am being honest with myself, it would not because it did not look easy or comfortable. Jim told me that sometimes, as much as it might pain me, I might have to sit something out and cheer on those who are doing the event for Team Inspiration. That is, of course, IF, AND ONLY IF, I have done everything intelligently (rest, nutrition, minimize the effect of the heat, etc., etc., etc.) and really should not participate myself. That does not mean that I CAN’T (I hate that word) do something. It simply means that I should not do it at THAT time. I have a responsibility to set a good example whether it is in my training or in being smart enough to cheer Team Inspiration on. Thank you Jim, Nathan and Trisha for sharing your wisdom with me and now many others.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
ADDENDUM: The good thing about having so many folks supporting me is that I get feedback very quickly. PLEASE DO NOT THINK FOR A MOMENT THAT I INTEND TO SIT ON THE SIDELINES AND CHEER RATHER THAN DO. The purpose of this post was to acknowledge that I need to be INTELLIGENT about my training, forgive myself when I have a bad day, SET A GOOD EXAMPLE, and .... YES! MIND MY HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW! I apparently very poorly set out my message today. Thank you Anne who walked with me Sunday and who emailed me:
Hey, Trace, I just read your blog ….
May I remind you of …
Ross, the young man who, at the end of the race came over to you, shook your hand, and said, “Wow, man, that was so inspirational” ….
… And the crowd control man, who as we were leaving Market Street with the crowd turned to you and said, “All the best, man – next time you see me I am going to be 40 pounds lighter. Seeing how hard you work will never let me complain and sit on the couch again!”
… And the families who as they walked by asked your name and began clapping and cheering you on ….
Don’t forget about those ….
Take care,
Last weekend’s ride and the Light the Night Walk were not great for me. Trisha told me during the walk that she has never seen me sweat so much. I thought that maybe I just had a couple of bad days. I was completely oblivious to the fact that the weekend was hot AND humid, two combinations that I do not do well in. Jim asked me this morning whether I wore my cooling vest. I did not. As my sons say: DUH!
Jim reminded me that I have to THINK about my training. I have to THINK about my nutrition. THINK about my rest. THINK about everything about what an athlete does to train for an event.
But he also reminded me of something that is so much more important than my training for this event for me. He reminded me that folks are watching. Folks are using our journey as an example. Whether you have a struggle or not, if you saw me finish Sunday’s walk, he asked whether THAT would inspire someone to get off a couch or try to beat an illness. If I am being honest with myself, it would not because it did not look easy or comfortable. Jim told me that sometimes, as much as it might pain me, I might have to sit something out and cheer on those who are doing the event for Team Inspiration. That is, of course, IF, AND ONLY IF, I have done everything intelligently (rest, nutrition, minimize the effect of the heat, etc., etc., etc.) and really should not participate myself. That does not mean that I CAN’T (I hate that word) do something. It simply means that I should not do it at THAT time. I have a responsibility to set a good example whether it is in my training or in being smart enough to cheer Team Inspiration on. Thank you Jim, Nathan and Trisha for sharing your wisdom with me and now many others.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
ADDENDUM: The good thing about having so many folks supporting me is that I get feedback very quickly. PLEASE DO NOT THINK FOR A MOMENT THAT I INTEND TO SIT ON THE SIDELINES AND CHEER RATHER THAN DO. The purpose of this post was to acknowledge that I need to be INTELLIGENT about my training, forgive myself when I have a bad day, SET A GOOD EXAMPLE, and .... YES! MIND MY HEROES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WOW! I apparently very poorly set out my message today. Thank you Anne who walked with me Sunday and who emailed me:
Hey, Trace, I just read your blog ….
May I remind you of …
Ross, the young man who, at the end of the race came over to you, shook your hand, and said, “Wow, man, that was so inspirational” ….
… And the crowd control man, who as we were leaving Market Street with the crowd turned to you and said, “All the best, man – next time you see me I am going to be 40 pounds lighter. Seeing how hard you work will never let me complain and sit on the couch again!”
… And the families who as they walked by asked your name and began clapping and cheering you on ….
Don’t forget about those ….
Take care,
Monday, October 25, 2010
I was vividly reminded of the power and compassion of Team Inspiration this weekend. What an amazing group of people are supporting me. Several of our team members joined me for a bike ride Saturday and then several for the Leukemia Light the Night Walk last night. To be kind to myself, both performances were less than stellar. I told the group Saturday to go on and finish the ride at their own pace. They refused. I apologized profusely to my friends both Saturday and Sunday that I was slowing them down and they all told me to stop. They reminded me that we are a Team and that they support me no matter what. I was reminded of the song “You’ll Never Walk Alone.” Specifically of the parts that say “When you walk through a storm hold your head up high. And don’t be afraid…” “Walk on with hope in your heart. You’ll never walk alone.” I am not walking alone. In fact, besides my friends on Team Inspiration last night a group of high school ROTC folks waited behind to walk through the finish line with me. The world needs so many more people like those who have touched me. The strength this awesome group of people gives me will get me there! I thank you all so very much. I could not do it without each and every one of you.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Friday, October 22, 2010
I have talked with so many folks lately who have told me that a friend, relative or acquaintance has MS. Today’s blog applies to those folks or anyone afflicted with any condition or situation in life that prevents them from living a happy and healthy life.
Taking charge of, or OWNING, your existence is your privilege. You can own your health. You can own your situation. You can own your happiness. The cost? Making your mind realize that you can conquer your challenges and being patient and mastering patience. I am still working on the patience part. If you believe that you can make yourself healthy or happy, then you can. But do not expect it to happen over night. Be patient. See what Blessings come your way and how they multiply exponentially!
Sundays with Jarvis has been delayed a couple of weeks. That does not mean I will be sitting idle though! Tomorrow we have a 15 mile Team Inspiration Bike Ride. There is another group doing a run. Then on Sunday, Team Inspiration will be participating in the Light the Night Walk in the Woodlands. We have many exciting things going on right now. Thanks to Jason and Nutrition Central, we have a new professionally created logo! The team is growing by leaps and bounds! We will keep you posted! For now -
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Taking charge of, or OWNING, your existence is your privilege. You can own your health. You can own your situation. You can own your happiness. The cost? Making your mind realize that you can conquer your challenges and being patient and mastering patience. I am still working on the patience part. If you believe that you can make yourself healthy or happy, then you can. But do not expect it to happen over night. Be patient. See what Blessings come your way and how they multiply exponentially!
Sundays with Jarvis has been delayed a couple of weeks. That does not mean I will be sitting idle though! Tomorrow we have a 15 mile Team Inspiration Bike Ride. There is another group doing a run. Then on Sunday, Team Inspiration will be participating in the Light the Night Walk in the Woodlands. We have many exciting things going on right now. Thanks to Jason and Nutrition Central, we have a new professionally created logo! The team is growing by leaps and bounds! We will keep you posted! For now -
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Coach becomes the Coached
Trace and I reminded each other in several ways of this past week that we are not perfect nor do we strive for perfection. Actually we are highly flawed but yet it is through our flaws that we are typically humbled which makes us easier to be around. Furthermore we found a renewed appreciation for each other by switching roles several times and in several ways. For those of you wondering, I do occasionally listen to Trace.
In simple terms the coach becomes the coached. This is an amazing asset contained within Team Inspiration and we make it real as we reach out to each other and support one another. This is easy to do within the boundaries of triathlon training but becomes even more meaningful when we start applying to other messy areas of our lives.
Trace and I will both admit that we are good at making mistakes but we are getting a lot better at being vulnerable with each other and finding out that we can help each other not just in being a better triathlete but to live better. Don't forget to be coachable and be able to coach as well.
As a group of individuals, let's continue to bring more hope and encouragement to this world. Go make it a great day!
P.S. I'll start to pay attention to Trace's cycling speed when he goes aero....which I know he will. :)
In simple terms the coach becomes the coached. This is an amazing asset contained within Team Inspiration and we make it real as we reach out to each other and support one another. This is easy to do within the boundaries of triathlon training but becomes even more meaningful when we start applying to other messy areas of our lives.
Trace and I will both admit that we are good at making mistakes but we are getting a lot better at being vulnerable with each other and finding out that we can help each other not just in being a better triathlete but to live better. Don't forget to be coachable and be able to coach as well.
As a group of individuals, let's continue to bring more hope and encouragement to this world. Go make it a great day!
P.S. I'll start to pay attention to Trace's cycling speed when he goes aero....which I know he will. :)
Saturday, October 16, 2010
What an AMAZING day! Pete and Heather Garbes and I scoped out Team Inspiration’s weekly bike training route for now until we decide to tackle the Tour de France! We have a 15.3 mile route picked out. For me, the important part is that I was able to complete it and did not have to hit the ground as soon as I got off of my bike, neither of which would have been in the realm of possibilities when we started this awesome adventure. Team Inspiration will start having a weekly ride and a weekly run every Saturday morning. You can do either or!!! If you are not doing the triathlon with us but are in the Woodlands, join us!!!!!! This is exactly what I keep talking about when I proudly talk about the power of positivity this Group is creating. Joining us Saturday morning will guarantee your being in a good mood all day and maybe all week!!!! (Can you tell that I had a wonderful morning?!)
