Saturday, December 25, 2010


I hope that each of you has a joyous and Blessed Christmas. Remember – having an amazing life starts with your decision to take that journey. Make that decision today. You will NOT regret it. Have an AWESOME trip! Thanks to all who are traveling with me.

Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,


Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I am reminded daily of the amazing people that surround me. My dear friend, Michael Watson, and I exchanged Christmas presents today. He gave me a children’s book called Zen Shorts by Jon J Muth. He said that as he was reading it to his kids (3 and 6) the other night, he thought about me.

In the book, there is a story about a farmer. “Bad” things happen to him. His neighbors exclaim “Such bad luck!”. The farmer replies “Maybe”. In close time, something related and “good” happens to the farmer. The neighbors exclaim “Such good luck!” The farmer replies … “Maybe”.

I have MS. Most would say “Such bad luck.” Until April of this year I would have shouted what the farmer’s neighbors said to anyone that would listen, proclaiming to the world “Such bad luck!” Most everyone around me, pitying me, said “Such bad luck.” Since April of this year, my response has evolved. It went from “Such bad luck” to “Maybe” to what it is now. “I DON’T THINK SO.”

If I did not have MS, I would not have the friends I now have, the purpose in life I now have, or the attitude about life that I now have. Life is indeed what you make it. Make yours AMAZING.

Thank you Michael.

Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,


Monday, December 20, 2010

SATURDAY, MAY 7, 2011- IT’S ON!!!

The date for the CB&I triathlon has been set! WOW! This is really going to happen! It will be Saturday, May 7, 2011, beginning at 7 am. The staging area will be at Northshore Park in the Woodlands. Registration will open January 1, 2011. What a great New Year’s resolution! I am so pleased to have so many folks supporting me in this challenge. Have an AWESOME Christmas! With the way my year is going it certainly will be for me!

Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,


Sunday, December 5, 2010


Since we started talking, we have talked about the benefits of so many things. We have discovered how my cooling vest does amazing things to keep my core cool in the heat. We have talked about the wonderful job that Jason at Nutrition Central does getting me on the right kind of supplements for what my body needs. We have learned about the constant chastising … I mean lecturing … I mean sage advice I get from Nathan, Jim, Trisha and Michelle regarding the importance of rest and proper nutrition, which, by the way, has FINALLY sunk in. (Apparently, I AM as stupid as I look.)

Two pieces to the puzzle have THANKFULLY been added recently.

In addition to the WONDERFUL box of chocolates that Jim gave me for Christmas (which were devoured far too quickly), he also gave me a Power Balance wristband. These are the bands that you see worn frequently by athletes. They improve your balance (a MAJOR issue for me), strength and flexibility. HOLY COW. IMMEDIATELY, all of these things markedly improved. Perhaps the most shocking to me is that I was able to stand on one leg, JARVIS, and balance and have someone try to push my outstretched arm down and throw me off balance. Previously, you could blow on my arm and knock me off balance. Not anymore! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU Jim! I have done Stupid Trace tricks since Jim gave me the band to everyone’s shock and amazement. If balance, strength or flexibility are a challenge, look into this. I don’t have a clue how it works but it does! In fact, my balance helped me ROCK my bike ride yesterday (17.9 miles) after swimming a third of a mile then ROCK my walk this morning with Nathan, breaking my previous record.

Also, I have been doing the full CB&I 5K for several weeks now during my Sundays with Jarvis. As Nathan pointed out a few weeks ago, the first time that I was able to complete the whole course was right after I began seeing Dr. Scott Oliphant at Village Chiropractic. I was extremely impressed with Dr. Oliphant because he took great pains in learning about my challenges before he ever touched me through a battery of tests, x-rays and the like. He also talked to Trisha (or as he calls her “The Mothership”) before giving me any exercises. As Nathan has pointed out, whatever he has done has made my brain be able to communicate better with my body such that Jarvis is really not an issue. Okay. That will be the last time I refer to him by name. From henceforth, he shall be known as Dr. Doogie and his partner, Dr. Andy Thomas, as Dr. Howser because they are disgustingly young. They, along with Misty in their office, are also now on Team Inspiration and will be doing the triathlon with us!!!!! If you try a chiropractor, make sure they are as thorough and cautious as Drs. Doogie and Howser!

I hope that if you try these things they work for you as well as they have worked for me!

Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,


Friday, December 3, 2010


My beautiful sister, Kimi, and I often tease each other about how “It’s all about me.” Yesterday a friend told me that a dear friend of hers has MS and that she tries to get him to look at how my life has changed in a short period of time by reading our blog. The response is that his MS does different things to him than mine does to me. I thought about that last night. I hope that this blog has not turned into “It’s all about me.” It isn’t. I am just a weak man made strong by amazing people and by a desire to not be defined or limited by MS. To steal a thought from Jim’s recent blog, I plan to stick my finger in every chocolate in the box until I find the one that I want. I plan to create the kind of life that I want. Yes. I am slow. It has only taken me 47 years to figure that out.

It is my strong hope that readers to our blog learn several things. First, patience is required in order to beat any challenge. If I woke up and decided that I was going to do this triathlon the following week, I would certainly be setting myself up for failure and major disappointment. That is why we have talked about baby steps so much. Gradual improvements every day will eventually allow you to better yourself.

Also, of paramount importance to all of this is to create an environment of positivity in your life. Surround yourself with positive people. Get rid of everything negative in your life or find a way to deal with the negative in a positive manner. Create a positive outlook on your life and that attitude in and of itself will make you healthier. It will remove impediments to your health that stand in your way and allow you to create an amazing life. You will find that GRADUALLY your health will improve. Be patient and watch. You WILL shock yourself. There is a side benefit to all of this. By doing it, you will improve not only your life but the lives of those around you. It is a circle. That will come back to benefit you! Try it!

Perhaps most importantly is to not allow “failure” to be a negative in your life. If I have a bad bike ride or swim or walk, I used to really let that bother me. That only impedes the results of your next effort. The fact that you try is all that it takes!!! Remember that courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying “I will try again tomorrow.” With courage, YOU WIN.

Good luck, KEEP TRYING and my best,


Wednesday, December 1, 2010


It is that time of year when we typically over indulge and then set all kinds of resolutions to accomplish more and be a better person next year. Nothing wrong with any of that but I think in the midst of all the Christmas parties and decorating and shopping and everything else that packs our days from now until the end of the year we need to make sure we give thanks especially to those that have made a difference in our lives.

Trace and I have waited patiently for the holiday season to begin so that we could exchange gifts. We figured waiting until after Thanksgiving at least got us into the holiday season. No way either of us were going to be able to wait until Christmas. Trace as usual found an incredible way to express his heart and appreciation to me which most of the time I do not feel I deserve. Amazing what a few words from the heart can accomplish along with a picture and a certificate! Thank you again Trace!!

I on the other hand gave Trace a box of chocolates and a reminder to create Power and Balance in his life. The chocolates are a borrowed idea from Forrest Gump. For all who have seen the movie know that "Life is a box of chocolates...we just never know which one we are going to get". Trace did not get the kind of chocolate for his life that he wanted but he has turned it into such an amazing example of how to truely live the life we are given.

Find the AWESOME in your life and may your life be blessed as you bless those around you!
