Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Just better to give

I must say that being a part of Team Inspiration Texas has given me so many opportunities to meet such wonderful people and have such tremendous experiences like the one last night.

Mindy Reich of SelecTri here in The Woodlands is training kids of all ages to be more physically fit and to compete in triathlons. Recently she sent out a request to see if there were some bikes in the community that some kids could use to experience biking before investing in a bunch of equipment. I was fortunate to be on that list of people she reached out to because Mindy's daughter introduced my daughter to swimming many years ago and I have also suffered through many of Mindy's spin classes at the YMCA which by the way I would recommend to anyone. The timing was perfect and TI-TX has some bikes that are available.

Well last night I was able to deliver one of the bikes to Nicholas Minnery here in The Woodlands. I know from his words along with the gratitude expressed by his mom Cheri and his dad Greg that it was just a blessing waiting to happen. No doubt that this bike is positively impacting Nicholas and his family but think about how many others will hear about this experience and Team Inspiration Texas from these wonderful people. You never know...the spark in his eyes means something big! Time will tell the whole story but for now it is such a thrill to be able to give this young man something that enables him to grow more into what he was designed to be.

I think Nicholas' dad expressed it best when he said "maybe we should ride in the MS150 next year to give back". Now isn't that the true spirit of giving and receiving? The gratitude and understanding that the best part is giving or in this case receiving is finding a way to give back to others. Thanks to everyone who has helped make experiences like this possible.


Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Next Year

Have you ever said to yourself maybe next year? Sure you have but how often do you follow through and make it happen next year? A year is a long time and a lot can happen...both good and bad. Well if we want to be successful, we need to focus on the positive side of things and put the effort into making it happen.

Some time has passed since the MS 150 bike ride from Houston to Austin back in April but there are a few things that came out of it that we need to share with our followers. This is such a tremendous two day event for a great cause and anyone that has participated in it seems to catch the significant emotional high regardless of the temporary physical pain and suffering. The feeling of "being a part of it" is what has caught out attention and Team Inspiration Texas would like to be able to share that with those that have MS.

Our plan for "Next Year" is to include people with MS in the MS 150 by chartering a bus and taking them to LaGrange which is the midway overnight location and on to the finish line in Austin so that they can personally experience the event in ways that cannot be described. Just imagine actually being a part of one of the largest bike rides in the country that is centered around finding a cure!

Sure there are lots of things that need to be done in order to make this happen and there are tons of questions. But don't you want to be a part of it?

Here is what we know for sure: next year there is going to be an MS 150 and Team Inspiration Texas is going to be a part of it!! Join us on the ride or on the bus but don't miss this opportunity of a lifetime to be a part of this significant event.


Friday, June 10, 2011


A friend of mine found 5 years ago that she had a very bad brain tumor, known as a glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). Kelly named the little booger Timmy. We take great comfort in naming the parts of our bodies that cause us trouble. Try it! It is easier to disassociate yourself from the problem children that way.

Kelly, like me, focuses on the positives and not the negatives. She had a very dangerous brain surgery and, as I would have expected of her, she beat it. She is a physician and for the last 5 years Timmy has been silent. Apparently Timmy was upset that he was not invited to the 5 year celebration of Kelly being Timmy-free, so he showed up again last week. Kelly will have surgery this Monday.

What I love about Kelly is that she sees the positives in everything. I am attaching her CaringBridge post from today so you can see:

Okay, for those of you that know me, the first time around I learned to find positives about everything…….and yes, I mean EVERYTHING. In fact, I like this so much that I always have my patients going through something difficult to find the positives.

So I woke up 2 nights ago and my mind wouldn't sleep and randomly felt like making a humorous “Top 10 List” of the positives. So here we go!

10. Bye-bye weight watchers!

9. No more resident schedule review!! (my colleagues get this one)

8. Good thing I had already asked to be off work on June 13th

7. UT Houston MD Anderson does not use that horrible burnt orange....that color always makes me a little nauseous

6. Casual clothes, here I come!

5. I can use the f-bomb anytime I feel like it, including in cognitive testing when asked to list all the words I could think of that started with an "F"

4. I actually made a doctor have to document the f-bomb in my chart!

3. I can finally get that painful screw in my head moved!

2. I get a free haircut on Monday

1. I can get anyone, to do anything, any time I want! :-)

I share this with you so that you see that the power of positive thought is real. If we keep our eyes on things that are positive, we can beat anything!

Timmy, sorry to tell you but, like Jarvis, you cannot play with us. See ya.

Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,


Wednesday, June 1, 2011


My youngest graduated high school yesterday. (Congratulations Preston. You did it!) Many have asked, with both of my sons gone soon, how I will handle the empty nest. I have thought about that a great deal. I can sit around the nest. Or I can FLY! Flying sounds like so much more fun. The point is to make the most of your time alone. Do not dwell in sadness or loneliness. If you fly you will be floored by the birds you will meet!

Congrats also to our superjocks and supporters who graduate this week. We are so proud of you and the hope that you give our future.

Speaking off flying, we will soon announce where Team Inspiration is "flying" next. Stay tuned.

Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,