Hey! Iron Man Jim! Who is that behind you catching up on the bike crazy fast?! Oh yeah. IT’S TRACE! Be afraid! Be VERY afraid!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I'm writing this article in response to Trace's recent rib injuries. Sometimes a strong mind can be a little too strong for the body and injuries can happen. It's important to know not only what you can use to prevent an injury, but how to treat an injury if one occurs. Here are a few tips off the top of my head:
1) Protect your joints first...they don't repair as easily as muscles. A good joint supplement such as my favorite - BCS Labs ElastiFlex - will not only keep your joints in the best shape possible but give you the piece of mind to not always be worrying about them every time you feel the slightest knee, ankle, wrist, shoulder, or elbow pain. I prefer this specific supplement because it has the widest spectrum of ingredients that have been proven effective in clinical studies, and it is one of the few supplements that contains every ingredient in CLINICALLY EFFECTIVE DOSES. If the effective dose of something like glucosamine is 1500mg/day and a joint product that your friend (or even doctor) recommends to you only contains 200mg.....don't waste your time! Sub-clinical doses will produce sub-clinical results. FYI, other supplements that I recommend for joint health are Fish Oil (I like Scivation Essential EFA), Boswellia, and Bromelain (pineapple enzyme). A good multivitamin is essential too....connective tissue is made of many trace minerals as well as Vitamin C.
2) Get enough rest - most injuries happen when you are overtrained, meaning your central nervous system cannot keep up with the rest of your body. Sleep WELL and even take a nap after intense training if possible.
3) Eat a diet of healthy, unprocessed, natural foods (like Pure Healthy Eatery if you live in The Woodlands). If it didn't come out of the ground, or tree, or out of the animal looking the way you see it.....don't eat it! Processed food is cheating our body of nutrients that it would otherwise get in unprocessed foods. ALSO minimize refined sugar.....not just because its processed, but because sugar releases insulin and constant high insulin levels causes Glycation, which in layman's terms is the hardening of flexible tissue due to sugar....flexible tissue includes ligaments, tendons, cartiledge, but also veins and arteries. Certain B-vitamins help reduce glycation, but minimizing your sugar intake is the best route.
1) Diagnose the injury - joint, bone and muscle injuries should all be treated differently. For joint injuries refer to PREVENTION step #1.....it's more important now than ever. For bone injuries (such as Trace's ribs) I sold Trace a bottle of NOW Foods Bone Strength which is a multimineral and gives you additional minerals in highly bioabsorbable forms above what is already present in your multivitamin. For muscle injuries, since muscles are made of protein and amino acids you want to make sure you take in extra amounts of them to repair faster.
2) Ice or Heat or Advil - For muscle injuries you want to ICE for the first 24 hours, HEAT for the next 24 hours. ICE reduces swelling naturally while heat relaxes the muscle. If you put heat on too soon it can exacerbate the swelling. For joint and bone injuries NO HEAT only ICE (bones and joints can't relax like muscles). Ibuprofen (Advil) works great, much better than Tylenol for reducing inflamation.....but the body has a natural inflammatory response that precedes the repair process and I wouldn't interupt that immediately when an injury occurs. If you can wait 6 or 12 hours to take Advil then I would, unless the injury is severe.
3) Don't let it bring you down! Injuries happen to everyone (even Super Trace) and this is where a strong mind comes in. Keep your eye on the goal. The human body is a wonderfully complex and adaptive machine and you can't let a little setback discourage you. As they say in the song below....."Don't drop your arms"!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
This week I am thrilled to report to the world that I was wrong! I have learned my lesson about the importance of rest and off days. During my 2 mile walk with Nathan this morning I CUT 6 MINUTES OFF OF MY RECORD TIME! I did the entire walk in 46 minutes 52 seconds. We took NO breaks. Nathan and Jim have been advising me to rest when I need to and I have finally learned. Thanks guys!
Also, I am starting to feel like Scooby Doo. Nathan brought another mystery guest this morning on the walk. Thanks for joining us Cory! It was a blast. Now if you and Nathan will stop making me laugh, I can REALLY improve my time.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Also, I am starting to feel like Scooby Doo. Nathan brought another mystery guest this morning on the walk. Thanks for joining us Cory! It was a blast. Now if you and Nathan will stop making me laugh, I can REALLY improve my time.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Nathan and Jim have FINALLY gotten through my thick skull on a very important point. Bear with me.
Mom went into the hospital many months ago to have a cancerous spot on her arm cut out. In the course of that surgery, an issue with her heart was discovered and she ended up with a double bypass, following which numerous complications and issues kept her from her active life. She is 78 years old. We finally took her home about a week ago. She lives alone and was trying to do too much and fell, causing her to get 5 staples in her head. (Nathan observed “how Sherer-like.” Jim concurred.) She was upset that she was not able to multitask immediately upon her return home. She and I have kept referring recently to the fact that WE ARE NOT A PATIENT PEOPLE. We MUST learn to be.
Nathan keeps admonishing me to stop overdoing things and to rest. His instructions are getting more and more….let’s say blunt. Yesterday morning Trisha started me on something she called “Trace’s Boot Camp.” It includes rapid sets of jumping, side to side squats and pushups. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. I was VERY pleased with how I did. So last night I decided to go to a spin class and work on some one legged drills Jim gave me. I did GREAT until about half way through the class and Jarvis just decided that he had had enough for the day and checked out. Jim was standing outside when I was done and noticed I was obviously not happy. He helped set my bike properly for next time and gave me a lot of encouragement.
He was not so delicate with me this morning. After my workout, when I went in the locker room, he talked about his great and easy swim this morning. He then asked if because he felt so good about it whether he should go upstairs and run a billion miles or find some other way to over do it. OKAY. OKAY BOYS. I FINALLY GET IT. I can stop when I KNOW that I have worked hard and be satisfied with my accomplishment. Success does not mean I reduce myself to a quivering mass of worthless lawyer. (Yes. I know Jim that the worthless lawyer part will still be there.) Here we go again boys and girls. Baby Steps. Rest. Now let’s add be happy with your progress and BE PATIENT. I know that we have said to be patient before but maybe if I keep saying it I will follow my own advice. Mom. Kimi. WE MUST BECOME A PATIENT PEOPLE.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Mom went into the hospital many months ago to have a cancerous spot on her arm cut out. In the course of that surgery, an issue with her heart was discovered and she ended up with a double bypass, following which numerous complications and issues kept her from her active life. She is 78 years old. We finally took her home about a week ago. She lives alone and was trying to do too much and fell, causing her to get 5 staples in her head. (Nathan observed “how Sherer-like.” Jim concurred.) She was upset that she was not able to multitask immediately upon her return home. She and I have kept referring recently to the fact that WE ARE NOT A PATIENT PEOPLE. We MUST learn to be.
Nathan keeps admonishing me to stop overdoing things and to rest. His instructions are getting more and more….let’s say blunt. Yesterday morning Trisha started me on something she called “Trace’s Boot Camp.” It includes rapid sets of jumping, side to side squats and pushups. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. I was VERY pleased with how I did. So last night I decided to go to a spin class and work on some one legged drills Jim gave me. I did GREAT until about half way through the class and Jarvis just decided that he had had enough for the day and checked out. Jim was standing outside when I was done and noticed I was obviously not happy. He helped set my bike properly for next time and gave me a lot of encouragement.
He was not so delicate with me this morning. After my workout, when I went in the locker room, he talked about his great and easy swim this morning. He then asked if because he felt so good about it whether he should go upstairs and run a billion miles or find some other way to over do it. OKAY. OKAY BOYS. I FINALLY GET IT. I can stop when I KNOW that I have worked hard and be satisfied with my accomplishment. Success does not mean I reduce myself to a quivering mass of worthless lawyer. (Yes. I know Jim that the worthless lawyer part will still be there.) Here we go again boys and girls. Baby Steps. Rest. Now let’s add be happy with your progress and BE PATIENT. I know that we have said to be patient before but maybe if I keep saying it I will follow my own advice. Mom. Kimi. WE MUST BECOME A PATIENT PEOPLE.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Monday, October 4, 2010
Sundays with Jarvis Update 10/2/2010
Trace has had mostly solid weeks and is now moving, again, into the personal record zone for our two mile CB&I Triathlon run course. Trace capped last Sunday with a new record time.
Here are the last twelve weeks.
10/2/2010 52.40
9/26/2010 54.01
9/19/2010 ~1:29
9/12/2010 1:02.12
9/5/2010 1:03:36
8/29/2010 1:11:34
8/22/2010 1:14:52
8/15/2010 ~1:06
8/8/2010 53:48
8/1/2010 ~57 minutes
7/25/2010 ~1:07
7/18/2010 ~1:20
The White Chocolate Smoothie (Trace Sherer) was moving with some new equipment last week end, my cross-country ski poles. The ski poles added stability that clearly made a huge impact as Trace, as usual, ignored my instructions to take and easy Saturday. Instead of taking it easy, he swam a long way and road his bike for 15 miles. In the past, he would have been drained and probably not set a new personal record. But yesterday was different. Just wait till the ski poles are cut to the perfect length!
Great Job Trace.
Trace has had mostly solid weeks and is now moving, again, into the personal record zone for our two mile CB&I Triathlon run course. Trace capped last Sunday with a new record time.
