Over the last couple of months, some things have happened to keep me humble. That is a good thing. I went to Galveston to watch Jim and some other friends compete in a half IronMan competition. However, I was not smart about how I did it. Despite the fact that I knew that it would be hot and sunny eventually, I wore black. I did not stay hydrated because I did not want to have to constantly find and walk to a bathroom. To make a long story short, I ended up in the medical tent after getting overheated. Then a couple of weeks later, I went with Dorie Brannigan (Because We Can Ron Brannigan’s wife) and rode around LaGrange in a golf cart at the halfway point of the MS 150 shaking hands and kissing babies. (I knew I was okay because I did not confuse it and shake babies and kiss hands!) I woke up at 4 in the morning Saturday and had an awesome day, shocking myself that I did not crater at all during the very active day. We went to the finish line in Austin on Sunday. I had not slept well the night before in a tent in LaGrange. Again, I did not properly hydrate or eat. I was just fine in Austin. Really, I was. Until noon. Then I cratered in a big bad ugly way. Last weekend, though, I was smart. Jim, Scott and I participated in the Cinco de Miler 5 mile run in Dallas. Well, Jim and Scott did. I rode for 5 miles in a wheelbarrow pushed by Jim! I had been having some trouble with my walking lately and just did not want to put myself in a position of embarrassing myself by starting a 5 mile walk that I would not be able to finish in time. I had resolved myself that I would be at the finish line to cheer my friends on. When Jim offered to push me all 5 miles in a wheelbarrow, who was I to deprive him of that pleasure! The point of all of this is to remind you of many things we have learned and talked abut here. Be smart! Prepare yourself for and think carefully about whatever you are doing. But most importantly, GET OUT THERE AND DO IT. Over the past three years, there have been many times when it would have been easier to stay and home and avoid the various bad situations I put myself in. But that is NOT living. Plan, be smart and LIVE. Oh, and for goodness sake,