Here are the last twelve weeks.
10/2/2010 52.40
9/26/2010 54.01
9/19/2010 ~1:29
9/12/2010 1:02.12
9/5/2010 1:03:36
8/29/2010 1:11:34
8/22/2010 1:14:52
8/15/2010 ~1:06
8/8/2010 53:48
8/1/2010 ~57 minutes
7/25/2010 ~1:07
7/18/2010 ~1:20
The White Chocolate Smoothie (Trace Sherer) was moving with some new equipment last week end, my cross-country ski poles. The ski poles added stability that clearly made a huge impact as Trace, as usual, ignored my instructions to take and easy Saturday. Instead of taking it easy, he swam a long way and road his bike for 15 miles. In the past, he would have been drained and probably not set a new personal record. But yesterday was different. Just wait till the ski poles are cut to the perfect length!
Great Job Trace.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Better with Age
“Better with age”... how many of us would truly use those words to describe any aspect of our lives? Reality is that it should be something we can all use to accurately describe ourselves. This does not just pertain to physical activities but my last triathlon race did enlighten me somewhat. I finished the race a year older and 28 seconds faster than last year. What I realized is that we are taught that age can be used as an excuse for our shortcomings in just about anything. If we truly want to live our lives to our full potential then we just cannot buy into that philosophy.
Do yourself a favor. Pick out a particular measurable item in your life and go to work on it. Work hard and it will get better!! Doesn’t matter what it is or who you are! Then share your results because you will have grown your understanding of what Team Inspiration is all about.
Do yourself a favor. Pick out a particular measurable item in your life and go to work on it. Work hard and it will get better!! Doesn’t matter what it is or who you are! Then share your results because you will have grown your understanding of what Team Inspiration is all about.
Monday, September 27, 2010

Last week when Nathan, Trisha, Jim and I spoke to the neurological patients, more of the bigger picture of this wild adventure became clear to me. At the beginning of our talk, I asked the group how many members of Team Inspiration were present. The people doing the triathlon with us all raised their hands. I told the group that that was a trick question. At the end of our talk, I told the group that Team Inspiration is not a group of people doing a triathlon together. It is a group of people with challenges fighting to beat those struggles who inspire those without challenges to better their lives. It is also a group of people without challenges who work to inspire those with them to fight them, making their lives better.
I got to thinking this weekend about how this all has come to be. I went back to a letter I wrote Nathan, Trisha and Jim in May when I gave them a metal inscribed with the Emerson quote that is on the top of this blog. In that letter, I used words like inspire, positive, strength and hope. When folks started saying that they wanted to do the triathlon with me, our superjocks wanted a team logo. The symbols they included were for strength, health, friendship and hope. It is mind boggling how everyone involved with us frequently uses these powerful words. I think that is why Team Inspiration has made such a huge impact and impression.
One of our superjocks, Paco Solano, is a senior in High School. He has received a full scholarship to play football for Airforce starting next year. (WAY TO GO PACO!). Yesterday, he came in my house and was so excited to tell me that his picture playing in last week’s football game appeared on the front page of the local paper. (The above picture!) I told him that that was great and that I was so very proud of him. He immediately informed me that he did not tell me about the picture for that purpose. He told me that he was excited about the picture because his Team Inspiration wristband showed very clearly in the picture. He was proud to be associated with our group and happy that our group got some recognition in his picture. Amazing that a teenager is so selfless. I was reminded of another photo someone very excitedly sent me. Iron Man Jim sent me his finish photo from his recent Iron Man in Idaho as soon as he got it. He sent it to me because the medal I gave him in May is prominently shown in the photo. He wore it for the entire Iron Man. This is the kind of good pride we have talked about. This is the kind of positive energy this amazing group of people creates. This is the kind of help, hope and strength this group creates. This is why Team Inspiration has made such a HUGE difference to me and to many, many others and will continue to do so. I am truly blessed to be associated with this team.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Friday, September 24, 2010
I am thrilled that last night Jim, Nathan, Trisha and I were given the opportunity to speak to a group of neurological patients and their support groups. The pictures above are of that event. My heroes shared their insight on helping people with challenges and the group was as enamored with them as I am. Thanks guys.
Team Inspiration is making a mark and helping people and I am so pleased. I never imagined that we would be doing this and it is just the start. We talked to these folks about trying, baby steps and everything we put on here. I am so proud to be associated with people like Jim, Nathan and Trisha who give up their time to help me and now others to overcome life’s obstacles. This is a perfect example of what I mean when I say to surround yourself with positive people and see what happens! We helped one lady in particular to stand without using her arms to assist her but rather only using her legs. She said she had not done that for a long long time. These folks learned one thing for sure - CAN'T NEVER DID ANYTHING. It was an amazing night.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Introducing Myself as Trace's Supplement Provider

This is my first blog post (hopefully first of many) here and I thought I'd give everyone a little background first. I first met Trace a few weeks ago when he walked into my store (Nutrition Central in The Woodlands, TX) at the referral of Trisha his personal trainer. I was immediately intrigued by his story but mostly at the challenge of trying to find some supplements that would help with his muscle strength and growth. I've always said that I have a nutrition store not to make money but to get people results; profit being only a secondary side effect. I found out through conversation that Trace and I share a similar outlook on life. Not only are we both "glass half full" people but our desire to help and inspire others is what makes us tick. We talked about how so many people fall into the rut of letting little insignificant factors in their lives serve as an excuse to not try, and therefore never get to realize their goals. If I could sum up the correct attitude in one word it would be - SWOLLDIER. It's a word I use as a slogan and in various marketing for my nutrition store, but it's more than a slogan its a life philosophy.....to be a "Swoll Soldier". The "Swoll" part typically appeals to the weightlifting crowd, but really is just a reflection of making gains toward whatever your goal may be. It's about having the same mindset as a real soldier. In the same way that a real soldier knows he has a job to do, he doesn't complain or make excuses, he just does it. You imagine yourself as a soldier of whatever goal you have and you leave your excuses at the door, you just get the job done. Sometimes all it takes is just ignoring that little voice in your head (called Doubt) that tells you the pain of change is greater than the pain of staying the same. Separate your mind from your body and trust your body to set only your limits, and your mind to set only your goals.
I have talked since we started about baby steps. At some point we graduate. Kindergarten comes first. That is where I am. The run is at this point a real challenge. Last weekend’s walk was PATHETIC. But the bike and swim were fine and continue to get stronger. I am learning to listen to my coaches, trainers, handlers and friends and to not get hard on myself when I do not do well. I also remember Scarlett’s words of wisdom: “Tomorrow is another day.”
Part of growing up is accepting responsibility. And accepting ownership of our role. The people who have supported and encouraged me to get to the point where I am now have done an AMAZING job. So much so that one of Team Inspiration’s members, Eric Barna, nominated me for RunReview’s list of the 101 Most Influential Runners. I was included in this list.

by runreviews.com
I am humbled and honored by this selection. I have said it before and I will say it again. I am humbled and honored by every person who is supporting and encouraging me in this challenge. I accept responsibility and ownership of the role that you have given me. I thank you for the challenge and for your confidence in me.
TOGETHER we will ALL overcome our challenges.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Part of growing up is accepting responsibility. And accepting ownership of our role. The people who have supported and encouraged me to get to the point where I am now have done an AMAZING job. So much so that one of Team Inspiration’s members, Eric Barna, nominated me for RunReview’s list of the 101 Most Influential Runners. I was included in this list.
by runreviews.com
I am humbled and honored by this selection. I have said it before and I will say it again. I am humbled and honored by every person who is supporting and encouraging me in this challenge. I accept responsibility and ownership of the role that you have given me. I thank you for the challenge and for your confidence in me.
TOGETHER we will ALL overcome our challenges.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Well first let me say that I cut another minute off of the walk this morning. I originally would have been upset that the improvement was so minimal, but I am finally listening to my heroes, trainers, handlers and friends. I am also listening to myself. BABY STEPS. Now every minute of improvement is a victory. My improvement is growing and my recovery time is diminishing. Both exponentially. My swimming and biking continue to get stronger and stronger. Team Inspiration gains new members regularly and the positive energy we are creating is explosive. So much so that the “fever” is spreading. Allow me to explain.
My heroes and I have been asked to speak to a group of neurological patients and their families and support groups next week. I am proud of my heroes because they have each accepted this challenge and are looking forward to it. We have a chance to encourage folks to begin taking those baby steps and to just START with the same kind of adventure that we are on. Branden has asked me to talk to the sister of a client who has just been diagnosed with MS. I am getting requests like that more and more frequently. We are really making a difference. I love that. And the fact that my health through my workouts continues to improve and that Team Inspiration is exploding just makes me try and work harder. That makes me healthier. This is all about positive energy, hope, strength, friendship and all of the things in life that make us whole and happy. As I have said before, I am SO PROUD of everyone who is on this journey. I am so proud of the fact that all of the amazing people around me are making the effort to bring others into this circle of positive energy and make their lives better too. I am proud to be associated with this group of exceptional people.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
My heroes and I have been asked to speak to a group of neurological patients and their families and support groups next week. I am proud of my heroes because they have each accepted this challenge and are looking forward to it. We have a chance to encourage folks to begin taking those baby steps and to just START with the same kind of adventure that we are on. Branden has asked me to talk to the sister of a client who has just been diagnosed with MS. I am getting requests like that more and more frequently. We are really making a difference. I love that. And the fact that my health through my workouts continues to improve and that Team Inspiration is exploding just makes me try and work harder. That makes me healthier. This is all about positive energy, hope, strength, friendship and all of the things in life that make us whole and happy. As I have said before, I am SO PROUD of everyone who is on this journey. I am so proud of the fact that all of the amazing people around me are making the effort to bring others into this circle of positive energy and make their lives better too. I am proud to be associated with this group of exceptional people.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
First and foremost – CONGRATUATIONS TO IRON MAN JIM. He competed in The Austin Olympic Triathlon in Austin yesterday. The race included a 1500 meter swim, a 40K bike ride and a 10K run. Jim came in 7th overall and 5th on his swim in his age group! We are VERY proud of you Jim. Can I pick my heroes or what?
While my performance is not as stellar as Jim’s, I continue to improve. My swim just keeps getting stronger and my walk is getting back to where it was some weeks ago. This Saturday morning, I rode my bike outside 12.5 miles. What was important about the ride (besides the fact that I did not crash) was that in the past after I ride, I have had trouble getting off of my bike and I usually have to sit for at least 5 minutes before I can do anything. THIS WEEK NOT ONLY WAS GETTING OFF OF THE BIKE NOT A PROBLEM, BUT I DID NOT HAVE TO SIT AT ALL! In fact, I immediately did an hour of weight work and swam a half of a mile. This is a result of staying with my training. It improves a little every day and my recovery time is decreasing exponentially. YOU CAN IMPROVE. JUST KEEP TRYING.
Team Inspiration is also growing quickly. I am VERY pleased to announce that team member Shanon Watson’s mother, Jennifer Watson, who owns a personal shopping and event planning service in the Woodlands (www.twperfectgift.com), is going to be taking over various aspects to maximize the benefits our team has for MS. The idea is that we will try to raise money for team equipment including sweatshirts for winter training, gym bags, triathlon suits and uniforms, etc. Any money that is raised that is not used for team equipment will then be donated to the MS Society. Nathan and Trisha are setting Team Inspiration up as a charitable organization. What started with a few people helping me is going to help a great many. I am very pleased with and proud of everyone who has joined me on this exciting and rewarding journey.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
While my performance is not as stellar as Jim’s, I continue to improve. My swim just keeps getting stronger and my walk is getting back to where it was some weeks ago. This Saturday morning, I rode my bike outside 12.5 miles. What was important about the ride (besides the fact that I did not crash) was that in the past after I ride, I have had trouble getting off of my bike and I usually have to sit for at least 5 minutes before I can do anything. THIS WEEK NOT ONLY WAS GETTING OFF OF THE BIKE NOT A PROBLEM, BUT I DID NOT HAVE TO SIT AT ALL! In fact, I immediately did an hour of weight work and swam a half of a mile. This is a result of staying with my training. It improves a little every day and my recovery time is decreasing exponentially. YOU CAN IMPROVE. JUST KEEP TRYING.
Team Inspiration is also growing quickly. I am VERY pleased to announce that team member Shanon Watson’s mother, Jennifer Watson, who owns a personal shopping and event planning service in the Woodlands (www.twperfectgift.com), is going to be taking over various aspects to maximize the benefits our team has for MS. The idea is that we will try to raise money for team equipment including sweatshirts for winter training, gym bags, triathlon suits and uniforms, etc. Any money that is raised that is not used for team equipment will then be donated to the MS Society. Nathan and Trisha are setting Team Inspiration up as a charitable organization. What started with a few people helping me is going to help a great many. I am very pleased with and proud of everyone who has joined me on this exciting and rewarding journey.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Sundays with Jarvis Update
Here are Sunday results for the last 8 weeks:
9/5/2010 1:03:36
8/29/2010 1:11:34
8/22/2010 1:14:52
8/15/2010 ~1:06
8/8/2010 53:48
8/1/2010 ~57 minutes
7/25/2010 ~1:07
7/18/2010 ~1:20
There are a couple of things that happened during the last four weeks that need to be described. Between 8/15 and 8/22, Trace had a couple of physiological issues to deal with.
As Trace described on 8/15, he was having a MS issue that in the past would have resulted in him staying in bed and calling his nurse for treatment. Instead like the genius he is, Trace decided to meet me at 5:45 a.m. for a walk and not tell me what was going on with him. Immediately less than 100 meters from where we start, I noticed that something was not right with Trace's stability and balance. I don't think there is any other way to describe what he did on 8/15 but pure guts. He powered through the 2 miles. Of course after we are in the parking lot resting he decides to tell me of the MS issue he started having in the morning. I was floored. Not with the fact that Trace did not tell me, unfortunately that is normal. I was floored by Trace's strength and toughness. Trace left after the walk looking fresh as a daisy. In many ways, this 8/15 walk was by far the strongest accomplishment, to me.
So before 8/22, Trace crashed on his bike, nothing too major, but Trace's left side was pretty beat up. The thing is that Trace's left side is stronger than his right side and Trace typically uses the left side to whip Jarvis into shape and power through exercises. On 8/22, Trace was not able to use his left side in the final mile as usual. This was a learning experience for both of us. I learned that Trace's muscles are sensitive to many influences, heat and now swelling through injury. The heat and swelling appear to have an impact on Trace's control of Jarvis and other muscles. As you can see by the remaining times posted, Trace appears to be healing well.
On 9/5, we took 17 minutes worth of breaks in that 1:03 time. I know Trace could have been under 1 hour for the walk but I am forcing him to work on greater consistency, rather than bettering his time. Trace's fitness has never been an issue during our walks, Trisha has him super fit! There are very real logistical issues that Trace is tackling: hydration, heat, proper nutrition, proper rest and MS. Three of these are being handled very well, hydration, heat and I would love to meet someone who tackles MS better than the White Chocolate Smoothie. Trace does need to work on his nutrition and most of all, he needs to learn how to rest in some form, let alone actually resting properly.
Until next time,
Here are Sunday results for the last 8 weeks:
9/5/2010 1:03:36
8/29/2010 1:11:34
8/22/2010 1:14:52
8/15/2010 ~1:06
8/8/2010 53:48
8/1/2010 ~57 minutes
7/25/2010 ~1:07
7/18/2010 ~1:20
There are a couple of things that happened during the last four weeks that need to be described. Between 8/15 and 8/22, Trace had a couple of physiological issues to deal with.
As Trace described on 8/15, he was having a MS issue that in the past would have resulted in him staying in bed and calling his nurse for treatment. Instead like the genius he is, Trace decided to meet me at 5:45 a.m. for a walk and not tell me what was going on with him. Immediately less than 100 meters from where we start, I noticed that something was not right with Trace's stability and balance. I don't think there is any other way to describe what he did on 8/15 but pure guts. He powered through the 2 miles. Of course after we are in the parking lot resting he decides to tell me of the MS issue he started having in the morning. I was floored. Not with the fact that Trace did not tell me, unfortunately that is normal. I was floored by Trace's strength and toughness. Trace left after the walk looking fresh as a daisy. In many ways, this 8/15 walk was by far the strongest accomplishment, to me.
So before 8/22, Trace crashed on his bike, nothing too major, but Trace's left side was pretty beat up. The thing is that Trace's left side is stronger than his right side and Trace typically uses the left side to whip Jarvis into shape and power through exercises. On 8/22, Trace was not able to use his left side in the final mile as usual. This was a learning experience for both of us. I learned that Trace's muscles are sensitive to many influences, heat and now swelling through injury. The heat and swelling appear to have an impact on Trace's control of Jarvis and other muscles. As you can see by the remaining times posted, Trace appears to be healing well.
On 9/5, we took 17 minutes worth of breaks in that 1:03 time. I know Trace could have been under 1 hour for the walk but I am forcing him to work on greater consistency, rather than bettering his time. Trace's fitness has never been an issue during our walks, Trisha has him super fit! There are very real logistical issues that Trace is tackling: hydration, heat, proper nutrition, proper rest and MS. Three of these are being handled very well, hydration, heat and I would love to meet someone who tackles MS better than the White Chocolate Smoothie. Trace does need to work on his nutrition and most of all, he needs to learn how to rest in some form, let alone actually resting properly.
Until next time,
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Nathan will write later on the last few weeks of Sundays with Jarvis. While I have not been at all happy with my performance, the important thing is that I have finished the walk each week and have never taken longer than I did when we started this great adventure. Baby steps, remember?! My swimming and biking continue to get stronger. I am swimming between a half a mile and a mile several times a week. I am biking a great deal as well. Last Saturday morning I biked 11 miles outside in this very mild Houston heat before I crashed my bike. I let ego make me sloppy and hit a curb. That could explain the poor walk performance last week and again this week but everyone tells me that wrecking is expected. Jim has wisely advised me that I should not, however, make it a regular part of my training. He is SO wise. I am LOVING my training and workouts and am feeling stronger every day.
And now for this week’s great news. Nathan finally has a nickname. We have Iron Man Jim and Trisha, the Pie Lady. We have the Super Jocks and Trace’s Angels (who you will meet later.) Nathan’s new nickname is “THE HANDLER.” You can call him the White Chocolate Smoothie Handler if you like. Now I know that that name conjures images of an animal trainer and I expect many jokes and jabs at my expense that I now have trainers and handlers. In the legal parlance we call this “taking the wind out of the opponent’s sails” so I will allow time for you to make all of the appropriate or inappropriate jokes and references now. (Insert all jokes here along with a great deal of laughter. Trace pretends to be offended and hurt by them.)
Are we finished? Now the story. Nathan talked to the gentleman who will likely be running the CB&I triathlon next year because he wants to do the whole race with me, even though we would start at different times given the difference in our age. He was told that if he was my “handler”, then we would be able to start at the same time. So there you have it. Nathan will do the entire race with me. I only hope that he can keep up with me. I’d hate for him to slow me down.
With his new designation as handler, Nathan has demanded several perks. He wants to do the race in sunglasses. He wants a Secret Service Earpiece. He wants a black tshirt with the word HANDLER in big white block letters across the front. He will do the whole race talking into his earpiece and looking from side to side suspiciously.
As you can tell, I am having a BLAST with this. Life is good!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
And now for this week’s great news. Nathan finally has a nickname. We have Iron Man Jim and Trisha, the Pie Lady. We have the Super Jocks and Trace’s Angels (who you will meet later.) Nathan’s new nickname is “THE HANDLER.” You can call him the White Chocolate Smoothie Handler if you like. Now I know that that name conjures images of an animal trainer and I expect many jokes and jabs at my expense that I now have trainers and handlers. In the legal parlance we call this “taking the wind out of the opponent’s sails” so I will allow time for you to make all of the appropriate or inappropriate jokes and references now. (Insert all jokes here along with a great deal of laughter. Trace pretends to be offended and hurt by them.)
Are we finished? Now the story. Nathan talked to the gentleman who will likely be running the CB&I triathlon next year because he wants to do the whole race with me, even though we would start at different times given the difference in our age. He was told that if he was my “handler”, then we would be able to start at the same time. So there you have it. Nathan will do the entire race with me. I only hope that he can keep up with me. I’d hate for him to slow me down.
With his new designation as handler, Nathan has demanded several perks. He wants to do the race in sunglasses. He wants a Secret Service Earpiece. He wants a black tshirt with the word HANDLER in big white block letters across the front. He will do the whole race talking into his earpiece and looking from side to side suspiciously.
As you can tell, I am having a BLAST with this. Life is good!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Thursday, August 19, 2010
A wise man (Iron Man Jim) once again reminded me today of something that he, Nathan, Trisha, Michelle, Eric, Lauren and a host of others have been trying to beat into my brain for some time now. That is that we MUST take time to rest and to allow our bodies to recover. Jim used a word in quoting an article that got my attention. Lawyers either love or hate the word. EGO. Jim told me: “Don't let ego ruin a rest day. Discipline is also about keeping the tiger under the hood on your easy days.” I am learning that I MUST take time to recover. Last Sunday was all about ignoring my body’s pleas for rest. I took it easy Sunday afternoon and Monday and was better than ever Tuesday. So we have learned two things this week. Rest is a part of any workout regime and to do what I have done. That is to surround yourself with people that are WAY smarter than you!!!!!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Nathan will fill you in on the details next week of Sundays with Jarvis but I wanted to share an important lesson with you that I learned this morning. You are probably smarter than me, so this would have come to you very quickly but lawyers as a general rule are very dense so it takes us so much longer to figure things out.
When I got up this morning at 5 am to go walk with Nathan, I immediately fell twice. I am talking MS fall. The kind that I have not had since April. It's basically where Jarvis and his brother both say “It’s too early. I quit and am going back to bed.” The voice from the little girl in Poltergeist rang through my head saying “It’s baaaaack.” In the past, I would have freaked out and called Lynn and told her that I was not doing well and that I needed to start my IV steroids as soon as possible. I probably would have thrown myself a HUGE pity party and spent most of the day in bed. After all – I have MS. But Nathan would be waiting for me and I would not fail him. So I went walking.
I did not tell Nathan about my falls. He also did not mention to me the fact that the second I started, he knew that something was seriously wrong. The important thing is that I finished the walk. I did not blow my time from last week out of the water. I took more frequent and longer breaks and it was obvious that I was struggling. I did not, however, take longer than I did when we started this adventure. To me that was HUGE. AND I FINISHED. Nathan attributed that fact that I was able to finish to Trisha and the core work she is doing. I agree.
The key is what I always say here. KEEP TRYING AND DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED when you have a bad day. It happens. JUST DON’T QUIT. Maybe don’t push yourself as hard that day and know that you will try again tomorrow. Remember that courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying “I will try again tomorrow.”
I rode 13 miles on my bike outside yesterday, swam a good bit and walked this morning. I have trained all week. So bad days like this are to be expected but will not beat me. Too many people are counting on me! That keeps me going. The folks around me see to that by encouraging me on good days and on bad.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
When I got up this morning at 5 am to go walk with Nathan, I immediately fell twice. I am talking MS fall. The kind that I have not had since April. It's basically where Jarvis and his brother both say “It’s too early. I quit and am going back to bed.” The voice from the little girl in Poltergeist rang through my head saying “It’s baaaaack.” In the past, I would have freaked out and called Lynn and told her that I was not doing well and that I needed to start my IV steroids as soon as possible. I probably would have thrown myself a HUGE pity party and spent most of the day in bed. After all – I have MS. But Nathan would be waiting for me and I would not fail him. So I went walking.
I did not tell Nathan about my falls. He also did not mention to me the fact that the second I started, he knew that something was seriously wrong. The important thing is that I finished the walk. I did not blow my time from last week out of the water. I took more frequent and longer breaks and it was obvious that I was struggling. I did not, however, take longer than I did when we started this adventure. To me that was HUGE. AND I FINISHED. Nathan attributed that fact that I was able to finish to Trisha and the core work she is doing. I agree.
The key is what I always say here. KEEP TRYING AND DO NOT GET DISCOURAGED when you have a bad day. It happens. JUST DON’T QUIT. Maybe don’t push yourself as hard that day and know that you will try again tomorrow. Remember that courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying “I will try again tomorrow.”
I rode 13 miles on my bike outside yesterday, swam a good bit and walked this morning. I have trained all week. So bad days like this are to be expected but will not beat me. Too many people are counting on me! That keeps me going. The folks around me see to that by encouraging me on good days and on bad.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
It is amazing to me how negativity drags us down. Even the slightest bit of it can affect us deeply and permanently. And it is so hard to shake negativity off. We are always going to have challenges and obstacles in our lives but I have finally discovered that if I learn from them and do not dwell on them, they are less likely to be an oppressive burden. Live for today, do not regret yesterday and do not obsess about tomorrow. Concentrate on being the best you today. The rest will take care of itself. It is the overwhelming positivity in my life that is allowing me to do the things that I am doing. That starts with the people I am around.
Now to highlight the dramatic effect the positive environment around me has created, let me share with you some of my latest workout results. I am now training at least two hours a day. I work about an hour in the morning and then an hour in the evening. I mix up the type of workout I am doing. Michelle has a schedule for me which includes my time with Trisha and Nathan. I am trying on the weekends to combine my workouts more closely together in time so that I can get ready to do the three events in the triathlon without a break. I was thrilled this weekend when I rode my bike outside 14 miles then swam about a half mile. Sunday, I cut 3 more minutes off of my walk time with Nathan then swam 1600 yards (.9 miles) in 52 minutes. I then worked with a friend on swimming afterwards, so I swam well over a mile that day.
I cannot breathe without someone encouraging me or giving me an ata-boy. This incredible positive environment around me is making me do amazing things. I hope that you all can create this environment in your lives.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Now to highlight the dramatic effect the positive environment around me has created, let me share with you some of my latest workout results. I am now training at least two hours a day. I work about an hour in the morning and then an hour in the evening. I mix up the type of workout I am doing. Michelle has a schedule for me which includes my time with Trisha and Nathan. I am trying on the weekends to combine my workouts more closely together in time so that I can get ready to do the three events in the triathlon without a break. I was thrilled this weekend when I rode my bike outside 14 miles then swam about a half mile. Sunday, I cut 3 more minutes off of my walk time with Nathan then swam 1600 yards (.9 miles) in 52 minutes. I then worked with a friend on swimming afterwards, so I swam well over a mile that day.
I cannot breathe without someone encouraging me or giving me an ata-boy. This incredible positive environment around me is making me do amazing things. I hope that you all can create this environment in your lives.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Sundays with Jarvis Update
I think I should just let Trace's results speak:
2.0 mile portion of the CB&I Triathlon run course
Date Time
7/18/2010 1:20 minutes
7/25/2010 1:07 minutes
8/1/2010 57 minutes
8/8/2010 53 minutes 48 seconds
Folks, this improvement over 4 weeks is nothing short of awesome.
The great thing about this morning, other than that Trace set a new personal record, is that we took only one break. There are two interrelated components that still need to be tweaked for Trace to attack this triathlon: mitigate the impact of the heat and the timing and duration of his rests periods to minimize Jarvis's impact. I think we got the rest period nearly right today, one long 7.5 minute break at the 1.0 mile mark. Even with this long break, Trace still demolished his previous best time. His performance was awesome to say the least but particularly in light of how he looked when he rolled out of his car at 5:45, TIRED. Fitness wise, Trace is a machine, we just have to get these logistical issues worked out.
Sundays with Jarvis is going to be a bi-weekly report from now on for a couple of reasons. First, for those of you that know him well, Trace can tend to put too much emphasis on a single performance and I think context is important. Second, with the logistical issues working the way they are, I think Trace will be getting into a groove of more consistent times and less dramatic improvement.
Great Job Trace, AKA White Chocolate Smoothie and Hemp Seed Speedo Man (for those of you who do not know or belong to Villa, Trace is dawning Speedos these days)
Talk to you in a couple of weeks.
2.0 mile portion of the CB&I Triathlon run course
Date Time
7/18/2010 1:20 minutes
7/25/2010 1:07 minutes
8/1/2010 57 minutes
8/8/2010 53 minutes 48 seconds
Folks, this improvement over 4 weeks is nothing short of awesome.
The great thing about this morning, other than that Trace set a new personal record, is that we took only one break. There are two interrelated components that still need to be tweaked for Trace to attack this triathlon: mitigate the impact of the heat and the timing and duration of his rests periods to minimize Jarvis's impact. I think we got the rest period nearly right today, one long 7.5 minute break at the 1.0 mile mark. Even with this long break, Trace still demolished his previous best time. His performance was awesome to say the least but particularly in light of how he looked when he rolled out of his car at 5:45, TIRED. Fitness wise, Trace is a machine, we just have to get these logistical issues worked out.
Sundays with Jarvis is going to be a bi-weekly report from now on for a couple of reasons. First, for those of you that know him well, Trace can tend to put too much emphasis on a single performance and I think context is important. Second, with the logistical issues working the way they are, I think Trace will be getting into a groove of more consistent times and less dramatic improvement.
Great Job Trace, AKA White Chocolate Smoothie and Hemp Seed Speedo Man (for those of you who do not know or belong to Villa, Trace is dawning Speedos these days)
Talk to you in a couple of weeks.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I am proud of every person on this journey. This is why. I just received this email from a dear friend of mine and want to share it with you all:
Good morning Trace,
I wanted to share with you that I love reading all the emails/blog updates. It is encouraging for me as well as others. However, it was even more special this morning when I read it out loud to my mother who is really struggling right now with her MS.. As you know, I am in Colorado with her and the timing was perfect for me to open your email and share your enthusiasm and amazing story with her. I try so hard to educate her on the importance of exercise not only for physical health but for mental health. She was so happy for your success and prays for continued success in your personal goals.
I have been trying for YEARS to encourage my mother to participate in some form of exercise program. I have fought with her, joined with her, ignored it for awhile, and even tried the "for me" card. She is an amazing mother and a fighter. For years she has tried not to let this disease get the best of her. She tried to keep her lifestyle as it was prior to her diagnosis. However, her "Jarvis" is not cooperating at all anymore so changes are demanded now and she is discouraged. It breaks my heart to see this decline and I want to take her away and mother her......she won't have it. However, she said she wants to follow your stories because they inspire her. As a matter of fact, after reading your blogs this morning, she went to her closet and grabbed an old pair of shoes (with a slight wedge) and put them on. She instantly felt better because she was able to walk without her tennis shoes and brace on for a full morning. She knows she has to be cautious but she states "boy did it feel good to have a regular shoe on!"
Just wanted you to know that I am proud of you and THANK YOU for the email/blog updates. They are reaching out to my mom as well as many others and encouraging them to believe they can do more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Good morning Trace,
I wanted to share with you that I love reading all the emails/blog updates. It is encouraging for me as well as others. However, it was even more special this morning when I read it out loud to my mother who is really struggling right now with her MS.. As you know, I am in Colorado with her and the timing was perfect for me to open your email and share your enthusiasm and amazing story with her. I try so hard to educate her on the importance of exercise not only for physical health but for mental health. She was so happy for your success and prays for continued success in your personal goals.
I have been trying for YEARS to encourage my mother to participate in some form of exercise program. I have fought with her, joined with her, ignored it for awhile, and even tried the "for me" card. She is an amazing mother and a fighter. For years she has tried not to let this disease get the best of her. She tried to keep her lifestyle as it was prior to her diagnosis. However, her "Jarvis" is not cooperating at all anymore so changes are demanded now and she is discouraged. It breaks my heart to see this decline and I want to take her away and mother her......she won't have it. However, she said she wants to follow your stories because they inspire her. As a matter of fact, after reading your blogs this morning, she went to her closet and grabbed an old pair of shoes (with a slight wedge) and put them on. She instantly felt better because she was able to walk without her tennis shoes and brace on for a full morning. She knows she has to be cautious but she states "boy did it feel good to have a regular shoe on!"
Just wanted you to know that I am proud of you and THANK YOU for the email/blog updates. They are reaching out to my mom as well as many others and encouraging them to believe they can do more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
There is pride that is bad and pride that is good. Let’s talk about the good pride. Jim’s daughter, Alyssa, came to the pool yesterday to coach me and give me some swim drills to work on. Here is a beautiful 17 year old (she must take after her Mom thank goodness) who got up before dawn and gave up her sleep and time to help me. Besides the obvious thought that her folks must be very proud of her, she is obviously very proud of them. Eric, a friend from high school that I have not seen or talked to in almost 30 years, sent me an email telling me that when he thinks of quitting training in 100 plus degree heat for his next uber-athletic event, he pushes himself because he knows that I am training for the CB&I next year. I am very proud of him. After Alyssa put me through my paces yesterday, Jim and I talked and a little more of this amazing mystery became clear. We are all PROUD of each other for so many different reasons and on so many different levels. This is not about competition. I am not (YET) competing with the Jim, Nathan, Trisha, Michelle or Erics of the world. I work hard and show up at the gym because I want the people supporting me to be PROUD of me and my efforts. Jim has told me that he shows up at the gym when he would rather sleep because he knows that I am there. Perhaps he wants me to be proud to have him as a mentor. I work hard on my Sunday morning walks with Nathan because I want him to be proud of me and to feel like his time is well spent. Whether I am proud to know and be associated with Jim, Nathan, Trisha, Michelle, Eric, Alyssa or any of the now over 50 people on Team Inspiration or whether they are proud of me, it is that pride that is motivating us to do things that we did not think possible. Whether athletically, helping other people in ways we have not been previously comfortable with or providing support in whatever way we can, the energy we are creating is bigger than any of us will ever understand. I am so PROUD of everyone on this journey with me and I want to work hard to make them each proud of me.
This started with a very few people and has grown to enormous proportions. For those of you with a challenge, you can create this kind of pride as well. Again, we go back to baby steps. Surprise yourself. Make someone proud of you. See how it builds.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
This started with a very few people and has grown to enormous proportions. For those of you with a challenge, you can create this kind of pride as well. Again, we go back to baby steps. Surprise yourself. Make someone proud of you. See how it builds.
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Nathan will write about Sundays with Jarvis later. I realize that I talk a lot about various things here but I wanted to give you an overall status report. PLEASE keep in mind that when I started this in April or May, I could not do even a FRACTION of this. It is my sincere hope that the folks who read this will just TRY to do a little, do it consistently and someday (who cares how long it takes) shock yourself with what you CAN do and what you are doing that you never thought possible. PLEASE JUST TRY. The improvement in your quality of life will amaze you. And, like me, you might find yourself wrapped in the love of many AMAZING people. People whose blinding light of encouragement, support and love propels you to heights you never imagined you would soar.
First, I should set the record straight on a few comments made recently by my dear friends. Stuart -- I have hair. Not much but I have some. Okay a little. Okay, not much at all and I can see how you would miss it, particularly due to the glare of my tanless body. Jim – I do not whine. Ever. (Note to self -- do not whine around Jim or anyone that might report to him.) Nathan – I ONLY talk incessantly because if I am talking, I know that I am alive. The day you all need to worry about me is the day that I shut up.
We talk about the walk/jog/run with Sundays with Jarvis. That is improving. I wanted to let you know that my swimming is getting very strong. I am swimming between a third to two thirds of a mile every day, 7 days a week. I alternate strokes and using a kickboard and pull buoy. Based on my heros’ advice, the more I swim with my arms, the more I save my legs for the bike and run portions of the CB&I. For example, yesterday I swam a half mile ALL with my arms using a pull buoy. When I started swimming in April, I could barely stand swimming a lap without taking a break. So see, you CAN do this. I am also biking a great deal. I am doing between 10 to 20 miles a few times a week. Yesterday I did a 10 mile run OUTSIDE without my cooling vest and really did not have a problem. (I did it at 5 am before it got hot.) The fact that I could do that distance outside is something that I would not have dreamed possible in April. Again – you CAN do this.
Folks – this is all about baby steps. Do not take on so much that you get frustrated because you do not see progress fast enough. Be patient with your body, yourself and your challenges. I assure you that the changes in the quality of your life will be exponential. I LOVE my life more now than I ever have. I love the people around me. I love waking up each day and genuinely look forward to what the day will bring. I am a truly Blessed man!!!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
First, I should set the record straight on a few comments made recently by my dear friends. Stuart -- I have hair. Not much but I have some. Okay a little. Okay, not much at all and I can see how you would miss it, particularly due to the glare of my tanless body. Jim – I do not whine. Ever. (Note to self -- do not whine around Jim or anyone that might report to him.) Nathan – I ONLY talk incessantly because if I am talking, I know that I am alive. The day you all need to worry about me is the day that I shut up.
We talk about the walk/jog/run with Sundays with Jarvis. That is improving. I wanted to let you know that my swimming is getting very strong. I am swimming between a third to two thirds of a mile every day, 7 days a week. I alternate strokes and using a kickboard and pull buoy. Based on my heros’ advice, the more I swim with my arms, the more I save my legs for the bike and run portions of the CB&I. For example, yesterday I swam a half mile ALL with my arms using a pull buoy. When I started swimming in April, I could barely stand swimming a lap without taking a break. So see, you CAN do this. I am also biking a great deal. I am doing between 10 to 20 miles a few times a week. Yesterday I did a 10 mile run OUTSIDE without my cooling vest and really did not have a problem. (I did it at 5 am before it got hot.) The fact that I could do that distance outside is something that I would not have dreamed possible in April. Again – you CAN do this.
Folks – this is all about baby steps. Do not take on so much that you get frustrated because you do not see progress fast enough. Be patient with your body, yourself and your challenges. I assure you that the changes in the quality of your life will be exponential. I LOVE my life more now than I ever have. I love the people around me. I love waking up each day and genuinely look forward to what the day will bring. I am a truly Blessed man!!!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
No Excuses!
I almost completely missed and incredible irony the other day. I was at an intersection and there was a beggar on the corner holding a sign that read "I have MS. Please help". My initial thought was....well then you should be on Team Inspiration and training for the CB&I triathlon in the spring....but then I let it completely pass. This morning it came back to me because there was great value in what I saw. My sorrow is that someone else has learned to stand there with their hand out and not do anything about their situation and while I could go on about this issue it is not what I realized. My realization is that Trace while so freely handing out praise to those that have gathered around him is becoming an incredible example to us all. Sure he can whine like the rest of us and at times feels a bit discouraged but he sure doesn't stand there with a sign and his hand out looking for someone else to do something for him.
Trace faces his difficulties on a daily basis. How many of us can say that we take on our difficulties daily without excuses? All of us really have no excuses and Trace is proving to us each and every day that we can do more with our time and resources. If he can do it...so can you!! Encourage yourself and others every day!
Trace faces his difficulties on a daily basis. How many of us can say that we take on our difficulties daily without excuses? All of us really have no excuses and Trace is proving to us each and every day that we can do more with our time and resources. If he can do it...so can you!! Encourage yourself and others every day!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Gather round children and hear the tale of the Legend of White Chocolate Smoothie.
Okay, it isn’t that exciting, but I thought the title was a real grabber. Nathan (aka Dung Beedle) decided that since I have a smoothie LOADED with protein faithfully after every work out, he should call me White Chocolate Smoothie. Although the protein is vanilla and not white chocolate (I wish it was white chocolate), the name is much more mysterious, so it stuck. As for talking all of the time, no comment and I respectfully plead the 5th. But enough about me.
I talk about taking baby steps and setting attainable goals. In the last week, I have noticed that suddenly my recovery time has DRAMATICALLY decreased after everything. Whether walking, swimming or running, it now takes me much less time to be able to function normally after exerting myself. That is a very pleasant surprise and bonus to the workouts. After I swim, for example, I used to look as I was walking back inside to the locker room like I had had 15 pitchers of margaritas outside by the pool instead of been swimming. I am walking fairly normally now. The sad thing is that I can no longer use “swimming” as my cover!
So the point is -- whatever your challenge is, set small, attainable goals and you will eventually see benefits of all types. BE PATIENT. You may be surprised by what happens!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Okay, it isn’t that exciting, but I thought the title was a real grabber. Nathan (aka Dung Beedle) decided that since I have a smoothie LOADED with protein faithfully after every work out, he should call me White Chocolate Smoothie. Although the protein is vanilla and not white chocolate (I wish it was white chocolate), the name is much more mysterious, so it stuck. As for talking all of the time, no comment and I respectfully plead the 5th. But enough about me.
I talk about taking baby steps and setting attainable goals. In the last week, I have noticed that suddenly my recovery time has DRAMATICALLY decreased after everything. Whether walking, swimming or running, it now takes me much less time to be able to function normally after exerting myself. That is a very pleasant surprise and bonus to the workouts. After I swim, for example, I used to look as I was walking back inside to the locker room like I had had 15 pitchers of margaritas outside by the pool instead of been swimming. I am walking fairly normally now. The sad thing is that I can no longer use “swimming” as my cover!
So the point is -- whatever your challenge is, set small, attainable goals and you will eventually see benefits of all types. BE PATIENT. You may be surprised by what happens!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
7/18/2010 and 7/25/2010 Training with Trace (and Jarvis)
For the past two weekends, Trace and I have completed a nearly 2.0 mile course which starts from Northshore Park and mirrors as much as possible the actual CB&I Triathlon run course. Yesterday, Trace, AKA White Chocolate Smoothie, basically tore up the course in comparison to last weekend. Let me explain.
Trace and I headed out of Northshore Park on 7/18/2010 at about 6:00 a.m. We were joined by a friend of mine, Stuart Ford, who was in town from Oregon. The really funny thing is that Trace, me, and Stuart are all lawyers who generally don't like or hang out with other lawyers. So there we were, three lawyers walking together on a Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. To everyone's amazement, I am sure, Trace talked the whole way. There were several breaks along the way and the total time for the 2.0 miles was 1 hour and 20 minutes.
So yesterday Trace and I head out again at approximately 6:00 a.m. The first mile by Trace was the strongest, fastest and most consistent mile I have ever seen him do. On the way back, Trace began to get fatigued. Again, there were several breaks. Before the finish and in his mind, I think Trace believed that he was doing a slower time than last weekend. Wrong! Trace finished the course in 1 hour and 7 minutes, a good 13 minutes faster than last weekend. That is 6.5 minutes faster per mile. White Chocolate Smoothie was moving.
There are several questions to be asked here. Do we ever let Trace walk in a pack of lawyers again? Did Trace's talking last weekend with Stuart tire him out more than the walk? Those questions may or may not be useful but I think the simplest explanation is likely the most reasonable one, Trace is improving.
Well done White Chocolate Smoothie! For those of you who do not like my new nickname for Trace, please feel free to make up your own. He says he hates it but we know he loves it.
For the past two weekends, Trace and I have completed a nearly 2.0 mile course which starts from Northshore Park and mirrors as much as possible the actual CB&I Triathlon run course. Yesterday, Trace, AKA White Chocolate Smoothie, basically tore up the course in comparison to last weekend. Let me explain.
Trace and I headed out of Northshore Park on 7/18/2010 at about 6:00 a.m. We were joined by a friend of mine, Stuart Ford, who was in town from Oregon. The really funny thing is that Trace, me, and Stuart are all lawyers who generally don't like or hang out with other lawyers. So there we were, three lawyers walking together on a Sunday morning at 6:00 a.m. To everyone's amazement, I am sure, Trace talked the whole way. There were several breaks along the way and the total time for the 2.0 miles was 1 hour and 20 minutes.
So yesterday Trace and I head out again at approximately 6:00 a.m. The first mile by Trace was the strongest, fastest and most consistent mile I have ever seen him do. On the way back, Trace began to get fatigued. Again, there were several breaks. Before the finish and in his mind, I think Trace believed that he was doing a slower time than last weekend. Wrong! Trace finished the course in 1 hour and 7 minutes, a good 13 minutes faster than last weekend. That is 6.5 minutes faster per mile. White Chocolate Smoothie was moving.
There are several questions to be asked here. Do we ever let Trace walk in a pack of lawyers again? Did Trace's talking last weekend with Stuart tire him out more than the walk? Those questions may or may not be useful but I think the simplest explanation is likely the most reasonable one, Trace is improving.
Well done White Chocolate Smoothie! For those of you who do not like my new nickname for Trace, please feel free to make up your own. He says he hates it but we know he loves it.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
It never ceases to amaze me how my dear, sweet (pie-eating) Trisha always finds new ways to make sure that I do not ever get overconfident or cocky in my progress. Every week I think that when I work with her on Tuesday morning, she will not be able to come up with a new challenge – something that is difficult for me to do. Every week I am wrong. I think that Trisha, Jim, Nathan and now Michelle have secret meetings weekly to come up with new ways to jarvis me. Much wine and merriment is had and they all leave that meeting with evil grins plastered to their mugs. “New ways to jarvis you?," you say. Well, in light of these secret meetings that are no doubt held, I have come up with a new verb: jarvis. Jarvis shall no longer just be the name of my right leg. It shall be a verb as well. For our English majors: jarvis (v) (1) to cause physical pain in Trace’s right leg (aka Jarvis); (2) for Trace’s right leg to experience physical pain or extreme discomfort; (3) for Trace’s right leg to undergo or experience difficulties or extreme discomfort, causing great joy to either Trisha, Jim, Nathan and/or Michelle, individually or collectively.
To you Trisha, Jim, Nathan and Michelle I say this … BRING IT ON! You guys are slowly but most certainly jarvising me into a state of readiness. I appreciate it more than you will ever fathom and I love you all so much for it. To the rest of you -
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
To you Trisha, Jim, Nathan and Michelle I say this … BRING IT ON! You guys are slowly but most certainly jarvising me into a state of readiness. I appreciate it more than you will ever fathom and I love you all so much for it. To the rest of you -
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Sundays with Jarvis (and Nathan and Stuart!!!!) 7/18/10
We had a special guest appearance this morning for Sundays with Jarvis. Nathan's friend Stuart joined us and we had an awesome time. Nathan will write later about the specifics since I am his Frankenstein and he is experimenting with different things. In the end though we walked FARTHER than last week (1.9 miles)! I actually listened to Nathan and slowed down to start and took two full 5 minute breaks. My vision did not fail (which it always has in the past) and Jarvis behaved BEAUTIFULLY! He did not drag but maybe twice and it was at the very end of the course. I think it is Nathan and Stuart's fault as they had me laughing pretty much the whole time. Stuart has come up with some BRILLIANT ideas to help with the walk/run/jog on race day and to keep me cool. Previously Jarvis has dragged about the last half mile of the course. I think it is the combination of the vest and the cooling pak put in my hat that has made such a monumental difference. Thanks Nathan and Stuart for another GREAT Sunday morning.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
DODGE, DUCK, DIP, DIVE, DODGE! Team Inspiration's first group training event was this morning. Villa Sport had a dodgeball tournament for charity. Drill Master Trisha led the troops. Here are some awesome pics. Trisha had the team spell TEAM INSPIRATION as they did push ups then say DODGE, DUCK, DIP, DIVE AND DODGE from the movie Dodgeball, which we watched last night as a training film! I LOVE THESE GUYS. THE TEAM LOST IN THE CHAMPIONSHIP GAME BUT RAISED MONEY FOR THE MS SOCIETY!!!!!!!!
Amazingly, in the course of our day 5 to 10 new people joined our triathlon team. The excitement is spreading!
The team pic is only a SMALL part of our constantly growing team. Did I already say I LOVE THESE GUYS?!?!?!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
I do not think many of you who have read my blog really take me seriously when I say that I have NEVER in my life been “athletic.” I was completely serious when I said that I was always the last one picked for any team at school and that was after kids who were absent or had moved to other countries. There is now a member of Team Inspiration that I went to high school with who can verify this. (Be kind Eric. I know we have not spoken in almost 30 years but isn’t this an awesome reunion?!) I looked at the OutRival Racing website the other day and I am listed as a triathlete! After checking to see if it was a typo and after being called “Superman” by Iron Man Jim, I realized that I AM rebuilding myself. And the positive reinforcement from EVERYONE around me makes me walk harder, ride faster and swim farther. I am being rebuilt with the help of so many positive people. I am being rebuilt so that having MS is not an ever-present issue or concern. I must admit I love it.
Team Inspiration is growing rapidly. We have our first “training” event this weekend. Look for the pictures Sunday along with Sundays with Jarvis!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Team Inspiration is growing rapidly. We have our first “training” event this weekend. Look for the pictures Sunday along with Sundays with Jarvis!
Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
Monday, July 12, 2010
It starts with "I can....."
I think it’s great that Trace is sharing his ups and downs with everyone. I believe one of the misconceptions that people have is that it is “easy” for others to become an athlete. Especially those that are in shape. Reality is that it is difficult for everyone and not every day, week or even race is better than the one before. Hopefully what Trace is sharing encourages others to engage and put forth the effort to get in better shape and in some cases do a triathlon or maybe a 5K run. Even “Superman” (aka Trace) will experience many setbacks along the way. It’s all part of what makes you stronger….not just physically but in our will to be better. Now there is something you can apply to all aspects of your life!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
7/11/2010 Sunday Morning Training with Trace
Equiped with a new heart rate monitor that cost more than my first car, Trace and I headed out of Northshore Park at about 6:50 a.m. this morning. I think we learned some important things from the heart rate monitor today and Trace will be using it from here on out.
Trace is in phenonenal shape. Trace's heart rate was less than 140 beats per minute during most of the session this morning, which is indicative of the strong cardio vascular shape Trace is in.
The temperature still appears to have the greatest impact on Trace. We need to find the best way(s) to reduce the effect of temperature Trace. Ideas anyone?
Today was a good day for Trace. He finshed a known portion of the CB&I Triathlon run course just 28 seconds short of his best previous time. My biggest challenge appears to be slowing Trace down and getting a more consistent pace.
Trace is in phenonenal shape. Trace's heart rate was less than 140 beats per minute during most of the session this morning, which is indicative of the strong cardio vascular shape Trace is in.
The temperature still appears to have the greatest impact on Trace. We need to find the best way(s) to reduce the effect of temperature Trace. Ideas anyone?
Today was a good day for Trace. He finshed a known portion of the CB&I Triathlon run course just 28 seconds short of his best previous time. My biggest challenge appears to be slowing Trace down and getting a more consistent pace.
Sundays with Jarvis (7/11/10)
Nathan will be writing about Sundays with Jarvis but (as usual) he taught me an important lesson this morning and I wanted to put it here. I need to learn to practice what I preach! I talk about taking baby steps and setting attainable goals. I must start listening to my own advice. I am not as stupid as I look! Nathan will give you the details, but suffice it to say that I did NOT improve my time this morning and was so incredibly frustrated. The awesome folks at Stacool Vest sent me some thermpack material to put on my bald pate. It was great and kept me cool, just like my vest. I felt like I was walking stronger but when we got back, I had not improved my time. What I have been putting on here is to be patient and success will come. If I would only listen to myself sometimes....
Thursday, July 8, 2010
I am thrilled to report that Team Inspiration now has 27 members! Wow! And we still have almost 10 months before the CB&I triathlon. I am deeply humbled that so many people want to do this with us. The amount of positive energy that we have already created is HUGE. I talk a lot about positivity. Positivity breeds success and that success is contagious. I wake up every morning and WANT to work hard with my training so that Team Inspiration will be proud of me! I hear tales of you all doing that too! I LOVE IT. The excitement that we all have created by taking on this challenge is palpable. Nathan, this is all your doing! You gave me this challenge.
Thanks to Jim’s recommendation, I am VERY excited to add the help of triathlon trainer Michelle LeBlanc to my routine. Michelle is a professional triathlete and a certified coach. She coaches Outrival Racing in the Woodlands and will be a very valuable resource to me and to Team Inspiration. Check out her website at www.outrivalracing.com. Between Michelle and Trisha (and yes Jim and Nathan), I am certain to be whipped into prime form by race day. We have also been put on Stacoolvest.com, the site of the folks that make my vest. We are right next to Olympian triathlete Hunter Kemper!! HOLY COW!!!! It is amazing where we are headed!
The excitement is just beginning! I am so proud of us all! The initial plan to use this blog as a way to inspire a few folks has already occurred bigger than in my wildest dreams. We will touch a lot of folks with this and I am honored that you are all with me on this journey.
Look for Sundays with Jarvis this week! Like Nathan, that is one of my favorite times of the week!
Good luck and my best,
Thanks to Jim’s recommendation, I am VERY excited to add the help of triathlon trainer Michelle LeBlanc to my routine. Michelle is a professional triathlete and a certified coach. She coaches Outrival Racing in the Woodlands and will be a very valuable resource to me and to Team Inspiration. Check out her website at www.outrivalracing.com. Between Michelle and Trisha (and yes Jim and Nathan), I am certain to be whipped into prime form by race day. We have also been put on Stacoolvest.com, the site of the folks that make my vest. We are right next to Olympian triathlete Hunter Kemper!! HOLY COW!!!! It is amazing where we are headed!
The excitement is just beginning! I am so proud of us all! The initial plan to use this blog as a way to inspire a few folks has already occurred bigger than in my wildest dreams. We will touch a lot of folks with this and I am honored that you are all with me on this journey.
Look for Sundays with Jarvis this week! Like Nathan, that is one of my favorite times of the week!
Good luck and my best,
Monday, July 5, 2010
Ladies and Gentlemen. May I introduce my heroes to you!
I talk so much about them and have been asked by many to post pictures, so Nathan took some pictures this morning during our Sundays (this week Monday) with Jarvis and after at the gym. You have been warned. The pictures of me are not pretty and should not be viewed by the faint of heart or persons who are easily sickened. I am also using this as an opportunity to introduce Nathan, Jim and Trisha to you so that you can put faces to their names.
The first picture is of me and Nathan (and Jarvis) after our walk.
The second picture is of the awesome vest.
The third pic is of me on the bike.
The fourth picture is of Jim finishing his Iron Man in Idaho. (Way to go Jim!)
The fifth picture is Trisha, my trainer ... well ... eating pie.
Okay that was not fair and I am just jealous she is in Alaska and did not take me. So the last picture is of Trisha in Alaska. No pie.
This morning's Sunday with Jarvis was fine. I did not increase the actual walking time nor did I cut it down. The heat and humidity this morning were both oppressive. I am going to see if Stacool makes a hat as well.
Team Inspiration is growing quickly. I was out of town the last couple of days and understand we have 2 or 3 more folks that want to do this with us. I am deeply humbled by the amazing support I am getting. Thanks very much!
Keep trying and my best,
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